206 research outputs found

    Comparative leaf and scape anatomy of some Scilla taxa in Turkey

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    Comparative anatomical study on eight Scilla taxa (S. bifolia, S. melaina, S. siberica subsp. armena, S. leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. autumnalis and S. cilicica) growing in Turkey was made using light microscopy techniques. Leaf and scape anatomical properties of the taxa were compared and relationships among taxa were determined. In anatomical studies, paraffin method was used. The cross-sections of the scape, leaves and surface-sections the leaves of these taxa were taken and photographed. Length and width measurements of stomata in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves were made and the mean and standard devition values of stomata were calculated. Raphida crystals were found in the mesophyll of all taxa. On both surfaces of leaves, anomocytic type stomata were observed. The different and similar anatomical characters in the leaf and scape were determined and the taxa were classified into three groups; such as (1) S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. melaina, and S. leepii are independent species with close relationships; (2) S. bifolia, S. siberica subsp. armena and S.cilicica are very close taxa; (3) S. autumnalis is different from other investigated taxa. Also, these taxa can be distinguished as mesophyll type; isolateral (S. bifolia, S. cilicica and S. siberica subsp. armena) and unifacial (S. melaina, S.leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica and S. autumnalis). According to our data, S. bifolia was considered as a complex species of Scilla genus in Turkey. © 2016 Friends Science Publishers

    Stability, electronic and phononic properties of β and 1T structures of SiTex (x = 1, 2) and their vertical heterostructures

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    By performing first-principles calculations, we predict a novel, stable single layer phase of silicon ditelluride, 1T-SiTe2, and its possible vertical heterostructures with single layer β-SiTe. Structural optimization and phonon calculations reveal that 1T-SiTe2 structure has a dynamically stable ground state. Further analysis of the vibrational spectrum at the - point shows that single layer 1T-SiTe2 has characteristic phonon modes at 80, 149, 191 and 294 cm-1. Electronic-band structure demonstrates that 1T-SiTe2 phase exhibits a nonmagnetic metallic ground state with a negligible intrinsic spinorbit splitting. Moreover, it is shown that similar structural parameters of 1T-SiTe2 and existing β-SiTe phases allows construction of 1T-β heterostructures with a negligible lattice mismatch. In this regard, it is found that two energetically favorable stacking orders, namely AA and ATB, have distinctive shear and layer breathing phonon modes. It is important to note that the combination of semiconducting β-SiTe and metallic 1T-SiTe2 building blocks forms ultra-thin Schottky barriers that can be used in nanoscale optoelectronic device technologies.TUBITAK (116C073--114F397); The Science Academy, Turkey under the BAGEP progra

    Monitoring the effect of asymmetrical vertical strain on Janus single layers of MoSSe via vibrational spectrum

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    Using first principles calculations, we study the structural and phononic properties of the recently synthesized Janus type single layers of molybdenum dichalcogenides. The Janus MoSSe single layer possesses 2H crystal structure with two different chalcogenide sides that lead to out-of-plane anisotropy. By virtue of the asymmetric structure of the ultra-thin Janus type crystal, we induced the out-of-plane anisotropy to show the distinctive vertical pressure effect on the vibrational properties of the Janus material. It is proposed that for the corresponding Raman active optical mode of the Janus structure, the phase modulation and the magnitude ratio of the strained atom and its first neighbor atom adjust the distinctive change in the eigen-frequencies and Raman activity. Moreover, a strong variation in the Raman activity of the Janus structure is obtained under bivertical and univertical strains. Not only eigen-frequency shifts but also Raman activities of the optical modes of the Janus structure exhibit distinguishable features. This study reveals that the vertical anisotropic feature of the Janus structure under Raman measurement allows us to distinguish which side of the Janus crystal interacts with the externals (substrate, functional adlayers, or dopants).TUBITAK (117F095); FLAG-ERA-TRANS2DTM

    Chemical Applications, Scarification and Stratification Effects on Seed Germination of Rare Endemic Verbascum calycosum Hausskn. ex Murb. (Scrophulariaceae)

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    Verbascum calycosum is an endemic plant species having considerable narrow distribution in Erzincan (Turkey) region. This species is known from only a single population and its habitats are highly threatened due to intensive human activities and soil erosion. In this study, the germination behavior of V. calycosum under different concentrations of NaCl, HCl, KNO3, GA3 (100 and 200 μM), hot-cold stratification and mechanical scarification were investigated. Seeds were exposed to a photoperiod of 8 h light/16 h dark with a 23/18 °C thermoperiod. Germination rates increased with GA3-100 µM (39%), GA3-200 µM (54.5%), mechanical scarification (34.5%) and cold stratification treatments (+4 °C, 23.25%; -20 °C, 18.25%) on the other hand, KNO3, NaCl, HCl and stratification with hot water treatments have decreased germination rates significantly when compared to the control (12.25%). Increased germination after GA3 application and mechanical scarification indicated that seeds of V. calycosum exhibited both non-deep and intermediate physiological dormancy as well as physical dormancy due to its hard seed coat. The highest speed of germination index was obtained at cold stratification of +4 °C and -20 °C (10.3). This study represents first report about seed dormancy and germination characteristics of V. calycosum. Overall, these results will provide valuable data for ex situ conservation of this rare endemic plant

    Yapay Zeka ve Nesnelerin İnternetine Dayalı Otomatik Sulama Sistemi

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    It is not hard to see that the need for clean water is growing by considering the decrease of the water sources day by day in the world. Potable fresh water is also used for irrigation, so it should be planned to decrease fresh water wastage. With the development of the technology and the availability of cheaper and more effective solutions, the efficiency of the irrigation increased and the water loss can be reduced. In particular, Internet of things (IoT) devices have begun to be used in all areas. We can easily and precisely collect temperature, humidity and mineral values from the irrigation field with the IoT devices and sensors. Most of the operations and decisions about irrigation are carried out by people. For people, it is hard to have all the real time data such as temperature, moisture and mineral levels in the decision-making process and make decisions by considering them. People usually make decisions with their experience. In this study, a wide range of information from irrigation field was obtained by using IoT devices and sensors. Data collected from IoT devices and sensors sent via communication channels and stored on MongoDB.With the help of Weka software, the data was normalized and the normalized data was used as a learning set. As a result of the examinations, decision tree (J48) algorithm with the highest accuracy was chosen and artificial intelligence model was created. Decisions are used to manage operations such as starting, maintaining and stopping the irrigation. The accuracy of the decisions was evaluated and the irrigation system was tested with the results. There are options to manage, view the system remotely and manually and also see the system’s decisions with the created mobile application.Dünyadaki temiz su kaynaklarının günden güne azalması göz önüne alındığında temiz su ihtiyacının arttığını görmek zor değildir. Temiz içme suyu aynı zamanda sulama için de kullanılır bu nedenle temiz su israfı azaltma süreci planlanmalıdır. Teknolojinin gelişmesi, daha ucuz ve daha etkin çözümlerin ortaya çıkması ile birlikte, sulama verimliliği artmakta ve su kaybı azalmaktadır. Özellikle, Nesnelerin İnterneti cihazları (IoT) tüm alanlarda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. IoT cihazlar ve sensörler ile sulama alanından sıcaklık, nem ve mineral değerlerini kolayca ve hassas bir şekilde toplayabiliriz. Günümüzde sulama ile ilgili işlem ve kararların çoğu insanlar tarafından yürütülmektedir. Karar verme sürecinde sıcaklık, nem ve mineral seviyeleri gibi birçok gerçek zamanlı veriye sahip olmak ve bunları dikkate alarak karar vermek insanlar için zordur. İnsanlar genellikle kendi deneyimleriyle karar alırlar. Bu çalışmada, IoT cihazları ve sensörler kullanılarak sulama alanından geniş bir veri toplanmıştır. IoT cihazlarından ve sensörlerden toplanan veriler, iletişim kanallarından sunucuya aktarılır ve MongoDB üzerinde saklanır. Weka yazılımı yardımı ile normalizasyon işlemleri yapılan veriler öğrenme seti olarak kullanılır. Denemeler sonucunca yüksek başarı oranına sahip karar ağacı (J48) algoritması seçilmiş ve yapay zeka modeli oluşturulmuştur. Kararlar, sulamayı başlatmak, sürdürmek ve durdurmak gibi işlemleri yönetmek için kullanılmıştır. Kararların doğruluğu değerlendirilmiş ve sulama sistemi sonuçlarla test edilmiştir. Oluşturulan mobil uygulama ile sistemi uzaktan ve manuel olarak yönetmek, görüntülemek ve ayrıca sistemin vermiş olduğu kararları görebilmek için seçenekler vardır

    Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi

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    Bitkilere Türkçe adların nasıl verileceği konusunda kuralların belirlenmesi, yok olan Türkçe adların korunması ve Türkçe bitki adları konusundaki yozlaşmanın da önüne geçilebilmesi için 2013 yılında Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi Taslağı (Menemen vd., 2013) yayınlanmıştır. Yayınlanan bu taslakta Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi'ne ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirtilmiştir. Taslak, Flora Araştırmaları Derneği'nin 15.04.2016 tarihli toplantısına katılan üyelerin katkılarıyla yapılan bazı düzeltmelerden sonra dernek yönetim kurulunun 15.04.2016 tarih ve 21 nolu kararı ile Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi olarak oybirliğiyle kabul edilmiştir. Kabul edilen yönergenin hiçbir şekilde zorlayıcı olmadığı da bilinmelidir. Yönerge Prof. Dr. Yusuf Menemen, Prof. Dr. Zeki Aytaç ve Prof. Dr. Ali Kandemir tarafından düzenlenip, yayına hazırlanmıştır.Bitkilere Türkçe adların nasıl verileceği konusunda kuralların belirlenmesi, yok olan Türkçe adların korunması ve Türkçe bitki adları konusundaki yozlaşmanın da önüne geçilebilmesi için 2013 yılında Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi Taslağı (Menemen vd., 2013) yayınlanmıştır. Yayınlanan bu taslakta Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi’ne ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirtilmiştir. Taslak, Flora Araştırmaları Derneği’nin 15.04.2016 tarihli toplantısına katılan üyelerin katkılarıyla yapılan bazı düzeltmelerden sonra dernek yönetim kurulunun 15.04.2016 tarih ve 21 nolu kararı ile Türkçe Bilimsel Bitki Adları Yönergesi olarak oybirliğiyle kabul edilmiştir. Kabul edilen yönergenin hiçbir şekilde zorlayıcı olmadığı da bilinmelidir. Yönerge Prof. Dr. Yusuf Menemen, Prof. Dr. Zeki Aytaç ve Prof. Dr. Ali Kandemir tarafından düzenlenip, yayına hazırlanmıştır

    Torsional vibration of cracked carbon nanotubes with torsional restraints using Eringen’s nonlocal differential model

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    Free torsional vibration of cracked carbon nanotubes with elastic torsional boundary conditions is studied. Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory is used in the analysis. Two similar rotation functions are represented by two Fourier sine series. A coefficient matrix including torsional springs and crack parameter is derived by using Stokes' transformation and nonlocal boundary conditions. This useful coefficient matrix can be used to obtain the torsional vibration frequencies of cracked nanotubes with restrained boundary conditions. Free torsional vibration frequencies are calculated by using Fourier sine series and compared with the finite element method and analytical solutions available in the literature. The effects of various parameters such as crack parameter, geometry of nanotubes, and deformable boundary conditions are discussed in detail