- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Elsevier Science Publishers
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1983
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Publication date
- 01/01/1989
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1985
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1977
- Field of study
- Publication venue
- Stichting Mathematisch Centrum
- Publication date
- 01/01/1974
- Field of study