18 research outputs found

    Importance of Competences in Communication, as Perceived by Business Leaders

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    From the perspective of a hierarchically ordered company, the expectations of company leaders concerning their employees' necessary competencies play a greater role than vice versa. This paper light on the expectations of leaders and sub-leaders of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises concerning the competencies of employees in neighbouring parts of Hungary and Slovakia.The authors' collected 28 scientific papers on the issue of communication competencies in order to map out 21 "common denominators" derived from the combined competence lists. A survey was conducted with 222 respondents to measure the subjective importance assigned to these traits and to observe the respondents' attitudes towards the effectiveness of communication training programmes they had participated in. On the Hungarian side, speech competence proved to be the most crucial competence for business leaders, followed by attention/reflection and interpersonal communication skills. In Slovakia, persuasion was reported to be the most crucial trait, the second most important is the application of confirmation and feedback, and the third is speech competence. In terms of the participants' past communication training experiences, the competences of group communication, assertiveness and leadership skills were reported to have been the main areas of focus. The findings indicate that overall satisfaction with communication training programmes depends on neither the amount of participants' leadership experience nor the companies' field(s) of activity, nor the nationality (i.e. the venue) of the companies. The overall satisfaction rate is 2.53 on a four-grade scale among those who ever attended communication training programmes

    The comparative study of wheat growing results in Hungary and Austria

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    Hungarian agricultural production plays a significant role in the preservation of rural areas, in its sustainable development, and in lessening the regional differences. The value of our agricultural sector is primarily provided by the combination of favourable climate, good natural makings and growth traditions. The effectiveness of our crop growing greatly depends on our most important plant cultures such as for example the results wheat growing. In our country wheat growing has a traditional importance in the plant growing branch since centuries, it is grown on most farms. The basic purpose of our analytic work was to compare the results of wheat growing based on the production results collected by us concerning wheat growing in Hungary and Austria. Based on the comparative study we can say that in Hungary wheat is grown on an area five times as large as that in the neighbouring Austria. During the course of the study we concluded that in the two countries, the Austrian production averages per area unit are 29.30 percent higher on average. The unfavourable effect of the weather in the year has caused a significant shortfall production wise. In the case of Hungarian farmers it also caused a significant loss of income from their farms. As opposed to this, Austrian farmers weren’t particularly hard hit by the production shortfall because the Austrian procurement prices are higher than Hungarian average prices. It would greatly aid the income and competitiveness situation of Hungarian farmers if they were to receive an agricultural subsidy that is on a par received by Western European farmers. In Hungary the seed planting areas of staple cereals will not decrease due to tradition, but the distribution of the seed planting areas between particular staple cereals will change, depending on the procurement price and sale options. To prevent difficulties in sales from re-occuring it will be important to raise the domestic grain use, besides keeping up intervention buying up. In our opinion, this latter option can be realized primarily with 52 the expansion of live stock, and the increase of processing/use of staple cereals for food industry and energy oriented processing/use.wheat growing, Hungarian and Austrian wheat growing results, competitiveness, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics,

    A magyarországi máktermelésrÅ‘l

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    Hazánkban az utóbbi években egyre nagyobb területeken folyik alkaloida és étkezési mák termelése. Megállapítható, hogy nem igazolódtak be azok a várakozások, melyek az uniós csatlakozástól a máktermelés csökkenését várták, annak ellenére, hogy az unió korlátozta egyes hazai, magasabb alkaloidatartalmú fajták termelését. Vizsgálataink alapján megállapítható, hogy a máktermelés magas hektáronkénti termelési költsége ellenére jövedelmezÅ‘. Ha a hazai máktermelést az 1960-as évek szintjére emelnék, akkor az hozzájárulhatna a napjainkban fennmaradásukért és mindennapi megélhetésükért küzdÅ‘ – elsÅ‘sorban a szegényebb kelet-magyarországi régiókban – gazdálkodók megélhetéséhez. ------------------------------------- The area used for growing poppy seed for human consumption or alkaloid production in Hungary has been growing in recent years. We can conclude that the fears that Hunga ry’s accession to the European Union would reduce poppy seed growing did not come true even though the Community limited the growing of certain Hungarian varieties with a higher alkaloid concentration. Our research shows that despite its high per-hectare cost, poppy seed growing is a profitable activity. If we could increase poppy seed growing in Hungary to the level where it was in the 1960-ies, it could contribute to the livelihood of farmers - especially in the poorer areas of Eastern Hungary – who are currently fighting to make ends meet and survive.mák, alkaloida, étkezési mák, eredményesség, poppy seed, alkaloid, poppy seed for human consumption, efficiency, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis,

    Analiza odnosa madžarskih strokovnjakov za kadre do umetne inteligence

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    A versenyképesség fogalma és mérési módszerei az agrárgazdaságban

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    The examination of competitiveness – thanks to its many definitions and the applied research methods – is a complex task, and this is especially true in the case of agricultural products. The competitiveness of Hungarian agricultural product has to this day been examined by several foreign and Hungarian experts and the results of their examinations have been made public. At the same time very little special literature deals with the different explanations and interpretations of the concept of competitiveness, and the analysis of the suitability of the measurement methods. In my essay I attempt to show the locatable definitions of competitiveness, and to show without aiming for completeness, the measurement methods which are deemed acceptable in special literature


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    Magyarországon 2004-ben a termés 25-30 százalékát ajánlották fel a magyar gazdák intervencióra. A Nyugat-Dunántúl Régió intervencióban betöltött szerepe fokozatosan nő, mert a nyugati országrészben az értékesítés jóval kiszámíthatóbb a stabilabb felhasználói piac és az exportlehetőségek kedvezőbb feltételei miatt. -------------------------------------- In Hungary in 2004 farmers offered 25-30% of crops for interventional stockpiling. The role of Western Dunántúl Region in intervention purchasing gradually increases, because marketing in the western region of Hungary is far more reliable, the user markets are more stable and conditions for export are more favourable than in the rest of the country

    A versenyképesség fogalma és mérési módszerei az agrárgazdaságban

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    The examination of competitiveness – thanks to its many definitions and the applied research methods – is a complex task, and this is especially true in the case of agricultural products. The competitiveness of Hungarian agricultural product has to this day been examined by several foreign and Hungarian experts and the results of their examinations have been made public. At the same time very little special literature deals with the different explanations and interpretations of the concept of competitiveness, and the analysis of the suitability of the measurement methods. In my essay I attempt to show the locatable definitions of competitiveness, and to show without aiming for completeness, the measurement methods which are deemed acceptable in special literature.competitiveness, agrarian economy, comparative advantage, profitability, Agribusiness, Production Economics,

    Аналіз факторів, які впливають на мотивацію угорських гандболістів-юніорів

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    Study purpose. In sports, just like in everyday life, motivation plays an important role in achieving individual goals. Motivation is an individual’s decision to engage in certain activities and make various efforts to do so. Sports require a continuous, constant effort from individuals, so it is even more important here that the athlete has the necessary motivation. Without motivation, it is not possible to do sports at a high level in the long term. The aim of the study was to examine the sports motivation factors of handball players in the Hungarian junior classes. Handball is one of the most popular sports in Hungary. As a result, it can be said that, from the point of view of the long-term success of the sport, it is essential to know the factors that motivate youth athletes. Materials and methods. We collected the data required for the research using a questionnaire. The research took place in the fall of 2022, with 190 youth athletes interviewed. During our research, we established that internal and external motivational factors are equally important for Hungarian youth handball players. Results. With statistical calculations, we show a significant relationship between the athletes’ motivation and the joy caused by sports, the avoidance of disappointment caused to the environment due to the cessation of sports, and the sports results achieved. Conclusions. The results of the study will be a useful resource for those interested in the sport of handball, to better consider the motivational factors that help to understand the motivation of young athletes and which are important in order to consistently provide a high level of performance.Мета дослідження. У спорті, як і в повсякденному житті, мотивація відіграє важливу роль у досягненні індивідуальних цілей. Мотивація – це рішення людини займатися певною діяльністю та докладати для цього різноманітних зусиль. Спорт вимагає від людей безперервних, постійних зусиль, тому тут ще важливіше, щоб у спортсмена була необхідна мотивація. Без мотивації неможливо займатися спортом на високому рівні в довгостроковій перспективі. Метою дослідження було вивчити фактори спортивної мотивації гандболістів юніорських класів Угорщини. Гандбол – це один із найпопулярніших видів спорту в Угорщині. У результаті можна сказати, що з погляду довгострокового успіху цього спорту важливо знати фактори, які мотивують молодих спортсменів. Матеріали та методи. Необхідні для дослідження дані ми зібрали за допомогою анкети. Дослідження проводилося восени 2022 року, опитано 190 молодих спортсменів. Під час нашого дослідження ми встановили, що внутрішні та зовнішні мотиваційні фактори однаково важливі для угорських молодих гандболістів. Результати. За допомогою статистичних розрахунків ми показуємо статистично значущий зв’язок між мотивацією спортсменів і радістю, яку дарує спорт, уникненням розчарування, спричиненого оточенням через припинення занять спортом, і досягнутими спортивними результатами. Висновки. Результати цього дослідження стануть корисним ресурсом для тих, хто цікавиться гандболом, щоб краще розглянути мотиваційні фактори, які допомагають зрозуміти мотивацію молодих спортсменів і які є важливими для постійного забезпечення високого рівня спортивних показників

    The comparative study of wheat growing results in Hungary and Austria

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    Hungarian agricultural production plays a significant role in the preservation of rural areas, in its sustainable development, and in lessening the regional differences. The value of our agricultural sector is primarily provided by the combination of favourable climate, good natural makings and growth traditions. The effectiveness of our crop growing greatly depends on our most important plant cultures such as for example the results wheat growing. In our country wheat growing has a traditional importance in the plant growing branch since centuries, it is grown on most farms. The basic purpose of our analytic work was to compare the results of wheat growing based on the production results collected by us concerning wheat growing in Hungary and Austria. Based on the comparative study we can say that in Hungary wheat is grown on an area five times as large as that in the neighbouring Austria. During the course of the study we concluded that in the two countries, the Austrian production averages per area unit are 29.30 percent higher on average. The unfavourable effect of the weather in the year has caused a significant shortfall production wise. In the case of Hungarian farmers it also caused a significant loss of income from their farms. As opposed to this, Austrian farmers weren’t particularly hard hit by the production shortfall because the Austrian procurement prices are higher than Hungarian average prices. It would greatly aid the income and competitiveness situation of Hungarian farmers if they were to receive an agricultural subsidy that is on a par received by Western European farmers. In Hungary the seed planting areas of staple cereals will not decrease due to tradition, but the distribution of the seed planting areas between particular staple cereals will change, depending on the procurement price and sale options. To prevent difficulties in sales from re-occuring it will be important to raise the domestic grain use, besides keeping up intervention buying up. In our opinion, this latter option can be realized primarily with 52 the expansion of live stock, and the increase of processing/use of staple cereals for food industry and energy oriented processing/use

    Az agrárfoglalkoztatottság helyzetének vizsgálata Győr-Moson-Sopron megyében

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    A vizsgált két szövetkezetnél és egy Zrt.-nél a földterületek nagyarányú csökkenését munkaerő-létszámcsökkenés kísérte. A pályát elhagyni kényszerültek jelentős, mintegy 30 százaléka tartósan munkanélkülivé vált, a többiek pedig más szektorokban (ipari, szolgáltatói) helyezkedtek el. A vezetők, illetve a dolgozók körében végzett kérdőíves és mélyinterjús felméréseink szerint a korösszetétel kedvezőtlen képet mutat: a dolgozói kollektíva napjainkra túlságosan elöregedett. A jövedelemviszonyokat figyelembe véve a gazdaságok egyre kevésbé vonzóak a fiatal agrárértelmiségiek számára. A fiatalabb munkavállalók szinte kivétel nélkül kevesellték a bérüket. Az iskolázottságot vizsgálva elmondható, hogy a férfiak körében alacsonyabb, a nőknél több a magasabb végzettséggel (érettségi, felsőfokú) rendelkezők aránya. A megkérdezett dolgozók elégedettek a munkakörülményeikkel, szeretnek az üzemekben dolgozni, és hosszú távon sem kívánnak munkahelyet váltani. --------------------------------------------------------------- Transformation of the two co-operatives studied and conversion of a co-operative into a company limited by shares was accompanied by a great reduction in land size as well as in staff size. A significant portion (approximately 30%) of the people who were forced to leave their jobs became permanently unemployed, while others found work in other sectors (industry, services). Our questionnaire and interview-based survey of the senior staff and employees outlined an unfavourable composition in terms of age: staff are in general rather aged. Due to income considerations, farms are less and less attractive for young agricultural white-collar workers. Nearly all young employees said they were paid too little. As for qualifications, it was found that the ratio of individuals with higher qualification (secondary school-leaving diploma, tertiary degree) was lower for en and higher for women. The employees we asked were satisfied with their work conditions, liked working in the plants and were not planning to find another job on the long term