25 research outputs found

    Toward inertial confinement fusion energy based on heavy ion beam

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    Heavy ion inertial fusion (HIF) energy would be one of promising energy resources securing our future energy in order to sustain our human life for centuries and beyond. The heavy ion beam (HIB) has remarkable preferable features to release the fusion energy in inertial confinement fusion: in particle accelerators HIBs are generated with a high driver efficiency of ~ 30-40%, and the HIB ions deposit their energy inside of materials. Therefore, a requirement for the fusion target energy gain is relatively low, that would be ~50-70 to operate a HIF fusion reactor with the standard energy output of 1GW of electricity. The HIF reactor operation frequency would be ~10~15 Hz or so. Several-MJ HIBs illuminate a fusion fuel target, and the fuel target is imploded to about a thousand times of the solid density. Then the DT fuel is ignited and burned. The HIB ion deposition range would be ~0.5-1 mm or so depending on the material. Therefore, a relatively large density-scale length appears in the fuel target material. The large density-gradient-scale length helps to reduce the Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) growth rate. The key merits in HIF physics are presented in the article toward our bright future energy resource.Comment: 17 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1511.06508, arXiv:1608.0106

    Optically Pumped Polarized 3^3He++^{++} Ion Source Development for RHIC/EIC

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    The proposed polarized 3^3He++^{++} acceleration in RHIC and the future Electron-Ion Collider will require about 2×10112\times10^{11} ions in the source pulse. A new technique had been proposed for production of high intensity polarized 3^3He++^{++} ion beams. It is based on ionization and accumulation of the 3^3He gas (polarized by metastability-exchange optical pumping and in the 5 T high magnetic field) in the existing Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS). A novel 3^3He cryogenic purification and storage technique was developed to provide the required gas purity. An original gas refill and polarized 3^3He gas injection to the EBIS long drift tubes, (which serves as the storage cell) were developed to ensure polarization preservation. An infrared laser system for optical pumping and polarization measurements in the high 3--5 T field has been developed. The 3^3He polarization 80--85\% (and sufficiently long ∼30\sim30 min relaxation time) was obtained in the \lq\lq{open}\rq\rq\ cell configuration with refilling valve tube inlet and isolation valve closed. The development of the spin-rotator and 3^3He 4^4He absolute nuclear polarimeter at 6 MeV 3^3He++^{++} beam energy is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure