244 research outputs found

    Input of terrestrial organic matter linked to deglaciation increased mercury transport to the Svalbard fjords

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    Deglaciation has accelerated the transport of minerals as well as modern and ancient organic matter from land to fjord sediments in Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in the European Arctic Ocean. Consequently, such sediments may contain significant levels of total mercury (THg) bound to terrestrial organic matter. The present study compared THg contents in surface sediments from three fjord settings in Spitsbergen: Hornsund in the southern Spitsbergen, which has high annual volume of loss glacier and receives sediment from multiple tidewater glaciers, Dicksonfjorden in the central Spitsbergen, which receives sediment from glacifluvial rivers, and Wijdefjorden in the northern Spitsbergen, which receive sediments from a mixture of tidewater glaciers and glacifluvial rivers. Our results showed that the THg (52 +/- 15 ng g(-1)) bound to organic matter (OM) was the highest in the Hornsund surface sediments, where the glacier loss (0.44 km(3) yr(-1)) and organic carbon accumulation rates (9.3 similar to 49.4 g m(-2) yr(-1)) were elevated compared to other fjords. Furthermore, the delta C-13 (-27 similar to -24 parts per thousand) and delta S-34 values (-10 similar to 15 parts per thousand) of OM indicated that most of OM were originated from terrestrial sources. Thus, the temperature-driven glacial melting could release more OM originating from the meltwater or terrestrial materials, which are available for THg binding in the European Arctic fjord ecosystems.11Ysciescopu

    Glacial history and depositional environments in little Storfjorden and Hambergbukta of Arctic Svalbard since the younger dryas

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    Geophysical and lithological data provide crucial information for the understanding of glacial history in Arctic Svalbard. In this study, we reconstructed the glacier-induced depositional environments of Little Storfjorden and its tributary, Hambergbukta, over the last 13 ka to better understand the glacial history of southeastern Svalbard. The combined uses of swath-bathymetry, high-resolution seismic stratigraphy, and multiple-proxy measurements of sediment cores allowed us to define five steps of glacier-induced depositional environments: 1) deposition of massive, semi-consolidated gravelly sandy mud (Facies 1) during re-advance or still-stand of the marine-based glaciers/ice streams in Little Storfjorden during Younger Dryas (13–12 ka); 2) deposition of massive mud to gravelly sandy mud (Facies 2A and B) during glacial retreat until the earliest Holocene (12–10.1 ka); 3) sediment winnowing by enhanced bottom currents during the early to middle Holocene (10.1–3.7 ka); 4) deposition of bioturbated sandy mud (Facies 3) with high productivity under seasonal sea ice conditions during the late Holocene (3.7–0.7 ka); and 5) deposition of (slightly) bioturbated sandy to gravelly mud (Facies 4) affected by glacier surges since Little Ice Age (LIA) (Facies 4). In addition to seismic stratigraphy, depositional patterns of IRD in Little Storfjorden indicate that the glacier surges in Hambergbukta occurred only after ∼0.7 ka. This suggests that the terminal moraine complex (TMC) represents the maximum extent of the LIA surges, which argues against the recent inference for the TMC formation during pre-LIA. This study shows the importance of multiple parameters to better understand the current behavior of tidewater glaciers in the Svalbard fjords in response to rapid climate change

    TonEBP suppresses IL-10-mediated immunomodulation

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    TonEBP is a key transcriptional activator of M1 phenotype in macrophage, and its high expression is associated with many inflammatory diseases. During the progression of the inflammatory responses, the M1 to M2 phenotypic switch enables the dual role of macrophages in controlling the initiation and resolution of inflammation. Here we report that in human and mouse M1 macrophages TonEBP suppresses IL-10 expression and M2 phenotype. TonEBP knockdown promoted the transcription of the IL-10 gene by enhancing chromatin accessibility and Sp1 recruitment to its promoter. The enhanced expression of M2 genes by TonEBP knockdown was abrogated by antagonism of IL-10 by either neutralizing antibodies or siRNA-mediated silencing. In addition, pharmacological suppression of TonEBP leads to similar upregulation of IL-10 and M2 genes. Thus, TonEBP suppresses M2 phenotype via downregulation of the IL-10 in M1 macrophagesope

    Tonicity-responsive enhancer-binding protein promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis, recurrence and metastasis

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    Objectives: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common cancer with high rate of recurrence and mortality. Diverse aetiological agents and wide heterogeneity in individual tumours impede effective and personalised treatment. Tonicity-responsive enhancer-binding protein (TonEBP) is a transcriptional cofactor for the expression of proinflammatory genes. Although inflammation is intimately associated with the pathogenesis of HCC, the role of TonEBP is unknown. We aimed to identify function of TonEBP in HCC. Design: Tumours with surrounding hepatic tissues were obtained from 296 patients with HCC who received completion resection. TonEBP expression was analysed by quantitative reverse transcription-quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) and immunohfistochemical analyses of tissue microarrays. Mice with TonEBP haplodeficiency, and hepatocyte-specific and myeloid-specific TonEBP deletion were used along with HCC and hepatocyte cell lines. Results: TonEBP expression is higher in tumours than in adjacent non-tumour tissues in 92.6% of patients with HCC regardless of aetiology associated. The TonEBP expression in tumours and adjacent non-tumour tissues predicts recurrence, metastasis and death in multivariate analyses. TonEBP drives the expression of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) by stimulating the promoter. In mouse models of HCC, three common sites of TonEBP action in response to diverse aetiological agents leading to tumourigenesis and tumour growth were found: cell injury and inflammation, induction by oxidative stress and stimulation of the COX-2 promoter. Conclusions: TonEBP is a key component of the common pathway in tumourigenesis and tumour progression of HCC in response to diverse aetiological insults. TonEBP is involved in multiple steps along the pathway, rendering it an attractive therapeutic target as well as a prognostic biomarker

    A pulse of meteoric subsurface fluid discharging into the Chukchi Sea during the Early Holocene Thermal Maximum (EHTM)

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    This work was supported bythe Korea Ministry of Science and ICT (GP2020-038), by the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (NP2011-040 and 1525011795), and by the Korea Polar Research Institute (Grants No. PE20350). W.-L.H. acknowledges the supports from the ArcticSGD, a project supported by the Norway Grants and the EEA Grants (2019/34/H/ST10/00645). Additional funds were contributed by the AWI Research Program PACES-II Workpackage 3.1 and 3.2.The response of Arctic Ocean biogeochemistry to subsurface flow driven by permafrost thaw is poorly understood. We present dissolved chloride and water isotopic data from the Chukchi Sea Shelf sediments that reveal the presence of a meteoric subsurface flow enriched in cations with a radiogenic Sr fingerprint. This subsurface fluid is also enriched in dissolved inorganic carbon and methane that bear isotopic compositions indicative of a carbon reservoir modified by reactions in a closed system. Such fluid characteristics are in stark contrast with those from other sites in the Chukchi Sea where the pore water composition shows no sign of meteoric input, but reflect typical biogeochemical reactions associated with early diagenetic sequences in marine sediment. The most likely source of the observed subsurface flow at the Chukchi Sea Shelf is from the degradation of permafrost that had extended to the shelf region during the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data suggest that the permafrost-driven subsurface flow most likely took place during the 2-3 oC warming in the Early Holocene Thermal Maximum (EHTM). This time scale is supported by numerical simulation of pore fluid profiles, which indicate that a minimum of several thousand years must have passed since the cessation of the subsurface methane-bearing fluid flow.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The genome sequence of Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae KACC10331, the bacterial blight pathogen of rice

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    The nucleotide sequence was determined for the genome of Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae (Xoo) KACC10331, a bacterium that causes bacterial blight in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The genome is comprised of a single, 4 941 439 bp, circular chromosome that is G + C rich (63.7%). The genome includes 4637 open reading frames (ORFs) of which 3340 (72.0%) could be assigned putative function. Orthologs for 80% of the predicted Xoo genes were found in the previously reported X.axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) and X.campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) genomes, but 245 genes apparently specific to Xoo were identified. Xoo genes likely to be associated with pathogenesis include eight with similarity to Xanthomonas avirulence (avr) genes, a set of hypersensitive reaction and pathogenicity (hrp) genes, genes for exopolysaccharide production, and genes encoding extracellular plant cell wall-degrading enzymes. The presence of these genes provides insights into the interactions of this pathogen with its gramineous host