19 research outputs found

    Creation of Philadelphia chromosome by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated double cleavages on BCR and ABL1 genes as a model for initial event in leukemogenesis

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    The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome was the first translocation identified in leukemia. It is supposed to be generated by aberrant ligation between two DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at the BCR gene located on chromosome 9q34 and the ABL1 gene located on chromosome 22q11. Thus, mimicking the initiation process of translocation, we induced CRISPR/Cas9-mediated DSBs simultaneously at the breakpoints of the BCR and ABL1 genes in a granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) dependent human leukemia cell line. After transfection of two single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting intron 13 of the BCR gene and intron 1 of the ABL1 gene, a factor-independent subline was obtained. In the subline, p210 BCR::ABL1 and its reciprocal ABL1::BCR fusions were generated as a result of balanced translocation corresponding to the Ph chromosome. Another set of sgRNAs targeting intron 1 of the BCR gene and intron 1 of the ABL1 gene induced a factor-independent subline expressing p190 BCR::ABL1. Both p210 and p190 BCR::ABL1 induced factor-independent growth by constitutively activating intracellular signaling pathways for transcriptional regulation of cell cycle progression and cell survival that are usually regulated by GM-CSF. These observations suggested that simultaneous DSBs at the BCR and ABL1 gene breakpoints are initiation events for oncogenesis in Ph+ leukemia. (200/200 words)

    Pulverized coal combustion application of laser-based temperature sensing system using computed tomography : Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (CT-TDLAS)

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    The investigation of combustion phenomena in pulverized coal flames is significant for combustion optimization related to energy conservation and emission reduction. Real-time two dimensional (2D) temperature and concentration distributions play an important role for combustion analysis. The non-contact and fast response 2D temperature and concentration distribution measurement method was developed in this study. The method is based on a combination of computed tomography (CT) and tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). The accuracy evaluation of developed 32-path CT-TDLAS demonstrated its feasibility of 2D temperature measurement. 32-path CT-TDLAS was applied to CH4 and 5 kg/h coal combustion fields for 2D temperature measurement. The time-series 2D temperature distribution in coal combustion furnace was measured using 32-path CT-TDLAS measurement cell with kHz time resolution. The transient temperature field of combustion flame directly reflects the combustion mode and combustion stability. The measurement results demonstrate its applicability of CT-TDLAS to various types of combustor, especially the combustion fields with coal and ash particles. CT-TDLAS method with kHz response time enables the real-time 2D temperature measurement to be applicable for combustion analysis

    Multidimensional imaging of liver injury repair in mice reveals fundamental role of the ductular reaction

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    Upon severe and/or chronic liver injury, ectopic emergence and expansion of atypical biliary epithelial-like cells in the liver parenchyma, known as the ductular reaction, is typically induced and implicated in organ regeneration. Although this phenomenon has long been postulated to represent activation of facultative liver stem/progenitor cells that give rise to new hepatocytes, recent lineage-tracing analyses have challenged this notion, thereby leaving the pro-regenerative role of the ductular reaction enigmatic. Here, we show that the expanded and remodelled intrahepatic biliary epithelia in the ductular reaction constituted functional and complementary bile-excreting conduit systems in injured parenchyma where hepatocyte bile canalicular networks were lost. The canalicular collapse was an incipient defect commonly associated with hepatocyte injury irrespective of cholestatic statuses, and could sufficiently provoke the ductular reaction when artificially induced. We propose a unifying model for the induction of the ductular reaction, where compensatory biliary epithelial tissue remodeling ensures bile-excreting network homeostasis


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 黒田 真也, 東京大学教授 宮島 篤, 東京大学医科学研究所教授 中西 真, 東京大学医科学研究所特任教授 渡邉 すみ子, 東京医科歯科大学教授 仁科 博史University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Dissecting cell identity via network inference and in silico gene perturbation

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    Cell identity is governed by the complex regulation of gene expression, represented as gene-regulatory network

    Gene regulatory network reconfiguration in direct lineage reprogramming

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    In direct lineage conversion, transcription factor (TF) overexpression reconfigures gene regulatory networks (GRNs) to reprogram cell identity. We previously developed CellOracle, a computational method to infer GRNs from single-cell transcriptome and epigenome data. Using inferred GRNs, CellOracle simulates gene expression changes in response to TF perturbation, enabling in silico interrogation of network reconfiguration. Here, we combine CellOracle analysis with lineage tracing of fibroblast to induced endoderm progenitor (iEP) conversion, a prototypical direct reprogramming paradigm. By linking early network state to reprogramming outcome, we reveal distinct network configurations underlying successful and failed fate conversion. Via in silico simulation of TF perturbation, we identify new factors to coax cells into successfully converting their identity, uncovering a central role for the AP-1 subunit Fos with the Hippo signaling effector, Yap1. Together, these results demonstrate the efficacy of CellOracle to infer and interpret cell-type-specific GRN configurations, providing new mechanistic insights into lineage reprogramming

    CellTag Indexing: Genetic barcode-based sample multiplexing for single-cell genomics

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    High-throughput single-cell assays increasingly require special consideration in experimental design, sample multiplexing, batch effect removal, and data interpretation. Here, we describe a lentiviral barcode-based multiplexing approach, CellTag Indexing, which uses predefined genetic barcodes that are heritable, enabling cell populations to be tagged, pooled, and tracked over time in the same experimental replicate. We demonstrate the utility of CellTag Indexing by sequencing transcriptomes using a variety of cell types, including long-term tracking of cell engraftment and differentiation in vivo. Together, this presents CellTag Indexing as a broadly applicable genetic multiplexing tool that is complementary with existing single-cell technologies

    Single-cell analysis reveals regional reprogramming during adaptation to massive small bowel resection in mice

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The small intestine (SI) displays regionality in nutrient and immunological function. Following SI tissue loss (as occurs in short gut syndrome, or SGS), remaining SI must compensate, or adapt ; the capacity of SI epithelium to reprogram its regional identity has not been described. Here, we apply single-cell resolution analyses to characterize molecular changes underpinning adaptation to SGS. METHODS: Single-cell RNA sequencing was performed on epithelial cells isolated from distal SI of mice following 50% proximal small bowel resection (SBR) vs sham surgery. Single-cell profiles were clustered based on transcriptional similarity, reconstructing differentiation events from intestinal stem cells (ISCs) through to mature enterocytes. An unsupervised computational approach to score cell identity was used to quantify changes in regional (proximal vs distal) SI identity, validated using immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, qPCR, western blotting, and RNA-FISH. RESULTS: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection-based clustering and visualization revealed differentiation trajectories from ISCs to mature enterocytes in sham and SBR. Cell identity scoring demonstrated segregation of enterocytes by regional SI identity: SBR enterocytes assumed more mature proximal identities. This was associated with significant upregulation of lipid metabolism and oxidative stress gene expression, which was validated via orthogonal analyses. Observed upstream transcriptional changes suggest retinoid metabolism and proximal transcription factor Creb3l3 drive proximalization of cell identity in response to SBR. CONCLUSIONS: Adaptation to proximal SBR involves regional reprogramming of ileal enterocytes toward a proximal identity. Interventions bolstering the endogenous reprogramming capacity of SI enterocytes-conceivably by engaging the retinoid metabolism pathway-merit further investigation, as they may increase enteral feeding tolerance, and obviate intestinal failure, in SGS

    Basal epithelial stem cells cross an alarmin checkpoint for postviral lung disease

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    Epithelial cells are charged with protection at barrier sites, but whether this normally beneficial response might sometimes become dysfunctional still needs definition. Here, we recognized a pattern of imbalance marked by basal epithelial cell growth and differentiation that replaced normal airspaces in a mouse model of progressive postviral lung disease due to the Sendai virus. Single-cell and lineage-tracing technologies identified a distinct subset of basal epithelial stem cells (basal ESCs) that extended into gas-exchange tissue to form long-term bronchiolar-alveolar remodeling regions. Moreover, this cell subset was selectively expanded by crossing a cell-growth and survival checkpoint linked to the nuclear-localized alarmin IL-33 that was independent of IL-33 receptor signaling and instead connected to autocrine chromatin accessibility. This mechanism creates an activated stem-progenitor cell lineage with potential for physiological or pathological function. Thus, conditional loss of Il33 gene function in basal epithelial cells disrupted the homeostasis of the epithelial barrier at skin and gut sites but also markedly attenuated postviral disease in the lung based on the downregulation of remodeling and inflammation. Thus, we define a basal ESC strategy to deploy innate immune machinery that appears to overshoot the primordial goal of self-defense. Our findings reveal new targets to stratify and correct chronic and often deadly postviral disease