525 research outputs found

    Open Economy Schumpeterian Growth

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    This paper examines the Aghion and Howitt [1992] “creative destruction” endogenous growth model in an open economy setting. We consider four alternative trade regimes. The first two regimes allow the monopoly producer of the intermediate good to attain worldwide monopoly rents. In the first of the two, the countries engage in trade of only the imperfectly produced intermediate good. In the second, the two countries trade in both the intermediate good as well as in ideas. The last two regimes consider two countries which are identical before and after trade opens such that pro-competitive gains from trade are achieved. We again consider when only intermediaries may be traded and thereafter when both intermediaries and ideas may be traded. We find that the effects of trade on growth and welfare depend critically on the assumptions one imposes.Creative Destruction, Obsolescence, Endogenous Growth, International Trade, Imperfect Competition, Schumpeterian Growth

    Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth Revisited: Pro-Competitive Gains from Trade in Goods and the Long Run Benefits to the Exchange of Ideas

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    This paper re-examines the Romer [1990] “knowledge driven” endogenous growth model in an open economy setting. As an alternative to Rivera-Batiz and Romer [1991], we consider trade between two absolutely identical countries that are characterized by imperfect competition in one of the trade goods. Contrary to Rivera- Batiz and Romer [1991], we find that trade in goods without trade in ideas is detrimental to long run growth while trade in goods in conjunction with trade in ideas is good for long run growth. We further demonstrate that the pro-competitive gains from trade in goods is analogous to the analysis of imperfect competition by standard international trade theory.Knowledge Driven, Endogenous Growth, International Trade, Imperfect Competition

    A pseudoconservation law for a time-limited service polling system with structured batch poisson arrivals

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    AbstractWe consider a cyclic-service queueing system (polling system) with time-limited service, in which the length of a service period for each queue is controlled by a timer, i.e., the server serves customers until the timer expires or the queue becomes empty, whichever occurs first, and then proceeds to the next queue. The customer whose service is interrupted due to the timer expiration is attended according to the nonpreemptive service discipline. For the cyclic-service system with structured batch Poisson arrivals (Mx/G/1) and an exponential timer, we derive a pseudoconservation law and an exact mean waiting time formula for the symmetric system

    The millimeter-wave spectroscopy of hydantoin, a potential precursor of glycine

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    Hydantoin (Imidazolidine-2,4-dione, C3_3H4_4N2_2O2_2) is one of five-membered rings with heteroatoms and could be synthesized from carbonyl compounds such as aldehydes or ketones via so-called Bucherer-Bergs reaction. This molecule is also known as a direct precursor of amino acid by hydrolysis, evidently, hydantoin has been found in carbonaceous chondrites with several kinds of amino acids. \footnote{\textit{for example,} A. Shimoyama and R. Ogasawara, 2008, \textit{Orig. Life Evol. Biosph.} \underline{\textbf{32}}, 165 (2002).} The aim of this study is to provide spectroscopic information which is useful for the future astronomical search. The hydantoin vapor was obtained by heating hydantoin powder to 150∘^{\circ}C, and spectral line survey has been conducted in the frequency range between 138 and 150 GHz. Our DFT calculations suggest that the permanent dipole of this molecule is approximately 2 Debyes and lies mostly along {\it b}-molecular axis. Fourty-five spectral lines in the above frequency region can be so far assigned to {\it b}-type R-branch transitions, and molecular constants including centrifugal distortion constants up to the 4th-order have been determined. The obtained rotational constants agree well with the calculated values. In addition, some of the unassigned spectral lines were attributed to the hydantoin transitions in the vibrational excited state. We will report the current status of the analysis

    IAM(-like) tunneling matrix formalism for one- and two-methyl-top molecules based on the extended permutation-inversion group idea and its application to the analyses of the methyl-torsional rotational spectra

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    Recently we reanalyzed the microwave absorption spectra of the trans-ethyl methyl ether molecule, state by state, in the ground vibrational, O-methyl torsional, C-methyl torsional and skeletal torsional states with the use of an IAM-like tunneling matrix formalism based on an extended permutation-inversion (PI) group idea, whose results appeared in Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy recently. Since a single rho-axis does not exist in trans-ethyl methyl ether that has two methyl-tops and the IAM formalism is not available as in the case of the one methyl-top molecule, we adopted instead an IAM-like (in other word, partial IAM) formalism. We will show the outline of the present formalism and the results of the spectral analyses briefly. We also would like to review the IAM formalism for the one top molecules based on the extended PI group, and show the result of the application to the spectral analysis.\\ If possible, we would like to compare the IAM and IAM-like formalisms based on the extended PI group with the ERHAM formalism developed by Groner, especially, in the form of Hamiltonian matrix elements, and discuss about similarity and difference


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    Oxazole and isoxazole (C3_3H3_3NO) are isomers of five membered ring molecules with two hetero-atoms, nitrogen and oxygen. Some amino acids contains five membered ring structure. Previous microwave spectroscopic studies were carried out in the low frequency region \footnote{W. C. Mackrodt, A. Wardley, P. A. Curnuck, N. L. Owen, J. Sheridan, \textit{ Chem. Commun. (London), } 692 (1966).} \footnote{O.L. Stievater, P. N\"osberger and J. Sheridan, \textit{Chem. Phys. Lett.} \underline{\textbf{710}}, 11 (2018).} \footnote{O. L. Stiefvater, \textit{J. Chem. Phys.} \underline{\textbf{63}}, 2560 (1975).} \footnote{A. Kumar, J. Sheridan, O. L. Stiefvater, \textit{Z. Naturforsch.} \underline{\textbf{33a}}, 145 (1978).} \footnote{A. Kumar, J. Sheridan, O. L. Stiefvater, \textit{Z. Naturforsch.} \underline{\textbf{33a}}, 549 (1978).} \footnote{U. Spoerel, H. Dreizler, and W. Stahl, E. Kraka, D. Cremer, \textit{J. Phys. Chem.} \underline{\textbf{100}}, 14298 (1996).} and it is desirable to have information for future interstellar detection. In this study, pure rotational spectroscopy was carried out by using conventional microwave spectroscopy and chirp-pulse Fourier-transform spectroscopy with a waveguide cell. Up to 340 GHz was observed at room temperature. Previous molecular constants made assignment straightforward and detailed analysis using Watson's Hamiltonian will be reported


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    Aminoacetonitrile (NH2_2CH2_2CN) is a potential precursor of the simplest amino acid, glycine and was detected toward SgrB2(N). footnote{A. Belloche, K. M. Menten, C. Comito, H. S. P. M\"{u}ller, P. Schilke, J. Ott, S. Thorwirth, and C. Hieret, 2008, textit{Astronom. & Astrophys.} underline{textbf{482}}, 179 (2008).} It is expected that the strongest transitions will be found in the terahertz region so that we have extended measurements up to 1.3 THz. footnoteY.Motoki,Y.Tsunoda,H.Ozeki,andK.Kobayashi,textitAstrophys.J.Suppl.Ser.underlinetextbf209,23(2013).footnote{Y. Motoki, Y. Tsunoda, H. Ozeki, and K. Kobayashi, textit{Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.} underline{textbf{209}}, 23 (2013).} This study gave an accurate prediction of aminoacetonitrile up to 2 THz which is useful for astronomically search. This molecule has a few low-lying vibrational excited states and the pure rotational transitions in these vibrational excited states are expected to found. footnoteB.Bak,E.L.Hansen,F.M.Nicolaisen,andO.F.Nielsen,textitCan.J.Phys.underlinetextbf53,2183(1975).footnote{B. Bak, E. L. Hansen, F. M. Nicolaisen, and O. F. Nielsen, textit{Can. J. Phys.} underline{textbf{53}}, 2183 (1975).} We found a series of transitions with intensity of about 30%. Eighty-eight spectral lines including both {it a}-type and {it b}-type transitions were recorded in the frequency region of 400 - 450 GHz, and centrifugal distortion constants up to the sextic term were determined. Perturbation was recognized. We will report the current status of the analysis


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    The electronic spectrum of CaH has been studied for over 90 years. The first laboratory spectroscopy of CaH was carried out in 1925 on C2^2ÎŁ\Sigma+^+ - X2^2ÎŁ\Sigma+^+ transitions in the near-UV region\footnote{R. S. Mulliken, \textit{Phys. Rev.} \underline{\textbf{25}}, 509 (1925).} Our primary interest is the B state and how it is affected by other nearby states. The B state has a double-minimum potential energy function. For this state we can identify three energy regimes. The lowest is the energy range between the minimum of the inner well and the minimum of the higher lying outer well. In this lower energy region the B-X and A-X spectra were recently investigated by Shayestech \textit{et al.}\footnote{A. Shayesteh, R.S. Ram, P.F. Bernath, \textit{J. Mol. Spectrosc.} \underline{\textbf{288}}, 46 (2013).} The high energy range is that lying above the potential energy barrier between the two wells. Our previous laser induced fluorescence report was on the vibrational states in this higher energy range.\footnote{K. Watanabe, N. Yoneyama, K. Uchida, K. Kobayashi, F. Matsushima, Y. Moriwaki, S. C. Ross, \textit{Chem. Phys. Lett.} \underline{\textbf{657}}, 1 (2016).} In that previous report we were able to confirm a strong irregularity in the vibrational energy spacings that had been previously predicted by the \textit{ab initio} study of Carlsund-Levin \textit{et al.}. This irregularity is due to interaction between the B and D states.\footnote{C. Carlsund-Levin, N. Elander, A. Nunez, A. Scrinzi, \textit{Phys. Scripta} \underline{\textbf{65}}, 306 (2002).} In the current study we have investigated the intermediate energy regime. These are energies starting from somewhat below the minimum of the higher lying outer well and continuing up to somewhat above the potential energy barrier between the two wells. In this intermediate energy range we have identified the A-X(4,0) and B-X(3 or 5, 0) bands. We present evidence for possible interactions between these vibrational levels. We will report on the current status of our work as we continue our program of delineating the vibrational levels of the B state over a full energy range: starting at the energy of the minimum of the inner well, progressing through the energy of the minimum of the outer well, the energy of the barrier, and on towards the dissociation limit


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    Methyl mercaptan (CH3_3SH) is a sulfur-containing interstellar molecule, first identified in Sgr B2._x000d_ footnoteR.A.Linke,M.A.Frerking,andP.Thaddeus,x000dtextitAstrophys.J.underlinetextbf234,L139(1979).footnote{R. A. Linke, M. A. Frerking, and P. Thaddeus,_x000d_ textit{Astrophys. J.} underline{textbf{234}}, L139 (1979).} _x000d_ Although the abundance of methyl mercaptan was not too high compared with methanol,_x000d_ the identification of CD3_3OH towards the IRAS 16293-2422 stimulated our microwave study of CD3_3SH._x000d_ Deuterium fractionation may be possible for the methyl mercaptan molecule._x000d_ There are many laboratory microwave spectroscopic results on the normal species _x000d_ but the studies on this isotopolog is quite limited. We have observed the spectra of CD3_3SH in the 12-240 GHz region without gap._x000d_ The pure rotational transitions in the ground and first methyl torsional excited states were assigned. _x000d_ We applied pseudo-PAM Hamiltonian to analyze these transitions._x000d_ We will report the status of the analysis._x000d
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