4 research outputs found

    označavanje EMC učinaka i mehanizama hadronizacije poluinkluzivnim duboko-neelastičnim raspršenjem na jezgrama

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    The semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of electrons off a nucleus A with detection of a slow nucleus (A−1) in the ground or low excitation states, i.e. the process A(e,e′(A−1))X, can provide useful information on the origin of the EMC effect and the mechanisms of hadronization. The theoretical description of the process is reviewed and the results of several calculations on few-body systems and complex nuclei are presented.Poluinkluzivno duboko-neelastično raspršenje elektrona na jezgri A uz detekciju spore jezgre (A − 1) u osnovnom ili nisko-uzbudnom stanju, tj. proces A(e, e′ (A − 1))X, pruža vrijedne podatke o nastanku EMC učinka i mehanizama hadronizacije. Daje se teorijski opis procesa i predstavljaju ishodi više računa za malonukleoske sustave i za veće jezgre