7,135 research outputs found

    Superconducting gap variations induced by structural supermodulation in BSCCO

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    We discuss the possibility that the strain field introduced by the structural supermodulation in Bi-2212 and certain other cuprate materials may modulate the superconducting pairing interaction. We calculate the amplitude of this effect, visible in scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments, and thereby relate a change in the local superconducting gap with the change in the local dopant displacements induced by the supermodulation. In principle, since this modulation is periodic, sufficiently accurate x-ray measurements or ab initio calculations should enable one to determine which atomic displacements enhance pairing and therefore T_c.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A 3-D Track-Finding Processor for the CMS Level-1 Muon Trigger

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    We report on the design and test results of a prototype processor for the CMS Level-1 trigger that performs 3-D track reconstruction and measurement from data recorded by the cathode strip chambers of the endcap muon system. The tracking algorithms are written in C++ using a class library we developed that facilitates automatic conversion to Verilog. The code is synthesized into firmware for field-programmable gate-arrays from the Xilinx Virtex-II series. A second-generation prototype has been developed and is currently under test. It performs regional track-finding in a 60 degree azimuthal sector and accepts 3 GB/s of input data synchronously with the 40 MHz beam crossing frequency. The latency of the track-finding algorithms is expected to be 250 ns, including geometrical alignment correction of incoming track segments and a final momentum assignment based on the muon trajectory in the non-uniform magnetic field in the CMS endcaps.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, proceedings for the conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, March 24-28 2003, La Jolla, Californi

    Impact of global climate change on agricultural production: Balkan countries in 2050

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    The occurrence of extreme weather events due to today’s climate change is having a significant impact on agriculture. The purpose of this study is to estimate the possible effects of global climate change on agriculture at a regional level. To this end, the Global trade analyses project (GTAP) model has been used to examine the possible effects of climate change on agricultural production in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and other Balkan countries for 2050. GTAP analysis data is compiled from the GTAP database, which includes 6 regions and 33 sectors. It has been calculated that climate change will have negative effects on the gross domestic product (GDP) of Balkan countries. The negative impact of global climate change on crop yields is predicted to reduce the competitiveness of Balkan countries in the foreign trade of agricultural products. © 2020, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved

    Combinatorial synthesis of oxysulfides in the lanthanum-bismuth-copper system

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    Establishing synthesis methods for a target material constitutes a grand challenge in materials research, which is compounded with use-inspired specifications on the format of the material. Solar photochemistry using thin film materials is a promising technology for which many complex materials are being proposed, and the present work describes application of combinatorial methods to explore the synthesis of predicted La–Bi–Cu oxysulfide photocathodes, in particular alloys of LaCuOS and BiCuOS. The variation in concentration of three cations and two anions in thin film materials, and crystallization thereof, is achieved by a combination of reactive sputtering and thermal processes including reactive annealing and rapid thermal processing. Composition and structural characterization establish composition-processing-structure relationships that highlight the breadth of processing conditions required for synthesis of LaCuOS and BiCuOS. The relative irreducibility of La oxides and limited diffusion indicate the need for high temperature processing, which conflicts with the temperature limits for mitigating evaporation of Bi and S. Collectively the results indicate that alloys of these phases will require reactive annealing protocols that are uniquely tailored to each composition, motivating advancement of dynamic processing capabilities to further automate discovery of synthesis routes

    Solitons in the one-dimensional forest fire model

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    Fires in the one-dimensional Bak-Chen-Tang forest fire model propagate as solitons, resembling shocks in Burgers turbulence. The branching of solitons, creating new fires, is balanced by the pair-wise annihilation of oppositely moving solitons. Two distinct, diverging length scales appear in the limit where the growth rate of trees, pp, vanishes. The width of the solitons, ww, diverges as a power law, 1/p1/p, while the average distance between solitons diverges much faster as dexp(π2/12p) d \sim \exp({\pi}^2/12p).Comment: 4 pages with 2 figures include

    The sign of the wave speed for the Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we study the traveling front solutions of the Lotka-Volterra competition-diffusion system with bistable nonlinearity. It is well-known that the wave speed of traveling front is unique. Although little is known for the sign of the wave speed. In this paper, we first study the standing wave which gives some criteria when the speed is zero. Then, by the monotone dependence on parameters, we obtain some criteria about the sign of the wave speed under some parameter restrictions.[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]US

    X-ray Dichroism and the Pseudogap Phase of Cuprates

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    A recent polarized x-ray absorption experiment on the high temperature cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 indicates the presence of broken parity symmetry below the temperature, T*, where a pseudogap appears in photoemission. We critically analyze the x-ray data, and conclude that a parity-breaking signal of the kind suggested is unlikely based on the crystal structures reported in the literature. Possible other origins of the observed dichroism signal are discussed. We propose x-ray scattering experiments that can be done in order to determine whether such alternative interpretations are valid or not.Comment: final version to be published in Phys Rev B: some calculational details added, clarification of XNLD contamination and biaxiality, more discussion on possible space groups and previous optics result

    Cost effective 'planning' in the use of intravenous (IV) cyclosporin

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    Caffeine affects the biological responses of human hematopoietic cells of myeloid lineage via downregulation of the mTOR pathway and xanthine oxidase activity

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    Correction of human myeloid cell function is crucial for the prevention of inflammatory and allergic reactions as well as leukaemia progression. Caffeine, a naturally occurring food component, is known to display anti-inflammatory effects which have previously been ascribed largely to its inhibitory actions on phosphodiesterase. However, more recent studies suggest an additional role in affecting the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a master regulator of myeloid cell translational pathways, although detailed molecular events underlying its mode of action have not been elucidated. Here, we report the cellular uptake of caffeine, without metabolisation, by healthy and malignant hematopoietic myeloid cells including monocytes, basophils and primary acute myeloid leukaemia mononuclear blasts. Unmodified caffeine downregulated mTOR signalling, which affected glycolysis and the release of pro-inflammatory/pro-angiogenic cytokines as well as other inflammatory mediators. In monocytes, the effects of caffeine were potentiated by its ability to inhibit xanthine oxidase, an enzyme which plays a central role in human purine catabolism by generating uric acid. In basophils, caffeine also increased intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels which further enhanced its inhibitory action on mTOR. These results demonstrate an important mode of pharmacological action of caffeine with potentially wide-ranging therapeutic impact for treating non-infectious disorders of the human immune system, where it could be applied directly to inflammatory cells

    Out of plane analysis for composite structures

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    Simple two dimensional analysis techniques were developed to aid in the design of strong joints for integrally stiffened/bonded composite structures subjected to out of plane loads. It was found that most out of plane failures were due to induced stresses arising from rapid changes in load path direction or geometry, induced stresses due to changes in geometry caused by buckling, or direct stresses produced by fuel pressure or bearing loads. While the analysis techniques were developed to address a great variety of out of plane loading conditions, they were primarily derived to address the conditions described above. The methods were developed and verified using existing element test data. The methods were demonstrated using the data from a test failure of a high strain wingbox that was designed, built, and tested under a previous program. Subsequently, a set of design guidelines were assembled to assist in the design of safe, strong integral composite structures using the analysis techniques developed