26 research outputs found

    Comparison of plant nutrient levels between compost from Sky loo and Fossa alterna toilets

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    Recent scholars have highlighted the benefit of harvesting compost from eco-san toilets for application as plant nutrients. However, levels of nutrients in eco-san compost may vary depending on the type of toilet and also the type of top soil in a particular geographical region. This study compared levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and sodium between compost from Sky loo and Fossa alterna toilets. Samples were collected from Zimora and Ng’ombe villages in Chikhwawa district, southern Malawi. Statistical analysis using SPSS showed significantly higher levels of nitrogen, calcium and moisture in compost from Fossa alterna toilets than in Sky loo (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the levels of potassium in the two types of eco-san compost studied. This study has revealed that compost from Fossa alterna is generally a richer source of plant nutrients than that from Sky loo thereby presenting poor, local communities in sub-Saharan Africa with a cheaper alternative to commercial fertilizer.Key words: Eco-san toilets, compost, Malawi, plant nutrients, soil quality

    Economic framework for integrating environmental stewardship into food security strategies in low-income countries: case of agroforestry in southern African region

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    One of the greatest challenges in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries especially where seasonal food deficits occur frequently, is how best to achieve a balance between the goals of food security and agricultural production on the one hand, and the concerns for the conservation of environmental quality and natural resources capital on the other. A number of agricultural production technologies (based on natural resource management principles) exist that offer opportunities for achieving the two seemingly divergent goals because they have the characteristics to produce joint multiple outputs, i.e, they produce food and provide environmental services. However, farmer adoption of these technologies has generally been limited. Drawing from natural resource economics, this study presents a conceptual framework that provide environmental-economic logic for establishing incentives that internalize the environmental services produced by multiple-outputs land use technologies. Using a land use practice based on agroforestry principles (that is, “improved tree fallows”) as a case study, this paper synthesizes studies carried out in southern Africa region for over a decade. It then discusses how the potential impacts of the technological advances made in research and development are affected by policy and institutional constraints, among other challenges. With particular emphasis on the socio-economic context in southern Africa, the paper identifies options for addressing these institutional and policy constraints in order to facilitate adoption of multi-output land use practices by farmers and unlock their potential to meet food production goals for individual households and environmental services for the wider society.Keywords: Adoption, Agri-Environmental quality, Environmental services, Natural resource economics, Payment for environmental services, Science-policy linkage

    Contributions of agroforestry to ecosystem services in the miombo ecosystem services in the miombo eco-region of earstern and southern Africa

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    The miombo, the most extensive tropical woodland formation of Africa with particular ecological and economic importance, is threatened by deforestation, land degradation and loss of biodiversity. Over the past two decades, agroforestry has been studied as one of the integrated natural resource management interventions for addressing various environmental and social problems. This has helped to establish a solid knowledge-base on the functions and capabilities of agroforestry. However, little attempt has been made to synthesize and publicize the knowledge on ecosystem services provided by the various agroforestry practices in southern Africa. This has led to lack of appreciation of the environmental benefits of the practices, and hence less attention being paid to accelerating their adoption and institutionalization in national agricultural and natural resource programmes. The objective of this review was to summarize the state of current knowledge on ecosystem services of agroforestry. From the studies reviewed, it is concluded that agroforestry practices provide (1) provisioning services such as food, source of energy and fodder, (2) regulatory services including microclimate modification, erosion control, mitigation of desertification, carbon sequestration and pest control, and (3) supporting services namely, soil fertility improvement, biodiversity conservation and pollination in the miombo eco-region. The paper also outlines challenges to wider adoption of agroforestry and makes recommendations for future research, development and policy to capitalize on ecosystem services

    Nitazoxanide for persistent diarrhoea in Zambian acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients: a randomized-controlled trial

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    Background: Adults with acquired immune deficiency syndrome and persistent diarrhoea in Zambia have intestinal infection, predominantly protozoa. Aim: To search for treatment which can be offered with minimal investigation, we carried out a double‐blind, randomized‐controlled trial of nitazoxanide (a drug with a range of activity against parasites and bacteria). Methods: Patients with diarrhoea of 1 month duration or longer were randomized to receive nitazoxanide (1000 mg twice daily) or placebo for 2 weeks. End‐points were clinical response, parasitological clearance and mortality. Results: Two hundred and seven adults were randomized; 42 died during the study. The primary assessment of efficacy was made after 17 days. Clinical response was observed in 56 (75%) of 75 patients receiving nitazoxanide and 45 (58%) of 77 patients receiving placebo (P = 0.03). The rate of improvement was markedly higher in patients with CD4 counts under 50 cells/ÎŒL receiving nitazoxanide (P = 0.007). The benefit was largely restricted to the period when the drug was being administered. No difference was seen in parasitological clearance between the two groups. Mortality was 19% by 4 weeks of follow‐up and did not differ with treatment allocation. Conclusions: Nitazoxanide given orally for 14 days was associated with clinical improvement in Zambian acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients with diarrhoea, especially those with very low CD4 counts

    Genetic gains in early maturing maize hybrids developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Southern Africa during 2000–2018

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    Genetic gain estimation in a breeding program provides an opportunity to monitor breeding efficiency and genetic progress over a specific period. The present study was conducted to (i) assess the genetic gains in grain yield of the early maturing maize hybrids developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Southern African breeding program during the period 2000–2018 and (ii) identify key agronomic traits contributing to the yield gains under various management conditions. Seventy-two early maturing hybrids developed by CIMMYT and three commercial checks were assessed under stress and non-stress conditions across 68 environments in seven eastern and southern African countries through the regional on-station trials. Genetic gain was estimated as the slope of the regression of grain yield and other traits against the year of first testing of the hybrid in the regional trial. The results showed highly significant (p< 0.01) annual grain yield gains of 118, 63, 46, and 61 kg ha−1 year−1 under optimum, low N, managed drought, and random stress conditions, respectively. The gains in grain yield realized in this study under both stress and non-stress conditions were associated with improvements in certain agronomic traits and resistance to major maize diseases. The findings of this study clearly demonstrate the significant progress made in developing productive and multiple stress-tolerant maize hybrids together with other desirable agronomic attributes in CIMMYT’s hybrid breeding program