801 research outputs found

    Calculation of electron density of periodic systems using non-orthogonal localised orbitals

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    Methods for calculating an electron density of a periodic crystal constructed using non-orthogonal localised orbitals are discussed. We demonstrate that an existing method based on the matrix expansion of the inverse of the overlap matrix into a power series can only be used when the orbitals are highly localised (e.g. ionic systems). In other cases including covalent crystals or those with an intermediate type of chemical bonding this method may be either numerically inefficient or fail altogether. Instead, we suggest an exact and numerically efficient method which can be used for orbitals of practically arbitrary localisation. Theory is illustrated by numerical calculations on a model system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical nuclei interacting with the quantum electron gas

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    Kinetic equations governing time evolution of positions and momenta of atoms in extended systems are derived using quantum-classical ensembles within the Non-Equilibrium Statistical Operator Method (NESOM). Ions are treated classically, while their electrons quantum mechanically; however, the statistical operator is not factorised in any way and no simplifying assumptions are made concerning the electronic subsystem. Using this method, we derive kinetic equations of motion for the classical degrees of freedom (atoms) which account fully for the interaction and energy exchange with the quantum variables (electrons). Our equations, alongside the usual Newtonian-like terms normally associated with the Ehrenfest dynamics, contain additional terms, proportional to the atoms velocities, which can be associated with the electronic friction. Possible ways of calculating the friction forces which are shown to be given via complicated non-equilibrium correlation functions, are discussed. In particular, we demonstrate that the correlation functions are directly related to the thermodynamic Matsubara Green's functions, and this relationship allows for the diagrammatic methods to be used in treating electron-electron interaction perturbatively when calculating the correlation functions. This work also generalises previous attempts, mostly based on model systems, of introducing the electronic friction into Molecular Dynamics equations of atoms.Comment: 18 page

    Alternating Minimal Energy Methods for Linear Systems in Higher Dimensions

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    We propose algorithms for the solution of high-dimensional symmetrical positive definite (SPD) linear systems with the matrix and the right-hand side given and the solution sought in a low-rank format. Similarly to density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithms, our methods optimize the components of the tensor product format subsequently. To improve the convergence, we expand the search space by an inexact gradient direction. We prove the geometrical convergence and estimate the convergence rate of the proposed methods utilizing the analysis of the steepest descent algorithm. The complexity of the presented algorithms is linear in the mode size and dimension, and the demonstrated convergence is comparable to or even better than the one of the DMRG algorithm. In the numerical experiment we show that the proposed methods are also efficient for non-SPD systems, for example, those arising from the chemical master equation describing the gene regulatory model at the mesoscopic scale

    Fr\'echet frames, general definition and expansions

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    We define an {\it (X1,Θ,X2)(X_1,\Theta, X_2)-frame} with Banach spaces X2X1X_2\subseteq X_1, 12|\cdot|_1 \leq |\cdot|_2, and a BKBK-space (\Theta, \snorm[\cdot]). Then by the use of decreasing sequences of Banach spaces Xss=0{X_s}_{s=0}^\infty and of sequence spaces Θss=0{\Theta_s}_{s=0}^\infty, we define a general Fr\' echet frame on the Fr\' echet space XF=s=0XsX_F=\bigcap_{s=0}^\infty X_s. We give frame expansions of elements of XFX_F and its dual XFX_F^*, as well of some of the generating spaces of XFX_F with convergence in appropriate norms. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a general pre-Fr\' echet frame to be a general Fr\' echet frame, as well as for the complementedness of the range of the analysis operator U:XFΘFU:X_F\to\Theta_F.Comment: A new section is added and a minor revision is don

    Approximate analytical description of the nonaffine response of amorphous solids

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    An approximation scheme for model disordered solids is proposed that leads to the fully analytical evaluation of the elastic constants under explicit account of the inhomogeneity (nonaffinity) of the atomic displacements. The theory is in quantitative agreement with simulations for central-force systems and predicts the vanishing of the shear modulus at the isostatic point with the linear law {\mu} ~ (z - 2d), where z is the coordination number. The vanishing of rigidity at the isostatic point is shown to be a consequence of the canceling out of positive affine and negative nonaffine terms

    Curved Noncommutative Tori as Leibniz Quantum Compact Metric Spaces

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    We prove that curved noncommutative tori, introduced by Dabrowski and Sitarz, are Leibniz quantum compact metric spaces and that they form a continuous family over the group of invertible matrices with entries in the commutant of the quantum tori in the regular representation, when this group is endowed with a natural length function.Comment: 16 Pages, v3: accepted in Journal of Math. Physic

    Numerical solution and spectrum of boundary-domain integral equation for the Neumann BVP with variable coefficient

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Taylor & Francis.In this paper, a numerical implementation of a direct united boundary-domain integral equation (BDIE) related to the Neumann boundary value problem for a scalar elliptic partial differential equation with a variable coefficient is discussed. The BDIE is reduced to a uniquely solvable one by adding an appropriate perturbation operator. The mesh-based discretization of the BDIEs with quadrilateral domain elements leads to a system of linear algebraic equations (discretized BDIE). Then, the system is solved by LU decomposition and Neumann iterations. Convergence of the iterative method is discussed in relation to the distribution of eigenvalues of the corresponding discrete operators calculated numerically.The work was supported by the grant EP/H020497/1 "Mathematical analysis of localised boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with variable coefficients" of the EPSRC, UK

    Magnetostriction in elastomers with mixtures of magnetically hard and soft microparticles: effects of non-linear magnetization and matrix rigidity

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    In this contribution a magnetoactive elastomer (MAE) of mixed content, i.e., a polymer matrix filled with a mixture of magnetically soft and magnetically hard spherical particles, is considered. The object we focus at is an elementary unit of this composite, for which we take a set consisting of a permanent spherical micromagnet surrounded by an elastomer layer filled with magnetically soft microparticles. We present a comparative treatment of this unit from two essentially different viewpoints. The first one is a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation model, which presents the composite as a bead-spring assembly and is able to deliver information of all the microstructural changes of the assembly. The second approach is entirely based on the continuum magnetomechanical description of the system, whose direct yield is the macroscopic field-induced response of the MAE to external field, as this model ignores all the microstructural details of the magnetization process. We find that, differing in certain details, both frameworks are coherent in predicting that a unit comprising magnetically soft and hard particles may display a non-trivial re-entrant (prolate/oblate/prolate) axial deformation under variation of the applied field strength. The flexibility of the proposed combination of the two complementary frameworks enables us to look deeper into the manifestation of the magnetic response: with respect to the magnetically soft particles, we compare the linear regime of magnetization to that with saturation, which we describe by the Fr\"{o}hlich-Kennelly approximation; with respect to the polymer matrix, we analyze the dependence of the re-rentrant deformation on its rigidity

    Modeling the magnetostriction effect in elastomers with magnetically soft and hard particles

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    We analyze theoretically the field-induced microstructural deformations in a hybrid elastomer, that consists of a polymer matrix filled with a mixture of magnetically soft and magnetically hard spherical microparticles. These composites were introduced recently in order to obtain a material that allows the tuning of its properties by both, magnetically active and passive control. Our theoretical analysis puts forward two complementary models: a continuum magnetomechanical model and a bead-spring computer simulation model. We use both approaches to describe qualitatively the microstructural response of such elastomers to applied external fields, showing that the combination of magnetically soft and hard particles may lead to an unusual magnetostriction effect: either an elongation or a shrinking in the direction of the applied field depending on its magnitude. This behavior is observed for conditions (moderate particle densities, fields and deformations) under which the approximations of our models (linear response regime, negligible mutual magnetization between magnetically soft particles) are physically valid. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: OD 18/24-1Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-52-12028, 19-52-12045, 17-41-590160Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationP. A. S. and S. S. K. acknowledge support by the DFG grant OD 18/24-1, by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006, and by the FWF START-Projekt Y 627-N27. S. S. K. also acknowledges RFBR Grant 19-52-12028. O. V. S. and Yu. L. R. acknowledge support by RFBR projects 17-41-590160 and 19-52-12045, respectively. Computer simulations were carried out at the Vienna Scientific Cluster

    Conservation and entanglement of Hermite-Gaussian modes in parametric down-conversion

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    We show that the transfer of the angular spectrum of the pump beam to the two-photon state in spontaneous parametric down-conversion enables the generation of entangled Hermite-Gaussian modes. We derive an analytical expression for the two-photon state in terms of these modes and show that there are restrictions on both the parity and order of the down-converted Hermite-Gaussian fields. Using these results, we show that the two-photon state is indeed entangled in Hermite-Gaussian modes. We propose experimental methods of creating maximally-entangled Bell states and non-maximally entangled pure states of first order Hermite-Gaussian modes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Corrections made as per referee comments, references updated. Submitted PR