160 research outputs found

    A symmetry for vanishing cosmological constant: Another realization

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    A more conventional realization of a symmetry which had been proposed towards the solution of cosmological constant problem is considered. In this study the multiplication of the coordinates by the imaginary number ii in the literature is replaced by the multiplication of the metric tensor by minus one. This realization of the symmetry as well forbids a bulk cosmological constant and selects out 2(2n+1)2(2n+1) dimensional spaces. On contrary to its previous realization the symmetry, without any need for its extension, also forbids a possible cosmological constant term which may arise from the extra dimensional curvature scalar provided that the space is taken as the union of two 2(2n+1)2(2n+1) dimensional spaces where the usual 4-dimensional space lies at the intersection of these spaces. It is shown that this symmetry may be realized through spacetime reflections that change the sign of the volume element. A possible relation of this symmetry to the E-parity symmetry of Linde is also pointed out.Comment: The version to appear in PLB. The terms "non-orientable space" and "extra-dimensional tranlation" are replaced by "space whose volume element changes sign under extra dimensional reflections" and "extra dimensional reflections", respectively; and typos are correcte

    A Hybrid Framework for Matching Printing Design Files to Product Photos

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    We propose a real-time image matching framework, which is hybrid in the sense that it uses both hand-crafted features and deep features obtained from a well-tuned deep convolutional network. The matching problem, which we concentrate on, is specific to a certain application, that is, printing design to product photo matching. Printing designs are any kind of template image files, created using a design tool, thus are perfect image signals. However, photographs of a printed product suffer many unwanted effects, such as uncontrolled shooting angle, uncontrolled illumination, occlusions, printing deficiencies in color, camera noise, optic blur, et cetera. For this purpose, we create an image set that includes printing design and corresponding product photo pairs with collaboration of an actual printing facility. Using this image set, we benchmark various hand-crafted and deep features for matching performance and propose a framework in which deep learning is utilized with highest contribution, but without disabling real-time operation using an ordinary desktop computer

    Hemodynamic Monitoring Using A Pulse Counter Vigileo Flotrac Cardiac Output System In Transapical Off-Pump Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

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    The aim of this study was to present our anesthetic management and early hemodynamic recovery after transapical off-pump neochords implantation. Observational prospective study. The perioperative records of 13 patients who underwent mitral valve repair using the Neochord DS1000 system were analyzed. Hemodynamic measurements recorded with the Vigileo Flotrac invasive arterial cardiac output system were evaluated. Thirteen patients were included in the study. Transfusions of a total of 2 U of erythrocytes and 11 U of plasma were performed. After Neochord implantation, the mean cardiac output increased at a statistically significant level according to the values measured after induction p = 0.003. Increased cardiac output measurement after placement of the neochordaes and elimination of insufficiency have emerged as indications of early hemodynamic recover

    A symmetry for vanishing cosmological constant

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    Two different realizations of a symmetry principle that impose a zero cosmological constant in an extra-dimensional set-up are studied. The symmetry is identified by multiplication of the metric by minus one. In the first realization of the symmetry this is provided by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the coordinates by the imaginary number i. In the second realization this is accomplished by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the metric tensor by minus one. In both realizations of the symmetry the requirement of the invariance of the gravitational action under the symmetry selects out the dimensions given by D = 2(2n+1), n=0,1,2,... and forbids a bulk cosmological constant. Another attractive aspect of the symmetry is that it seems to be more promising for quantization when compared to the usual scale symmetry. The second realization of the symmetry is more attractive in that it is posible to make a possible brane cosmological constant zero in a simple way by using the same symmetry, and the symmetry may be identified by reflection symmetry in extra dimensions.Comment: Talk in the conference IRGAC 2006, 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelon

    Procjena utjecaja atmosferske korekcije na podatke Landsat 8 i Sentinel-2 za određivanje saliniteta tla

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    Remote sensing technology effectively determines and evaluates salinity-affected areas\u27 spatial and temporal distribution. Soil salinity maps for large areas can be obtained with low cost and low effort using remote sensing methods and techniques. Remote sensing data are delivered raw as Level-1 data, and they can be further atmospherically corrected to surface reflectance values, Level-2 data. This study evaluates the atmospheric correction impact on Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data for soil salinity determination. The study has been supported with in-situ measurements in Alpu, Eskisehir, Turkey, where samples were collected from various agricultural fields simultaneously with the overpass of the satellites. Two different analysis cases have been used to determine the effect of atmospheric correction. The first is to examine the relationship between the measurements taken from the areas with mixed product groups and the salinity indices for both data types. The other is to investigate the relationship between the measurement values taken only from the wheat and beet groups and the salinity index values. The results show that atmospheric correction has a high effect on the relationship between spectral indices and in situ salinity measurement values. Especially in all cases examined in Landsat, it was observed that atmospheric correction led to an improvement of over 140%, while nearly 50% was observed in Sentinel on a product basis.Uz pomoć tehnologije daljinskih istraživanja učinkovito se određuje i procjenjuje prostorna i vremenska rasprostranjenost područja zahvaćenih salinitetom. Karte saliniteta tla za velika područja mogu se izraditi uz niske troškove i malo truda koristeći metode i tehnike daljinskih istraživanja. Podaci dobiveni daljinskim istraživanjima isporučuju se neobrađeni kao podaci Level-1 te se zatim mogu atmosferski korigirati na vrijednosti površinske refleksije, podaci Level-2. Ova studija procjenjuje utjecaje atmosferske korekcije na podatke Landsat 8 i Sentinel-2 za određivanje saliniteta tla. Studija je potkrijepljena mjerenjima in situ u Alpu, Eskisehir, Turska, gdje su uzorci bili prikupljeni na različitim poljoprivrednim poljima istovremeno s preletima satelita. Upotrijebljene su dvije različite analize kako bi se odredio učinak atmosferske korekcije. Prva je analiza primijenjena kako bi se ispitao odnos između mjerenja provedenih na područjima s miješanim skupinama proizvoda i indeksima saliniteta za obje vrste podataka. Druga je analiza primijenjena kako bi se istražio odnos između vrijednosti mjerenja dobivenih samo iz skupina pšenice i repe te vrijednosti indeksa saliniteta. Rezultati pokazuju da atmosferska korekcija ima visok učinak na odnos između spektralnih indeksa i vrijednosti mjerenja saliniteta in situ. Posebno se u svim slučajevima ispitivanja putem Landsata moglo primijetiti da je atmosferska korekcija dovela do poboljšanja za više od 140%, dok je gotovo 50% primijećeno za Sentinel na temelju proizvoda

    Procjena utjecaja atmosferske korekcije na podatke Landsat 8 i Sentinel-2 za određivanje saliniteta tla

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    Remote sensing technology effectively determines and evaluates salinity-affected areas\u27 spatial and temporal distribution. Soil salinity maps for large areas can be obtained with low cost and low effort using remote sensing methods and techniques. Remote sensing data are delivered raw as Level-1 data, and they can be further atmospherically corrected to surface reflectance values, Level-2 data. This study evaluates the atmospheric correction impact on Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data for soil salinity determination. The study has been supported with in-situ measurements in Alpu, Eskisehir, Turkey, where samples were collected from various agricultural fields simultaneously with the overpass of the satellites. Two different analysis cases have been used to determine the effect of atmospheric correction. The first is to examine the relationship between the measurements taken from the areas with mixed product groups and the salinity indices for both data types. The other is to investigate the relationship between the measurement values taken only from the wheat and beet groups and the salinity index values. The results show that atmospheric correction has a high effect on the relationship between spectral indices and in situ salinity measurement values. Especially in all cases examined in Landsat, it was observed that atmospheric correction led to an improvement of over 140%, while nearly 50% was observed in Sentinel on a product basis.Uz pomoć tehnologije daljinskih istraživanja učinkovito se određuje i procjenjuje prostorna i vremenska rasprostranjenost područja zahvaćenih salinitetom. Karte saliniteta tla za velika područja mogu se izraditi uz niske troškove i malo truda koristeći metode i tehnike daljinskih istraživanja. Podaci dobiveni daljinskim istraživanjima isporučuju se neobrađeni kao podaci Level-1 te se zatim mogu atmosferski korigirati na vrijednosti površinske refleksije, podaci Level-2. Ova studija procjenjuje utjecaje atmosferske korekcije na podatke Landsat 8 i Sentinel-2 za određivanje saliniteta tla. Studija je potkrijepljena mjerenjima in situ u Alpu, Eskisehir, Turska, gdje su uzorci bili prikupljeni na različitim poljoprivrednim poljima istovremeno s preletima satelita. Upotrijebljene su dvije različite analize kako bi se odredio učinak atmosferske korekcije. Prva je analiza primijenjena kako bi se ispitao odnos između mjerenja provedenih na područjima s miješanim skupinama proizvoda i indeksima saliniteta za obje vrste podataka. Druga je analiza primijenjena kako bi se istražio odnos između vrijednosti mjerenja dobivenih samo iz skupina pšenice i repe te vrijednosti indeksa saliniteta. Rezultati pokazuju da atmosferska korekcija ima visok učinak na odnos između spektralnih indeksa i vrijednosti mjerenja saliniteta in situ. Posebno se u svim slučajevima ispitivanja putem Landsata moglo primijetiti da je atmosferska korekcija dovela do poboljšanja za više od 140%, dok je gotovo 50% primijećeno za Sentinel na temelju proizvoda

    3D printed microfluidic reactor for high throuhput chitosan nanoparticle synthesis

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    The major bottleneck for the commercialization of nanoparticle related technologies is the mass production of the nanoparticles. One approach to overcome this bottleneck is use of microfluidic devices. In this paper, a 3D printed, high throughput micro-reactor that is capable of synthesizing both chitosan and chitosan coated iron oxide nanoparticles is presented

    Nephrotic syndrome in a patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type IXb.

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    Introduction: Glycogen storage disorder (GSD) IXb is characterized by liver and muscle involvement. We present a GSD IXb patient with an incidental union of nephrotic syndrome. Case Report: A 4 year-old-patient was diagnosed with GSD IXb at 13 months of age with mildly elevated transaminases and hepatomegaly. During the follow-up period, there was no hypoglycemia. Development and growth were normal. In the last month, the onset of generalized edema was reported. Urinalysis showed a high protein level. He had low serum albumin, high serum triglycerides cholesterol. Complement levels were normal. The patient was diagnosed as minimal change disease with a renal biopsy. He was treated with oral prednisone. Discussion: Minimal Change Disease is the most common cause of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome cases in children and the first step for therapy is the usage of corticosteroids. This is the first report of nephrotic syndrome associated with GSD IXb disease

    Examining the hierarchy of destination brands and the chain of effects between brand equity dimensions

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    ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the customer-based brand equity for a tourist destination, and develops a model including the dimensions of this construct (i.e. awareness, image, perceived quality and loyalty). Accordingly, loyalty is considered the main dependent variable in the model developed here. A major contribution of this paper is that it takes into account the hierarchy of destination brands and analyzes not only the chain of effects between the dimensions of brand equity for a regional destination but also the influence of the country destination image (i.e. the country is considered to be an umbrella brand) on the perceived image of one of its regional destinations. Another significant contribution is made by examining the moderating effect of country familiarity on the relationship with both types of image. The empirical evidence obtained from a sample of 253 international tourists visiting a regional destination in Spain supports the hypothesis that loyalty towards a destination is positively influenced by the perceived quality of the destination, which in turn is directly influenced by the image and awareness of that destination. Additionally, the results support the idea that perceptions of a regional destination are positively influenced by the perceptions of the country destination in which the region is located. However, a moderating effect of country familiarity on the relationship with either type of image was not supported in this research. This could be because in a country where there are a lot of destination brands, being more familiar with the country does not necessarily imply a more accurate knowledge of its regional destinations

    Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap

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    The grand challenges of contemporary fundamental physics—dark matter, dark energy, vacuum energy, inflation and early universe cosmology, singularities and the hierarchy problem—all involve gravity as a key component. And of all gravitational phenomena, black holes stand out in their elegant simplicity, while harbouring some of the most remarkable predictions of General Relativity: event horizons, singularities and ergoregions. The hitherto invisible landscape of the gravitational Universe is being unveiled before our eyes: the historical direct detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration marks the dawn of a new era of scientific exploration. Gravitational-wave astronomy will allow us to test models of black hole formation, growth and evolution, as well as models of gravitational-wave generation and propagation. It will provide evidence for event horizons and ergoregions, test the theory of General Relativity itself, and may reveal the existence of new fundamental fields. The synthesis of these results has the potential to radically reshape our understanding of the cosmos and of the laws of Nature. The purpose of this work is to present a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the relevant fields of research, summarize important open problems, and lay out a roadmap for future progress. This write-up is an initiative taken within the framework of the European Action on 'Black holes, Gravitational waves and Fundamental Physics'