7 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Anomalous Hall Response of the Magnetic Structure Changes in the Epitaxial MnBi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>4</sub> Films

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    Recently discovered as an intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator, MnBi2Te4 has attracted tremendous research interest, as it provides an ideal platform to explore the interplay between topological and magnetic orders. MnBi2Te4 displays distinct exotic topological phases that are inextricably linked to the different magnetic structures of the material. In this study, we conducted electrical transport measurements and systematically investigated the anomalous Hall response of epitaxial MnBi2Te4 films when subjected to an external magnetic field sweep, revealing the different magnetic structures stemming from the interplay of applied fields and the material’s intrinsic antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering. Our results demonstrate that the nonsquare anomalous Hall loop is a consequence of the distinct reversal processes within individual septuple layers. These findings shed light on the intricate magnetic structures in MnBi2Te4 and related materials, offering insights into understanding their transport properties and facilitating the implementation of AFM topological electronics

    Distributed Analysis in CMS

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    The CMS experiment expects to manage several Pbytes of data each year during the LHC programme, distributing them over many computing sites around the world and enabling data access at those centers for analysis. CMS has identified the distributed sites as the primary location for physics analysis to support a wide community with thousands potential users. This represents an unprecedented experimental challenge in terms of the scale of distributed computing resources and number of user. An overview of the computing architecture, the software tools and the distributed infrastructure is reported. Summaries of the experience in establishing efficient and scalable operations to get prepared for CMS distributed analysis are presented, followed by the user experience in their current analysis activities