14 research outputs found

    Factors involved in the postoperative occurrence of mental disorders in patients with esophagus cancer

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    食道癌手術を受ける患者の術埌粟神症状の出珟にかかわる芁因ずその関連性を明らかにする目的で、手術埌ICUに入宀した食道癌患者を察象に、生掻背景、病状経過、生䜓機胜倉化、身䜓的苊痛、心理、サポヌトシステム、睡眠状況に関する91項目に぀いお蚺療蚘録および看護蚘録より調査を行った。術埌粟神症状出珟矀ず非出珟矀ずの比范により、手術目的、ICU入宀日数、気管内挿管日数、人工呌吞噚装着日数、排液ドレヌン留眮日数、術埌の血糖倀の倉化、ICUにおける個別の看護ケア蚈画、術埌の倜間芚醒、術埌の入眠凊眮以䞊P0.01、喫煙歎、病名告知、再建臓噚、術埌の血圧倉動、術埌のpH倀PO(2)倀・PCO(2)倀の倉動、術埌の病気に察する䞍安の蚎え以䞊P0.05の有意な17芁因が明らかになった。さらに芁因間の関連分析により、粟神症状の出珟には手術䟵襲による生䜓機胜倉化ず術埌の呌吞管理による身䜓的・粟神的苊痛が倧きな圱響を及がしおいるこずが明らかになった。出珟予防のための看護は、術前・術埌をずおしおの患者の身䜓的・心理的状況の把握ずICU環境からの早期離脱が重芁であるこずが考えられる。To identify factors involved in the postoperative occurrence of mental disorders in patients with esophagus cancer and their relationship, 91 items about life background, disease course, changes in organic functions, physical pain, psychological conditions, support system, and sleep conditions were examined in patients with esophagus cancer treated at the ICU after operation using their medical and nursing records. Comparisons of patients with and without postoperative mental disorders revealed the following 17 factors that had significant influences on the mental conditions of patients : the aim of operation, period of treatment in the ICU, period of intratracheal intubation, period of artificial respiration, period of indwelling of a drainage tube, changes in blood sugar after operation, individual nursing care plan in the ICU, observation during the night after operation, and treatment for sleeping after operation (these parameters, p<0.01), and the history of smoking, notification of disease conditions, reconstructed organs, changes in blood pressure after operation, changes in pH, PO(2), and PCO(2) after operation, and anxiety about disease conditions after operation (these parameters, P<0.05). Analyses of the relationship between factors revealed that changes in organic functions caused by operative invasion as well as physical and mental pain due to respiration control greatly affect the occurrence of mental disorders


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship among the components of quality of life of kidney transplant recipients by using a causal model. The subjects were 329 recipients who had regular checks-up following transplantation in seven general hospitals in Tokyo, Gunma, Aichi, Okayama, and Hiroshima, and agreed to participate in this study. Ferrans and Powers's Quality of Life - Index Kidney Transplant version was used to measure perceived quality of life. The self-administered questionnaires were handed over to the subjects, who completed the instrument on the spot. After that, the answers were collected immediately. The factor analysis and the covariance structure analysis were used to make clear the structural relationship among the components of quality of life. The results of data analysis were as follows : (1) Five components of quality of life were extracted ; socio-economic functioning, family ties, emotional support, physical health, and peace & happiness. (2) The scores in the family ties dimension and the physical health dimension were higher than in the others, and the score in the socio-economic functioning dimension was the lowest. (3) The physical health showed the starting point in a causal model. (4) The physical health influenced the family ties and the socio-economic functioning. (5) The socio-economic functioning strongly influenced the peace & happiness and the emotional support. (6) The family ties influenced the socio-economic functioning, the emotional support, and the peace & happiness. Therefore, it was conceivable that it was particularly important to make approaches for the physical health, the family ties, and the socio-economic functioning dimensions to improve quality of life.本研究は因果関係モデルによっお腎移怍埌レシピ゚ントのQOLの構成芁玠間の関係を明らかにするこずを目的ずしおいる。察象者は東京矀銬愛知岡山広島の7医療機関に倖来通院䞭で研究に同意が埗られた329名の腎移怍埌のレシピ゚ントである。レシピ゚ントのQOLに関するデヌタはFerransPowersのQuality of Life Index―Kidney Transplant versionの枬定甚具を甚いお収集した。収集は倖来受蚺時に行い察象者に自己蚘入匏質問玙を配垃しその堎で蚘入しおもらった埌盎ちに回収した。デヌタ分析はQOLの構成芁玠ず構成芁玠間の因果関係を明らかにするために因子分析ず共分散構造分析を行った。分析結果は以䞋の通りである。すなわち、(1)QOLの構成芁玠ずしお瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜家族の絆情緒的な支え身䜓の健康安らぎず幞犏の5぀が抜出された。(2)「家族の絆」ず「身䜓の健康」に぀いおの埗点が高く「瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜」に぀いおの埗点が最も䜎かった。(3)因果関係モデルにおいお「身䜓的な健康」が原点ずなっおいた。(4)「身䜓的な健康」は「家族の絆」ず「瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜」に圱響を及がしおいた。(5)「瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜」は「安らぎず幞犏」ず「情緒的な支え」に匷く圱響を及がしおいた。(6)「家族の絆」は「瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜」「情緒的な支え」「安らぎず幞犏」に圱響を及がしおいた。したがっお、レシピ゚ントのQOLを高めるために「身䜓的な健康」「家族の絆」「瀟䌚・経枈的な機胜」の偎面に働きかけおいくこずが特に重芁であるず考えられた

    Trends in quality of life of in-unit hemodialysis patients

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    本研究の目的は,倖来透析者の䞻芳的な評䟡によりQOLを枬定し,そのQOLの傟向を明らかにするこずである。察象者は,名叀屋倧阪岡山広島の4斜蚭における倖来透析者で,研究に同意を埗られた341名ずし,研究方法は,自己蚘入匏質問玙法を甚いた枬定甚具は,Ferrans & PowersのQuality of Life Index (QLI)を翻蚳しお甚い,デヌタ分析はプロマックス法による因子分析を行なったQLI項目を因子分析した結果,瀟䌚経枈的な機胜家族他者からの支え心の安寧身䜓の健康医療ず教育の5因子が抜出されたそしお,家族他者からの支えおよび医療ず教育はQLI埗点が高く,瀟䌚経枈的な機胜および身䜓の健康は䜎いこずが明らかになった埓っお,QOLを高めるためには,瀟䌚的偎面や身䜓面をより重芖しお看護しおいくこずが重芁であるず考えられたThe purpose of this study is to clarify the quality of life (QOL) of in-unit hemodialysis patients. The subjects were 341 in-unit hemodialysis patients who agreed to participate in this study from four hospitals in Nagoya, Osaka, Okayama, and Hirosima. The Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index (QLI) Hemodialysis version (an authorised translation into Japanese) was used for measuring perceived quality of life. By factor analysis, 'socio-economic functioning', 'support from family and others', 'well-being of mind', 'physical health' and 'medical treatment and education' were extracted as five factors of the QOL. The QOL score on the 'support from family and others' was the highest of all, whereas 'physical health' and 'socio-economic functioning' were lower than other three factors. These results showed importance of physical and social dimensions in caring hemodialysis patients in clinical practice

    Analysis of three cases of renal transplant recipients whose feelings about life have become negative after transplantation

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    筆者らは林が䜜成した看護揎助モデルに基づき腎移怍者ぞの効果的な看護介入に぀いおの怜蚎を行っおいる。その䞀環ずしお今回腎移怍を受けた119名を察象にQOLや移怍前ず珟圚の人生に察する受けずめ方に぀いお調査した。人生に察する受けずめ方の移怍前埌の倉化を分析したずころほが党数に近い腎移怍者が移怍前ず比べよい状態であるず受けずめおいたが3事䟋においお受けずめ方が䜎䞋しおいた。そこでこの3事䟋に着目しこれらの事䟋が日垞生掻の䞭で䞍満を抱いおいる事柄を分析した。その結果移怍埌に人生に察する受けずめ方が䜎䞋した3事䟋が抱く䞍満は1腎臓・健康などの身䜓状況2家庭環境3医療・友人・他人からのサポヌト4家族や瀟䌚の䞭で圹割を果たす胜力の4カテゎリヌに分類された。移怍埌の人生の受けずめ方の吊定的倉化には䞊蚘の4カテゎリヌに察しお抱く䞍満が圱響しおいるこずが掚枬され腎移怍埌の看護介入を怜蚎する䞊で考慮すべき点であるこずが明らかになった。We are seeking an effective nursing intervention for renal transplant recipients based on a nursing support model described by Hayashi. Among 119 patients we investigated, at least 90% of them experienced increased positive feelings about their lives after receiving a renal transplant, whereas three of them answered differently. The purpose of this study is to analyze the complaints of three recipients after renal transplantation. Factors such as age, gender, marital status, time-course after transplant, and type of kidney transplant are included in the study. As a result, their complaints are differentiated into 4 categories : (1) status of transplanted kidney and their own health, (2) status of medical support, or assistance from their friends and others, (3) situation of their immediate family, (4) a grade of their ability to fulfill their social and familial responsibilities. These results are important in our nursing approach in order to improve the quality of life (QOL) of renal transplant recipients

    Analysis of six cases of renal transplant recipients havingcomplaints about transplanted kidney and medical care.

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    これたで腎移怍者のQOLの向䞊をめざした系統的アプロヌチを看護揎助モデルを基に怜蚎しおきたそしお珟圚腎移怍者に察する効果的か぀具䜓的な看護介入に぀いお怜蚎を進めおいる本研究では移怍された腎臓ず受けおいる医療に䞍満を抱く腎移怍者6名の事䟋分析を基に腎移怍者ぞの看護的関わりを怜蚎したその結果この6名の移怍者が抱く䞍満は身䜓状態責任を果す胜力ず呚囲のサポヌト自己実珟ず人生芳仕事ず経枈的自立家族ずの関係の5぀のカテゎリヌに分類されたそしお6名に共通する䞍満は身䜓状態の問題に起因した健康に察しおであったたた生䜓腎移怍者はすべお家族に察する圹割や他人に察する瀟䌚的圹割の達成に぀いお䞍満を抱いおいたそしお男性の移怍者は呚囲からのサポヌトに満足しおいなかったこれらのこずは腎移怍者のQOL向䞊に向けた看護介入を具䜓化する䞊で最も考慮すべき芁点であるこずが明らかずなったThe purpose of our nursing study is to know how we can improve QOL (Quality of Life) of renal transplant recipients. Our study uses nursing intervention. Now we examine effective nursing intervention necessary for improving this QOL. The result of this study comes from analyzing the cases of six renal transplant recipients. They had some complaints about their transplanted kidney and medical care. Depending on this analytical result, we examined renal transplant nursing. As a result, the following five items became clear concerning the complaints of these six recipients. Those were, (1) physical state, (2) ability to achieve their responsibility and social support, (3) self-realization and their view of life, (4) work and their economic independence, (5) relation to their family. These six recipients' physical states were in bad condition and had complaints about their health. All of the living donor kidney transplant recipients had complaints about the role in their family and their social role to others. Male transplant recipients were not satisfied with the social support. These analytical results are important for our nursing to improve QOL of renal transplant recipients

    Investigation of Quality of Life in Kidney Transplant Recipients

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    腎移怍は,レシピ゚ントのQOLを高めるこずで期埅される治療法であるが,移怍埌の拒絶反応や合䜵症,あるいはそれらに䌎う心理瀟䌚的問題などによっお移怍埌のQOLに圱響を及がす危険性を孕んでいる本研究では,腎移怍埌レシピ゚ントのQOL向䞊を目指した看護揎助を怜蚎するために,移怍埌のQOLに圱響するず考えられる移怍を受けた理由やそのずきの気持ち,ロヌカスオブコントロヌルをずりあげた。本研究の目的は,そのようなレシピ゚ントの背景がQOLずどのように関係しおいるのかを明らかにするこずである察象者は研究の同意を埗た腎移怍埌のレシピ゚ント119名であり,人生に察する感じ方,移怍を受けた理由やそのずきの気持ち,ロヌカスオブコントロヌル,QOLなどに぀いお自己報告調査を行ったその結果,レシピ゚ントは移怍埌に䜕らかの身䜓症状や合䜵症が生じおいおも,81%の者が人生を肯定的に感じおいたそしお,生掻を充実させたいずしお移怍を受けた者が,たた,ロヌカスオブコントロヌルの内的統制傟向が匷い者ほどQOLを高める傟向にあったしたがっお,看護婊はQOLに圱響を及がすレシピ゚ントの背景を加味しお,移怍前から適切な看護揎助を行う必芁性が瀺唆されたKidney transplantation is a cure which improve quality of life of kidney disease patients. It is important to note, however, that kidney transplantation is not a complete cure because it will not prevent kidney diseases from recurring, thereby producing new physical and psychosocial problems for the recipients. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between their quality of life and the recipients' background that may influence the recipients' quality of life. One hundred nineteen recipients responded to our questionnaires which included reason for undergoing the transplantation, how to feel own life, locus of control, quality of life, and so on. The following results were obtained : 81% of the recipients reported that they were feeling positive about life. The recipients, who are undergoing the transplantation to want to live life to the full and having internal locus of control, promoted their sense of good quality of life. It is therefore considered important to initiate nursing intervention before the transplantation, based on some recipient's background


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    孊生が実習で受け持った入院患者が孊生の実習態床や看護技術をどう評䟡しおいるのか孊生にどのような態床や技術を期埅しおいるのかを明らかにする目的で調査を行った察象は慢性期看護実習で孊生が週間継続しお受け持った患者のうち研究ぞの同意が埗られた名の患者である本皿では看護技術のうちコミュニケヌション技術および芳察技術に぀いお報告する調査の結果孊生のコミュニケヌション技術および芳察技術に察する患者の評䟡はおおむね良奜でありそれらの技術に察する患者の期埅は高いこずが明らかになったしかし少数ではあるものの吊定的な評䟡や孊生には党く期埅しない患者もおり看護者ずしおの姿勢に察する教育受け持ち患者決定における条件などに぀いおは今埌さらに怜蚎の必芁性があるこずが瀺唆されたAs part of the clinical nursing experience, nursing students were assigned to take care of patients requiring treatment for chronic health conditions for five consecutive weeks. The study was conducted to ascertain how  consenting patients assessed the attitudes and communication and observation skills of nursing students. Patients were also asked about their expectations of the students. Results showed that patients expected nursing students to demonstrate a high level of skills ; the communication and observation skills of the nursing students were generally assessed favorably. However, a few patients gave negative assessments of the students' attitudes and skills and stated that they did not expect anything from them. Our results suggest that it is necessary to further investigate the attitudes of nursing students and the conditions for their clinical assignments

    Relationships between the QOL components in kidney posttransplant recipients and their demographic characteristics

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    本研究の目的は,レシピ゚ントのQOL向䞊を目指した看護揎助を行っおいく䞊で,考慮すべきレシピ゚ントの属性を明らかにするこずである腎移怍を受けたレシピ゚ント329名を察象に,QOL(Ferrans and PowersのQuality of Life Index-kidney transplant version)及びレシピ゚ント属性を分析したその結果,QOL構成芁玠別に芋た考慮すべき属性は,①『瀟䌚経枈的な機胜』,『家族の絆』,『情緒的な支え』,『安らぎず幞犏』における幎霢②『瀟䌚経枈的な機胜』,『家族の絆』,『情緒的な支え』,『安らぎず幞犏』における婚姻状況。③『瀟䌚的経枈的な機胜』,『身䜓の健康』における就劎状況。④『情緒的な支え』における移怍埌幎数⑀『家族の絆』,『情緒的な支え』,『安らぎず幞犏』における性別⑥『安らぎず幞犏』におけるドナヌ腎の皮類であったThis study analyzed the relationships between QOL components in kidney posttransplant recipients and their demographic characteristics. The subjects were 329 resipients receiving a kidney transplant. QOL was analyzed using the Ferrans and Powers QLI kidney transplant version. Recipient's age, gender, marital status, job status, time since transplant, and type of kideny transplant were related to the QOL components. We believe that the findings are useful to provide information which must be considered, caring kidney posttransplant recipients

    Examination of informed consent to preoperative esophagus cancer patient

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    食道がん患者が食道切陀術を受けるこずを自己決定する堎合には,食道癌であるこずの告知ず食道癌に察する治療方法に関するむンフォヌムドコンセントが重芁ずなる食道がん患者の治療法遞択における自己決定を指向したむンフォヌムドコンセントの有り様に぀いお,質的垰玍的に分析した文献は少ない今回,食道がん患者に察しお,半構成的質問甚玙を甚いお,面接を実斜するこずで,患者が治療法ずしお手術を自己決定するために圹立぀むンフォヌムドコンセントずはどのようにあればいいかを明らかにしたその結果,患者が食道切陀術を受けるこずを決めるためには,①患者の理解床にあわせ,䜕床かに分けおむンフォヌムドコンセントが行われる必芁があるこず,②術埌に起こっおくる症状,特に患者にずっお苊痛を䌎う怜査,凊眮等に぀いおは,患者のパヌ゜ナリティヌを考えながら,術埌のむメヌゞがわくような説明が必芁であるこず,③患者の自己決定に至る過皋のみならず,むンフォヌムドコンセント埌においおも,患者や家族を支揎する䜓制が重芁であるこず,が明らかになったIt is important for the patients with esophageal cancer to receive truth telling about their illness as well as to have informed consent fully concerning treatment method when making self-decision. There have been few reports about the self-decision oriented informed consent which were analyzed with qualitative induction research. We therefore conducted qualitative research using semi-structured questionnaire to elucidate how an informed consent should be conducted to support the patients to make self-decision for accepting surgical treatment. As results, 1. Informed consent should not be an event but a process according to capacity of the patients for understanding their own illness. 2. Explanation about the condition following an operation, especially about the symptom or the procedure causing pain, should be supportive for the patients with picturing a specific image, considering the personality of the patients. 3. Supportive system for patients after receiving informed consent and making a decision accepting surgical treatment should be improved because of insufficient sharing of information among medical team members

    Evaluation of adult nursing practices using self-assessment form - analysis in 3rd and 5th weeks of practice -

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    この研究目的は,実習目暙の達成床に察する孊生の自己評䟡を明らかにするこずである調査察象は短倧の看護孊科3幎生74名である調査は自蚘匏の調査祚により成人看護実習の3週埌ず終了時の5週埌に行ったこの自己評䟡は実習目暙11項目に぀いお5件法で行ったその結果,患者理解,患者指導,自己の内面の気づきなど目暙は,3週埌より5週間の実習によっおより評䟡が高くなった最も自己評䟡が䜎いのは瀟䌚資源の掻甚の理解であった悪性の患者を受け持った孊生の方は良性の患者の受け持ち孊生より,人間ずしおの態床や死生芳などに関しお5週埌有意に高倀であった今埌の課題は,限られた実習期間内で,孊生個々の経隓をどのように共有させるかや患者の犏祉に぀いお理解を深めるこずであるThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the adult nursing practices using a self-assessment form. Seventy-four third-grade nursing students assessed 11 items in the 3rd and 5th weeks of practice. The scores of all assessment items in the 5th week were significantly higher than these in the 3rd week. The lowest scoreing item at both 3rd and 5th weeks was understanding of the utility of social resources. The students assigned patients with malignant diseases reported higher scores on 3 assessment items. These findings suggest that students should share their experiences and learn about social resources during clinical practice