70 research outputs found

    Paxillin and Hic-5 Interaction with Vinculin Is Differentially Regulated by Rac1 and RhoA

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    Cell migration is of paramount importance to organism development and maintenance as well as multiple pathological processes, including cancer metastasis. The RhoGTPases Rac1 and RhoA are indispensable for cell migration as they regulate cell protrusion, cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions and force transduction. However, the consequences of their activity at a molecular level within the cell remain undetermined. Using a combination of FRET, FRAP and biochemical analyses we show that the interactions between the focal adhesion proteins vinculin and paxillin, as well as the closely related family member Hic-5 are spatially and reciprocally regulated by the activity of Rac1 and RhoA. Vinculin in its active conformation interacts with either paxillin or Hic-5 in adhesions in response to Rac1 and RhoA activation respectively, while inactive vinculin interacts with paxillin in the membrane following Rac1 inhibition. Additionally, Rac1 specifically regulates the dynamics of paxillin as well as its binding partner and F-actin interacting protein actopaxin (α-parvin) in adhesions. Furthermore, FRET analysis of protein:protein interactions within cell adhesions formed in 3D matrices revealed that, in contrast to 2D systems vinculin interacts preferentially with Hic-5. This study provides new insight into the complexity of cell-ECM adhesions in both 2D and 3D matrices by providing the first description of RhoGTPase-coordinated protein:protein interactions in a cellular microenvironment. These data identify discrete roles for paxillin and Hic-5 in Rac1 and RhoA-dependent cell adhesion formation and maturation; processes essential for productive cell migration

    KAGRA: 2.5 Generation Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector

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    The recent detections of gravitational waves (GWs) reported by LIGO/Virgocollaborations have made significant impact on physics and astronomy. A globalnetwork of GW detectors will play a key role to solve the unknown nature of thesources in coordinated observations with astronomical telescopes and detectors.Here we introduce KAGRA (former name LCGT; Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitationalwave Telescope), a new GW detector with two 3-km baseline arms arranged in theshape of an "L", located inside the Mt. Ikenoyama, Kamioka, Gifu, Japan.KAGRA's design is similar to those of the second generations such as AdvancedLIGO/Virgo, but it will be operating at the cryogenic temperature with sapphiremirrors. This low temperature feature is advantageous for improving thesensitivity around 100 Hz and is considered as an important feature for thethird generation GW detector concept (e.g. Einstein Telescope of Europe orCosmic Explorer of USA). Hence, KAGRA is often called as a 2.5 generation GWdetector based on laser interferometry. The installation and commissioning ofKAGRA is underway and its cryogenic systems have been successfully tested inMay, 2018. KAGRA's first observation run is scheduled in late 2019, aiming tojoin the third observation run (O3) of the advanced LIGO/Virgo network. In thiswork, we describe a brief history of KAGRA and highlights of main feature. Wealso discuss the prospects of GW observation with KAGRA in the era of O3. Whenoperating along with the existing GW detectors, KAGRA will be helpful to locatea GW source more accurately and to determine the source parameters with higherprecision, providing information for follow-up observations of a GW triggercandidate

    Application of independent component analysis to the iKAGRA data

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    We apply independent component analysis (ICA) to real data from a gravitational wave detector for the first time. Specifically, we use the iKAGRA data taken in April 2016, and calculate the correlations between the gravitational wave strain channel and 35 physical environmental channels. Using a couple of seismic channels which are found to be strongly correlated with the strain, we perform ICA. Injecting a sinusoidal continuous signal in the strain channel, we find that ICA recovers correct parameters with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, which demonstrates the usefulness of this method. Among the two implementations of ICA used here, we find the correlation method yields the optimal results for the case of environmental noise acting on the strain channel linearly

    Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts

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    We report on the first joint search for gravitational waves by the TAMA and LIGO collaborations. We looked for millisecond-duration unmodelled gravitational-wave bursts in 473 hr of coincident data collected during early 2003. No candidate signals were found. We set an upper limit of 0.12 events per day on the rate of detectable gravitational-wave bursts, at 90% confidence level. From simulations, we estimate that our detector network was sensitive to bursts with root-sum-square strain amplitude above approximately 1-3×10 in the frequency band 700-2000 Hz. We describe the details of this collaborative search, with particular emphasis on its advantages and disadvantages compared to searches by LIGO and TAMA separately using the same data. Benefits include a lower background and longer observation time, at some cost in sensitivity and bandwidth. We also demonstrate techniques for performing coincidence searches with a heterogeneous network of detectors with different noise spectra and orientations. These techniques include using coordinated signal injections to estimate the network sensitivity, and tuning the analysis to maximize the sensitivity and the livetime, subject to constraints on the background

    Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA

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    We present possible observing scenarios for the Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA gravitational-wave detectors over the next decade, with the intention of providing information to the astronomy community to facilitate planning for multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves. We estimate the sensitivity of the network to transient gravitational-wave signals, and study the capability of the network to determine the sky location of the source. We report our findings for gravitational-wave transients, with particular focus on gravitational-wave signals from the inspiral of binary neutron star systems, which are the most promising targets for multi-messenger astronomy. The ability to localize the sources of the detected signals depends on the geographical distribution of the detectors and their relative sensitivity, and 90% credible regions can be as large as thousands of square degrees when only two sensitive detectors are operational. Determining the sky position of a significant fraction of detected signals to areas of 5– 20 deg2 requires at least three detectors of sensitivity within a factor of ∼2 of each other and with a broad frequency bandwidth. When all detectors, including KAGRA and the third LIGO detector in India, reach design sensitivity, a significant fraction of gravitational-wave signals will be localized to a few square degrees by gravitational-wave observations alone