8,546 research outputs found

    The Chern-Simons Coefficient in Supersymmetric Non-abelian Chern-Simons Higgs Theories

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    By taking into account the effect of the would be Chern-Simons term, we calculate the quantum correction to the Chern-Simons coefficient in supersymmetric Chern-Simons Higgs theories with matter fields in the fundamental representation of SU(n). Because of supersymmetry, the corrections in the symmetric and Higgs phases are identical. In particular, the correction is vanishing for N=3 supersymmetric Chern-Simons Higgs theories. The result should be quite general, and have important implication for the more interesting case when the Higgs is in the adjoint representation.Comment: more references and explanation about rgularization dpendence are included, 13 pages, 1 figure, latex with revte

    Kaluza-Klein Induced Gravity Inflation

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    A D-dimensional induced gravity theory is studied carefully in a 4+(D4)4 + (D-4) dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space-time. We try to extract information of the symmetry breaking potential in search of an inflationary solution with non-expanding internal-space. We find that the induced gravity model imposes strong constraints on the form of symmetry breaking potential in order to generate an acceptable inflationary universe. These constraints are analyzed carefully in this paper.Comment: 10 pages, title changed, corrected some typos, two additional comments adde

    Communications platform payload definition study, executive summary

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    Large geostationary communications platforms have been investigated in a number of studies since 1974 as a possible means to more effectively utilize the geostationary orbital arc and electromagnetic spectrum and to reduce overall satellite communications system costs. This NASA Lewis sponsored study addresses the commercial feasibility of various communications platform payload concepts circa 1998. It defines promising payload concepts, estimates recurring costs and identifies critical technologies needed to permit eventual commercialization. Ten communications service aggregation scenarios describing potential groupings of services were developed for a range of conditions. Payload concepts were defined for four of these scenarios: (1) Land Mobile Satellite Service (LMSS), meet 100% of CONUS plus Canada demand with a single platform; (2) Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) (Trunking + Customer Premises Service (CPS), meet 20% of CONUS demands; (3) FSS (Trunking + video distribution), 10 to 13% of CONUS demand; and (4) FSS (20% of demand) + Inter Satellite Links (ISL) + TDRSS/TDAS Data Distribution

    Inflationary Universe in Higher Derivative Induced Gravity

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    In an induced-gravity model, the stability condition of an inflationary slow-rollover solution is shown to be ϕ0ϕ0V(ϕ0)=4V(ϕ0)\phi_0 \partial_{\phi_0}V(\phi_0)=4V(\phi_0). The presence of higher derivative terms will, however, act against the stability of this expanding solution unless further constraints on the field parameters are imposed. We find that these models will acquire a non-vanishing cosmological constant at the end of inflation. Some models are analyzed for their implication to the early universe.Comment: 6 pages, two typos correcte

    Nonmagnetic impurity perturbation to the quasi-two-dimensional quantum helimagnet LiCu2O2

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    A complete phase diagram of Zn substituted quantum quasi-two-dimensional helimagnet LiCu2O2 has been presented. Helical ordering transition temperature (T_h) of the original LiCu2O2 follows finite size scaling for less than ~ 5.5% Zn substitution, which implies the existence of finite helimagnetic domains with domain boundaries formed with nearly isolated spins. Higher Zn substitution > 5.5% quenches the long-range helical ordering and introduces an intriguing Zn level dependent magnetic phase transition with slight thermal hysteresis and a universal quadratic field dependence for T_c (Zn > 0.055,H). The magnetic coupling constants of nearest-neighbor (nn) J1 and next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) J2 (alpha=J2/J1) are extracted from high temperature series expansion (HTSE) fitting and N=16 finite chain exact diagonalization simulation. We have also provided evidence of direct correlation between long-range helical spin ordering and the magnitude of electric polarization in this spin driven multiferroic material

    Tunneling in Squeezing Ground

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    A criterion for identifying the squeezing potential of tunnel is proposed. Tunneling conditions, classified as slightly or non-squeezing, moderately squeezing and highly squeezing, were identified by relating the strength-stress (σcm/Po ) ratio to the development of plastic zone extent and the amount of tunnel closure. Actual case histories of tunneling in Taiwan show that this criterion predicts the tunnel performance quite well. This enables the identification of tunneling conditions expected which require special considerations in support design and excavation-support procedures

    Partial Wave Analysis of Scattering with Nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Anomalous Cross Section induced by Quantum Interference

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    Partial wave theory of a three dmensional scattering problem for an arbitray short range potential and a nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux is established. The scattering process of a ``hard shere'' like potential and the magnetic flux is examined. An anomalous total cross section is revealed at the specific quantized magnetic flux at low energy which helps explain the composite fermion and boson model in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Since the nonlocal quantum interference of magnetic flux on the charged particles is universal, the nonlocal effect is expected to appear in quite general potential system and will be useful in understanding some other phenomena in mesoscopic phyiscs.Comment: 6 figure

    One-dimensional transport in polymer nanofibers

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    We report our transport studies in quasi one-dimensional (1D) conductors - helical polyacetylene fibers doped with iodine and the data analysis for other polymer single fibers and tubes. We found that at 30 K < T < 300 K the conductance and the current-voltage characteristics follow the power law: G(T) ~ T^alpha with alpha ~ 2.2-7.2 and I(V) ~ V^betta with betta ~ 2-5.7. Both G(T) and I(V) show the features characteristic of 1D systems such as Luttinger liquid or Wigner crystal. The relationship between our results and theories for tunneling in 1D systems is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Kaluza-Klein Higher Derivative Induced Gravity

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    The existence and stability analysis of an inflationary solution in a D+4D+4-dimensional anisotropic induced gravity is presented in this paper. Nontrivial conditions in the field equations are shown to be compatible with a cosmological model in which the 4-dimension external space evolves inflationary, while, the D-dimension internal one is static. In particular, only two additional constraints on the coupling constants are derived from the abundant field equations and perturbation equations. In addition, a compact formula for the non-redundant 4+D dimensional Friedmann equation is also derived for convenience. Possible implications are also discussed in this paper.Comment: 13 pages, typos/errors corrected, three additional appendices adde