751 research outputs found

    The Self-Dual String and Anomalies in the M5-brane

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    We study the anomalies of a charge Q2Q_2 self-dual string solution in the Coulomb branch of Q5Q_5 M5-branes. Cancellation of these anomalies allows us to determine the anomaly of the zero-modes on the self-dual string and their scaling with Q2Q_2 and Q5Q_5. The dimensional reduction of the five-brane anomalous couplings then lead to certain anomalous couplings for D-branes.Comment: 13 pages, Harvmac, refs adde

    Saxion Emission from SN1987A

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    We study the possibility of emission of the saxion, a superpartner of the axion, from SN1987A. The fact that the observed neutrino pulse from SN1987A is in excellent agreement with the current theory of supernovae places a strong bound on the energy loss into any non-standard model channel, therefore enabling bounds to be placed on the decay constant, f_a, of a light saxion. The low-energy coupling of the saxion, which couples at high energies to the QCD gauge field strength, is expected to be enhanced from QCD scaling, making it interesting to investigate if the saxion could place stronger bounds on f_a than the axion itself. Moreover, since the properties of the saxion are determined by f_a, a constraint on this parameter can be translated into a constraint on the supersymmetry breaking scale. We find that the bound on f_a from saxion emission is comparable with the one derived from axion emission due to a cancellation of leading-order terms in the soft-radiation expansion.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Deconstruction, Lattice Supersymmetry, Anomalies and Branes

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    We study the realization of anomalous Ward identities in deconstructed (latticized) supersymmetric theories. In a deconstructed four-dimensional theory with N=2 supersymmetry, we show that the chiral symmetries only appear in the infrared and that the anomaly is reproduced in the usual framework of lattice perturbation theory with Wilson fermions. We then realize the theory on the world-volume of fractional D-branes on an orbifold. In this brane realization, we show how deconstructed theory anomalies can be computed via classical supergravity. Our methods and observations are more generally applicable to deconstructed/latticized supersymmetric theories in various dimensions.Comment: 1+27 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    Brane World Susy Breaking from String/M Theory

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    String and M-theory realizations of brane world supersymmetry breaking scenarios are considered in which visible sector Standard Model fields are confined on a brane, with hidden sector supersymmetry breaking isolated on a distant brane. In calculable examples with an internal manifold of any volume the Kahler potential generically contains brane--brane non-derivative contact interactions coupling the visible and hidden sectors and is not of the no-scale sequestered form. This leads to non-universal scalar masses and without additional assumptions about flavor symmetries may in general induce dangerous sflavor violation even though the Standard Model and supersymmetry branes are physically separated. Deviations from the sequestered form are dictated by bulk supersymmetry and can in most cases be understood as arising from exchange of bulk supergravity fields between branes or warping of the internal geometry. Unacceptable visible sector tree-level tachyons arise in many models but may be avoided in certain classes of compactifications. Anomaly mediated and gaugino mediated contributions to scalar masses are sub-dominant except in special circumstances such as a flat or AdS pure five--dimensional bulk geometry without bulk vector multiplets.Comment: Latex, 83 pages, references adde

    Surface Tension between Kaon Condensate and Normal Nuclear Matter Phase

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    We calculate for the first time the surface tension and curvature coefficient of a first order phase transition between two possible phases of cold nuclear matter, a normal nuclear matter phase in equilibrium with a kaon condensed phase, at densities a few times the saturation density. We find the surface tension is proportional to the difference in energy density between the two phases squared. Furthermore, we show the consequences for the geometrical structures of the mixed phase region in a neutron star.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures (Latex

    Towards the deconstruction of M-theory

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    We argue that there is an equivalence of M-theory on T^3 \times A_{N-1} with a four-dimensional non-supersymmetric quiver gauge theory on the Higgs branch. The quiver theory in question has gauge group SU(N)^{N_4N_6N_8} and is considered in a strong coupling and large N_{4,6,8} limit. We provide field- and string-theoretical evidence for the equivalence making use of the deconstruction technique. In particular, we find wrapped M2-branes in the mass spectrum of the quiver theory at low energies.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 4 figures, added reference

    Strange form factors of the proton: a new analysis of the neutrino (antineutrino) data of the BNL-734 experiment

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    We consider ratios of elastic neutrino(antineutrino)-proton cross sections measured by the Brookhaven BNL-734 experiment and use them to obtain the neutral current (NC) over charged current (CC) neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry. We discuss the sensitivity of these ratios and of the asymmetry to the electric, magnetic and axial strange form factors of the nucleon and to the axial cutoff mass M_A. We show that the effects of the nuclear structure and interactions on the asymmetry and, in general, on ratios of cross sections are negligible. We find some restrictions on the possible values of the parameters characterizing the strange form factors. We show that a precise measurement of the neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry would allow the extraction of the axial and vector magnetic strange form factors in a model independent way. The neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry turns out to be almost independent on the electric strange form factor and on the axial cutoff mass.Comment: 12 page

    Higher Derivative Operators from Scherk-Schwarz Supersymmetry Breaking on T^2/Z_2

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    In orbifold compactifications on T^2/Z_2 with Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking, it is shown that (brane-localised) superpotential interactions and (bulk) gauge interactions generate at one-loop higher derivative counterterms to the mass of the brane (or zero-mode of the bulk) scalar field. These brane-localised operators are generated by integrating out the bulk modes of the initial theory which, although supersymmetric, is nevertheless non-renormalisable. It is argued that such operators, of non-perturbative origin and not protected by non-renormalisation theorems, are generic in orbifold compactifications and play a crucial role in the UV behaviour of the two-point Green function of the scalar field self-energy. Their presence in the action with unknown coefficients prevents one from making predictions about physics at (momentum) scales close to/above the compactification scale(s). Our results extend to the case of two dimensional orbifolds, previous findings for S^1/Z_2 and S^1/(Z_2 x Z_2') compactifications where brane-localised higher derivative operators are also dynamically generated at loop level, regardless of the details of the supersymmetry breaking mechanism. We stress the importance of these operators for the hierarchy and the cosmological constant problems in compactified theories.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, one figure, published version in JHE

    Flux Stabilization in 6 Dimensions: D-terms and Loop Corrections

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    We analyse D-terms induced by gauge theory fluxes in the context of 6-dimensional supergravity models. On the one hand, this is arguably the simplest concrete setting in which the controversial idea of `D-term uplifts' can be investigated. On the other hand, it is a very plausible intermediate step on the way from a 10d string theory model to 4d phenomenology. Our specific results include the flux-induced one-loop correction to the scalar potential coming from charged hypermultiplets. Furthermore, we comment on the interplay of gauge theory fluxes and gaugino condensation in the present context, demonstrate explicitly how the D-term arises from the gauging of one of the compactification moduli, and briefly discuss further ingredients that may be required for the construction of a phenomenologically viable model. In particular, we show how the 6d dilaton and volume moduli can be simultaneously stabilized, in the spirit of KKLT, by the combination of an R symmetry twist, a gaugino condensate, and a flux-induced D-term.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure v2:minor correction

    Nuclear effects in the Drell-Yan process at very high energies

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    We study Drell-Yan (DY) dilepton production in proton(deuterium)-nucleus and in nucleus-nucleus collisions within the light-cone color dipole formalism. This approach is especially suitable for predicting nuclear effects in the DY cross section for heavy ion collisions, as it provides the impact parameter dependence of nuclear shadowing and transverse momentum broadening, quantities that are not available from the standard parton model. For p(D)+A collisions we calculate nuclear shadowing and investigate nuclear modification of the DY transverse momentum distribution at RHIC and LHC for kinematics corresponding to coherence length much longer than the nuclear size. Calculations are performed separately for transversely and longitudinally polarized DY photons, and predictions are presented for the dilepton angular distribution. Furthermore, we calculate nuclear broadening of the mean transverse momentum squared of DY dileptons as function of the nuclear mass number and energy. We also predict nuclear effects for the cross section of the DY process in heavy ion collisions. We found a substantial nuclear shadowing for valence quarks, stronger than for the sea.Comment: 46 pages, 18 figures, title changed and some discussion added, accepted for publication in PR