207 research outputs found

    The Thick-billed Murre Population of the Thule District, Greenland

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    The population of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) in the Thule District, North Greenland, was surveyed in 1987. Counts from photos indicated a total of 285,000 murres present at the five colonies in the area, corresponding to about 214,000 breeding pairs. Counts of large murre colonies are likely to underestimate numbers, and the true population size probably falls in the range of 210,000-250,000 pairs. The need for future monitoring is stressed in light of the threat to murre populations posed by human activities such as hunting, petroleum development, and commercial fisheries. Other seabird species recorded during the survey, including the Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) and the Razorbill (Alca torda), are briefly referred to.

    The birds of Ydre Kitsissut (Kitsissut Avalliit), Southwest Greenland

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    Ydre Kitsissut (60°45-47'N, 48°25-29'W), an archipelago about 10 km off Nunarsuit in the district of Qaqortoq, is the only breeding reserve for birds in southern Greenland. However, it has only been visited by ornithologists four times: by F. Salomonsen on 3 July 1971, and by the authors for between 3 and 14 days in 1983, 1985, and 1992. Population sizes of the most abundant species in 1992 were: Fulmarus glacialis 125 occupied sites (32% with young); Somateria mollissima about 30 nests (and 500-1000 summering birds, together with c. 100 Somateria spectabilis); Larus hyperboreus at least 100 adults with 25-30 broods of young; Larus marinus 2 pairs, one brood (but 11 pairs in 1985); Rissa tridactyla 23 pairs, no young; Uria aalge 900 birds (about 630 pairs); Uria lomvia 9000 birds (6300 pairs); Alea torda 400-500 birds; Cepphus grylle 150 pairs (very rough estimate); Fratercula arctica 200 birds. Although numbers of Uria spp. in 1971 were reported as 61,200, there are good reasons to believe that this was a gross overestimate, and that actual numbers did not differ much from the more recent counts. Apparent population declines between 1983-85 and 1992 for Fulmarus glacialis, Larus marinus and Uria spp. may reflect a lower attendance at the colony in 1992 where the breeding success of these and most other species was low. The poor breeding performance was most likely a consequence of the cold and prolonged winter 1991/92, with persistent frost prevailing until after mid-June. In Uria spp., however, egging and associated disturbance probably was the primary cause of breeding failure; residents of nearby villages habitually take eggs on Ydre Kitsissut in spite of its status as a bird reserve

    Changing patterns of agricultural settlements in Denmark

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    Fragmentation and policy coordination in the European Commission - The cases of audiovisual and telecommunications policy.

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    This thesis analyses how the internal divisions occurring on the administrative level of the European Commission affect its capacity to prepare and propose legislation. It examines the consequences of the functional specialisation of different Directorates General (DCs) and the principles of mutual consultation on the ways in which the Commission sets policy agendas and formulates policies. Using the insights of the literature on policy coordination that perceives of decision-making processes in fragmented institutions as a process of coordination among semi-autonomous, but interdependent actors, the thesis analyses the interactions between different Commission DCs and the ways in which they seek to cope with conflict and competition. The research design is qualitative and uses process-tracing of major legislative initiatives taken by the European Commission in the telecommunications and the audiovisual sectors between the mid-1980s and the year 2000. The findings of the empirical analysis suggest that while conflict and debate are ever-present features of how the Commission operates, the extent to which Commission actors manage to settle or to overcome such conflict varies across policy sectors. Low fragmentation results in an 'informal' coordination scenario in which actors settle their disputes. Legislative policy-making is rapid and consistent and usually results in the proposition of legislation, In contrast, high fragmentation bears a tendency towards policy-making taking place in formal and more 'politicised' arenas in which actors multiply and find it more difficult to accommodate their differences. Hence, policy-making is slower, more prone to inconsistencies and less likely to result in the proposition of legislation. The insights gained on fragmentation and coordination in the European Commission alter our existing views of the Commission. Challenging the notion that the Commission fulfils a pre-defined function or agenda, I argue that the Commission is capable of playing different roles, depending on the extent to which it is internally divided

    Verdens Korn? og Kartoffelproduktion. En landbrugsgeografisk Oversigt.

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    Verdens Korn? og Kartoffelproduktion. En landbrugsgeografisk Oversigt

    Vil Danmark kunne konkurrere paa Verdens; markedet som frugtproducerende Land?

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    Vil Danmark kunne konkurrere paa Verdens; markedet som frugtproducerende Land

    The Agro-geographical Division of Denmark and the Time Factor

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    Landboforhold paa Island.

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    Landboforhold paa Island

    Husdyrbruget på Færøerne.

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    Husdyrbruget på Færøerne
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