46 research outputs found

    Foot morphology of Turkish football players according to foot preference

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    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Foot morphology and foot preference are important factors in football player’s performance. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the foot morphology of elite football players with different foot preferences. 407 male football players participated in this study. 328 of them preferred their right foot, while 79 of them preferred the left one. Eleven anthropometric measurements were taken from each foot with standard anthropometric methods. Foot length, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 lengths, foot circumference of right and left feet and right foot width of right foot preference group were higher than those of left foot preference group, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Left foot measurements of right foot preference group were interestingly higher than those of the right side. It was suggested that these data may be useful to define the foot morphology of elite football players.Key words: Foot morphology, football, measurements

    Financing profitability optimization: case study on sharia business unit of regional development banks in Indonesia

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    The study aims to examine the financing profitability optimization as recorded by Sharia Business Unit of Regional Development Banks (RDBs) in Indonesia. The profitability measured by Net Operating Margin (NOM) and predicted variables were tested with the ratio of Operational Cost to Operational Income (BOPO), Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and Profit Sharing Financing (PSF). On the basis of the literature review conducted, the study proposed five path coefficients to impact NOM, of which the constructed direct path to NOM was three and two for indirect paths. Time series data used were obtained from annual reports and publication reports. Using Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis, the study has found that BOPO, PSF, and NPF contributed to impact to NOM directly, and PSF impacted NOM indirectly through BOPO. Interestingly, PSF recorded a negative impact on NOM, suggesting inefficiency matters faced by SBU of RDBs not contributed from PSF. Another interesting finding, NPF was found insignificant to BOPO, indicating loan default is not a major matter for inefficiency issue, but could be a tight financing policy

    Foot morphology of Turkish football players according to foot preference

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    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Foot morphology and foot preference are important factors in football player's performance. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the foot morphology of elite football players with different foot preferences. 407 male football players participated in this study. 328 of them preferred their right foot, while 79 of them preferred the left one. Eleven anthropometric measurements were taken from each foot with standard anthropometric methods. Foot length, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 lengths, foot circumference of right and left feet and right foot width of right foot preference group were higher than those of left foot preference group, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Left foot measurements of right foot preference group were interestingly higher than those of the right side. It was suggested that these data may be useful to define the foot morphology of elite football players. © 2011 Academic Journals

    Evaluation of oxidative status in short-term exercises of adolescent athletes

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of short-term exercise on total antioxidant status (TAS), lipid hydroperoxide (LOOHs), total oxidative status (TOS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) in adolescent athletes. A total of 62 adolescent participated in the study. Athletes were trained regularly 3 days a week for 2 hours. All subjects followed a circuit exercise program. Blood samples were collected just before and immediately after the exercise program. Antioxidant status was evaluated by measuring the TAS level in the plasma. Oxidative status was evaluated by measuring the total peroxide level. The percentage ratio of TAS to total peroxide level was accepted as the OSI. Plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and VLDL were measured by automated chemical analyzer using commercially available kits.There was a significant increase in TOS (p<0.05) and OSI (p<0.01) levels and a significant decrease in TAS levels (p<0.01) compared to the resting state. There were no significant changes in LOOHs levels before and after the short-term exercise. After short-term exercise, the balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant status moves towards oxidative stress as a result of increasing oxidants and decreasing antioxidants