21 research outputs found

    Analysis of the applicability of methods for predicting and assessing accidents at conflict sites in the transportation network and prospects for their development

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    Accident rate is one of the most significant losses in road traffic, as it affects each of the road users. Therefore, in order to reduce its level, it is necessary to develop a modern method of accident prediction, which would allow to accurately estimate the number of accidents and the severity of consequences not only by experimental data and survey results, but also by modelling at the decision-making stage. Such a method is the method of conflict situations, but to date it is characterized by low accuracy of prediction, not applicable for practical use, as well as the severity of obtaining (collection and analysis) of raw data and lack of automation of the decision-making process to select the optimal measure by the method of conflict situations. In the article the analysis of existing methods of accident forecasting, as sessment of their applicability at different stages of decision-making, as well as further prospects and directions of improvement of the method of conflict situations for the purpose of its applicability in the practice of traffic management for the purpose of optimizing its options and modes of regulation are determined

    The analysis of various measures of the speed control of the traffic in the cities and settlements of the Republic of Belarus

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    The results of the analysis of various measures of calm of movement in cities and settlements are presented in the article. The alternative measures of physical and psychological effects on the traffic participants are considered. Particular attention is paid to the application of speed humps. They are installed on the streets of cities and settlements widely. The statistics of road traffic accidents at sites with humps in Minsk are considered. Various aspects of the effect of speed humps on accident rate have been established. And experimental studies of the instantaneous speeds of road vehicles in the installation area of speed humps have been performed. New modifications of speed humps are proposed, the design of which was developed on the basis of research of interactions with the car. Also the study investigated the effect of hump on the accident rate, delays in transportation, changes of speed and flow density. In addition, specific proposals have been developed. They are included in the technical normative legal acts in our country partially. That proposals allows to increase the overall quality of traffic (minimize the total economic, environmental and emergency losses from installation of speed humps). For example, alternative variants of design decisions on improvement of quality traffic safety are considered. In addition, the article considers other measures of forced speed control on streets network of cities and settlements in the country

    On the issue of assessing the safety of adjunction on roads

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    The principal aim of this article is to meticulously investigate and enhance the standards of highway safety and the accompanying infrastructural elements. The article scrutinizes data pertaining to vehicular mishaps over the preceding years, pinpointing crucial elements that precipitate the incidents. Among these contributing factors are the condition of the paved roadway, the clarity of view, the magnitude of vehicular flow, illumination, amongst others. The authors devote considerable attention to the utilization of engineering management strategies, alongside risk management systems, to bolster the safety measures on highways. The discourse proposes the implementation of fuzzy logic allied with the FisPro system, as means to dissect and prognosticate traffic scenarios. The employment of these methodologies enables the consideration of the intricate and multidimensional nature of the issue of highway safety, taking into account the myriad of intertwined parameters. The article underscores the necessity for a holistic approach to effectively amplify the safety standards of highways, encompassing all factors that exert influence on the prevailing traffic conditions. Such a comprehensive methodology permits not merely the response to budding issues, but also the anticipation of potential risks, consequently enabling the timely implementation of preventative measures to avert them

    Анализ, разработка и реализация адаптивных алгоритмов (гибкого) светофорного регулирования

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    The article analyzes various adaptive control algorithms used in the intelligent system of the largest city – Minsk. An adaptive control algorithm has been developed depending on the dynamically changing load of a local intersection. On the example of one of the intersections, an example of the implementation of this algorithm is given. Recommendations are given for the further application of this algorithm on the street network.В статье выполнен анализ различных алгоритмов адаптивного регулирования, применяемых в интеллектуальной системе крупнейшего города – Минска. Разработан алгоритм адаптивного регулирования в зависимости от динамично изменяющейся нагрузки локального перекрестка. На примере одного из перекрестков приведен пример реализации данного алгоритма. Даны рекомендации по дальнейшему применению данного алгоритма на сети улиц

    Моделирование пропускной способности пунктов сбора электронных бытовых отходов в городах

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    This paper presents guidelines for modeling the capacity of electronic household waste collection points. These points are used as infrastructure elements with a multi-stage logistic support scheme for the electronic waste disposal process. This paper includes theoretical and methodological information on the procedure for placing points of waste collection in cities using the processes of determining the parameters of waste accumulation, calculating the design capacity of warehouses at these points, and developing routes for the transportation of waste to the places of their disposal. We represent the dependence of the logistic support costs, including the costs of maintaining waste collection points, and waste disposal to utilization facilities, on the duration of the waste accumulation period. A mathematical model for optimizing the logistic support costs is developed, which takes into account the most important parameters of the waste disposal system, namely, the topology of the collection points, the intensity of waste accumulation, the configuration of the routes, and the vehicle carrying capacity. Using the example of the Vietnamese capital, the city of Hanoi, the required number of waste collection points is calculated, the volume of waste accumulation at each point is determined, the optimal period of waste accumulation, in which the total costs for logistic support for the disposal process will be minimal, is determined. Recommendations on the organization of waste transportation, depending on the actual level of filling the capacity of collection and accumulation points, are given.Рассматриваются методические рекомендации по проектированию вместительной способности электронных пунктов по сбору коммунально-бытовых отходов. Данные пункты используются как элементы инфраструктуры с многоступенчатой схемой материально-технического обеспечения процесса вывоза мусора. Работа содержит теоретическую и методическую информацию о процедуре размещения пунктов сбора отходов в городах с помощью установления параметров процесса накопления мусора, расчета проектной емкости мусорохранилищ в установленных пунктах, а также разработки маршрутов транспортировки отходов к месту их захоронения. Представлена зависимость затрат на материально-техническое обеспечение, которое включает затраты на содержание пунктов по сбору коммунально-бытовых отходов и их вывоз на полигоны, от длительности периода накопления отходов. Разработана математическая модель по оптимизации затрат на логистическую поддержку, принимающая во внимание наиболее важные параметры системы вывоза и захоронения мусора, такие как топология пунктов сбора, интенсивность накопления отходов, конфигурация маршрутов, грузовместимость транспорта. На примере столицы Вьетнама – г. Ханой – подсчитано необходимое количество пунктов сбора мусора и рассмотрен объем накопления отходов на каждом из них, установлен оптимальный период накопления мусора, при котором совокупные расходы на логистическую поддержку вывоза и захоронения бытовых отходов минимальны. Выработаны рекомендации по организации транспортировки бытового мусора в зависимости от непосредственного уровня наполняемости емкостей пунктов сбора коммунально-бытовых отходов

    Использование GPS-данных для расчета экологического воздействия дорожного транспорта на экосистему симбиотических мегаполисов

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    The article analyzes the various models used to assess the environmental impact of transport on the ecosystem of cities, developed a software product for automating the methodology for calculating emissions from road transport based on those developed at the Belarusian National Technical University using GPS tracks. Some results of the application of the methodology for assessing environmental losses in road traffic in cities are given with the application to the geomap of a specific section of the road network. Recommendations are given for further improvement of the proposed methodology for assessing environmental losses from transport in the city’s ecosystem. Выполнен анализ различных используемых моделей по оценке экологического воздействия  транспорта на экосистему городов, разработан программный  продукт  для  автоматизации  методики расчетов выбросов от автомобильного транспорта на базе разработанных в Белорусском национальном техническом университете с использованием GPS-треков. Приведены резултаты примененния методики для оценки экологичсеких потерь в дорожном движении в городах с налдожением на геокарту конкретного участка дорожной сети. Даны рекомендации по дальнейшему совершенствованию предлагаемой методики оценки экологических потерь от транспорта в экосистеме города

    Road Safety Concept in the Republic of Belarus

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    The general trend of accident rate reduction, which has been observed in the Republic of Belarus since 2010, reversed in 2017–2018. Remaining within the framework of the country’s traditional engineering activities related to road maintenance is unlikely to significantly improve road safety. A transition to qualitatively new practices and mechanisms for ensuring road safety is required. In order to implement this transition, a second Road Safety Concept has been developed. The Concept is based on the Safe System approach, which offers the implementation of measures in four areas: improving road infrastructure safety, increasing vehicle safety, ensuring safe speeds, and training safe road users. The main threat to the implementation of the Safe System approach in the Republic of Belarus is the fixation of stakeholders on their narrow corporate interests and the unwillingness to take into account nation-wide road safety. The Concept mainly focuses on the “Safe Road Infrastructure” component. A transition to sustainable road safety and the introduction of a Forgiving Road approach are included in the Concept. The introduction of assessment of infrastructure projects impact on traffic safety, traffic safety audit and inspections, road traffic risk assessment, and elimination of accident hotspots are also specified. The introduction of road safety audit is considered an important milestone in the transition to the Forgiving Road approach. The development of Intelligent Transportation Systems is included for the same purpose. Despite the fact that the Concept sets reasonably realistic goals, there are certain concerns about the feasibility of their achievement. This is due to significant institutional problems, such as the lack of a single coordinating body and the complexity of interdepartmental interaction

    Математическое моделирование для оценки роли метрополитена в транспортных системах крупных городов.

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    In this study, using the model of passenger flow formation on a conditional transport network based on the iterative process of changes in the passenger flows and velocities, the need for high-speed public transport, in particular, the subway, is estimated. The model allows the formation of the route of potential high-speed transport based on the calculated passenger flows. The results of the experiment are presented for the example of the Krasnodar transport system for three periods – 2007, 2017, 2022.В настоящей работе с помощью модели формирования пассажиропотоков на условной транспортной сети, основанной на итерационном процессе изменения пассажиропотоков и скоростей, оценивается необходимость скоростных видов общественного транспорта, в частности, метрополитена. Модель предполагает формирование трассы потенциальных скоростных маршрутов на основе расчетных пассажиропотоков. Представлены результаты эксперимента на примере транспортной системы г. Краснодар для трех расчетных периодов – 2007 г., 2017 г., 2022 г

    Метод определения достаточности сети автомобильных дорог региона

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    An assessment of the state of the region’s core road network is necessary to determine the level of transport accessibility and mobility of the population in a particular area. The core road network is the roads along which goods and passengers are transported by personal, public and commercial vehicles. Currently, the assessment of the road network is carried out using geographical, economic, mathematical and general technical parameters. The disadvantage of these assessment methods is the lack of a comprehensive analysis of both the level of development of the core road network and the transport accessibility of the region. The authors propose a method of additive multicriteria modeling using weight coefficients. The parameters have been considered and weight coefficients have been selected, which significantly affect the reliability of determining the sufficiency of the road network. The analysis of individual criteria for the quality of the transport network has been carried out. Based on the use of statistical parameters, the values of the weight coefficients of the additive model have been determined. The proposed method using an additive multi-criteria model is reliable and universal, which makes it possible to comprehensively evaluate the core network of roads in conjunction with other means of communication (railway, air and water transport). In addition, the method can become part of the methodology for substantiating the inclusion of the designed roads in core network of the region.Оценка состояния опорной сети автомобильных дорог региона необходима для определения уровня транспортной доступности и мобильности населения в конкретном районе. Опорная сеть автомобильных дорог – это дороги, по которым осуществляются перевозки грузов и пассажиров на личном, общественном и коммерческом транспорте. В настоящее время оценку сети автомобильных дорог производят с помощью географических, экономических, математических и общетехнических параметров. Недостатком этих способов оценки является отсутствие комплексного анализа как уровня развития опорной сети автомобильных дорог, так и транспортной доступности региона. Авторы предлагают метод аддитивного многокритериального моделирования с использованием весовых коэффициентов. Рассмотрены параметры и выбраны весовые коэффициенты, существенно влияющие на достоверность определения достаточности сети автомобильных дорог. Выполнен анализ отдельных критериев качества транспортной сети. На основании использования статистических параметров определены значения весовых коэффициентов аддитивной модели. Предложенный метод с применением аддитивной многокритериальной модели является достоверным и универсальным, что позволяет комплексно оценивать опорную сеть автомобильных дорог в совокупности с другими путями сообщения (железнодорожным, авиационным и водным транспортом). Кроме того, метод может стать частью методологии обоснования включения проектируемых автомобильных дорог в опорную сеть региона