42 research outputs found

    The Molecular Identification of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere: State of the Art and Challenges

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    Analýza evropských ţeleznic a některé bariéry vstupu

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    The rail transport are the important position of the infrastructure of the European Union countries. They carrier are every day on long-distance and regional transport some million people, as well as reliable transport of goods of various character. This paper presents an analysis of selected EU Member States with regard to the transformation of rail systems and the closer it focus on the barriers to entry to the railway infrastructure perceived by potential new entrant

    Increased Stress Resistance and Lifespan in Chaenorhabditis elegans Wildtype and Knockout Mutants—Implications for Depression Treatment by Medicinal Herbs

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    Depression and anxiety disorders are widespread diseases, and they belong to the leading causes of disability and greatest burdens on healthcare systems worldwide. It is expected that the numbers will dramatically rise during the COVID-19 pandemic. Established medications are not sufficient to adequately treat depression and are not available for everyone. Plants from traditional medicine may be promising alternatives to treat depressive symptoms. The model organism Chaenorhabditis elegans was used to assess the stress reducing effects of methanol/dichlormethane extracts from plants used in traditional medicine. After initial screening for antioxidant activity, nine extracts were selected for in vivo testing in oxidative stress, heat stress, and osmotic stress assays. Additionally, anti-aging properties were evaluated in lifespan assay. The extracts from Acanthopanax senticosus, Campsis grandiflora, Centella asiatica, Corydalis yanhusuo, Dan Zhi, Houttuynia cordata, Psoralea corylifolia, Valeriana officinalis, and Withaniasomnifera showed antioxidant activity of more than 15 Trolox equivalents per mg extract. The extracts significantly lowered ROS in mutants, increased resistance to heat stress and osmotic stress, and the extended lifespan of the nematodes. The plant extracts tested showed promising results in increasing stress resistance in the nematode model. Further analyses are needed, in order to unravel underlying mechanisms and transfer results to humans

    Systematic location of the public logistic centres in Czech Republic

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    This article is focusing on exploring parameters, which are needed to determine the most suitable location for public logistic centres in the Czech Republic. There is a wide range of factors, which will have an impact on the chosen location. It is not easy to define all the factors and include them into one model, especially because some of them are difficult to quantify. The aim of the research is to design a suitable tool to support the decision making process for the location of the public logistic centres. As public logistic centres will be partly financed by the Czech government, it is necessary to find a sensible tool as decision support

    The occurrence of iron silicides in a fulgurite: Implications for fulgurite genesis

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    Rapidly formed eutectic textures are observed in Fe silicides in a fulgurite from Michigan. The 14 cm-diameter fulgurite was formed in sandy glacial till in 2014 near Houghton Lake, Michigan. Spherical droplets of iron silicides up to ∼200 μm in diameter were found in the natural glass. Back-scattered electron images of some droplets show a eutectic intergrowth texture of two iron silicides with individual crystals up to ∼1 μm in maximum dimension. X-ray diffraction study showed the specimens to be an intergrowth of naquite (FeSi) and linzhiite (FeSi2) or naquite and xifengite (Fe5Si3). Droplets also contain minor native silicon, Fe-Ti silicides, and/or other Ti- rich phases which were discovered during TEM observations. It is important to note that the lower-temperature phase luobusaite (Fe3Si7) was not observed in any droplets, indicating rapid quenching of the fulgurite, consistent with a natural origin during a lightning strike as opposed to an artificial origin, e.g., resulting from a downed power line