118 research outputs found

    Od europejskiej fantazji do indyjskiej ikony narodowej Wizerunki kobiet w sztuce Raviego Varmy

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    Ravi Varma (1848–1906) was an artist who has had a huge impact on Indian art. Criticised by some, adored by most in India and considered the precursor of modern art, he is the indisputable father of popular aesthetics in India. First of all, conscious, systematic Europeanisation in conjunction with the creation of modern mythological iconography and representations of women secured him a permanent place in the history of art. No artist before him could so creatively exploit new opportunities that opened wider relations with European art. The magnitude of Varma’s art lied in the fact that he did not copy European paintings, but adapted them to suit the needs of academic painting. The Indian woman ideal created by him is to this day the most widespread standard of beauty, especially in popular art. His construct of femininity has become the ideal for Indian women, goddesses and even embodies the nation in the form of Mother India (Bharat Mata).Ravi Varma (1848–1906) był artystą, który wywarł ogromny wpływ na sztukę indyjską; uważany jest za prekursora sztuki nowoczesnej oraz twórcę estetyki popularnej w Indiach. Przede wszystkim świadoma, systematyczna europeizacja w połączeniu ze stworzeniem współczesnej ikonografii mitologicznej oraz przedstawień kobiet zapewniła mu trwałe miejsce w historii sztuki. Żaden artysta przed nim nie potrafił tak twórczo wyzyskać nowych możliwości, które otworzył szeroki kontakt ze sztuką europejską. Wielkość Varmy polegała bowiem nie na kopiowaniu, ale dostosowywaniu do własnych potrzeb malarstwa akademickiego. Stworzony przez niego ideał kobiety indyjskiej do dziś  stanowi najbardziej rozpowszechniony standard urody, szczególnie we wszechobecnej sztuce popularnej. Jego kobieta stała się idealną Induską, boginią, a nawet ucieleśnieniem narodu w postaci Matki-Indii (Bharat Mata)

    Kobiecość przekształcona. Indyzacja i europeizacja kobiety w strefach kontaktu na przykładzie malarstwa miniaturowego XVI–XIX w.

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    The subject of the article is an analysis of how images of European women were adapted in Indian miniature painting created under the patronage of Muslim and Hindu rulers during the period from the 16th to the 19th century. The term contact zone was used to identify areas where two cultures – in this case, Indian and European – met and the interactions between them. This would seem relevant for a analysis of these complex multicultural relations and this article will focus on two issues – art and gender. The analysed works bring together some fundamental issues – they were created for a local recipient, not the coloniser. Therefore, they reveal the reactions of a local artist created for a local patron. By analysing the representations of European women, or those modelled on them, one may observe the following process of their assimilation into an Indian form: familiarsing themselves with a foreign femininity and technique by copying and then adapting it to an Indian theme and then the Indianisation of European women and the creation on this basis of a new type of Indian woman Images of European women also affected how Indian women were portrayed. So this contact had two main dimensions – European ladies were subjected to Indianisation, while the Indians underwent a kind of Europeanisation.The subject of the article is an analysis of how images of European women were adapted in Indian miniature painting created under the patronage of Muslim and Hindu rulers during the period from the 16th to the 19th century. The term contact zone was used to identify areas where two cultures – in this case, Indian and European – met and the interactions between them. This would seem relevant for a analysis of these complex multicultural relations and this article will focus on two issues – art and gender. The analysed works bring together some fundamental issues – they were created for a local recipient, not the coloniser. Therefore, they reveal the reactions of a local artist created for a local patron. By analysing the representations of European women, or those modelled on them, one may observe the following process of their assimilation into an Indian form: familiarsing themselves with a foreign femininity and technique by copying and then adapting it to an Indian theme and then the Indianisation of European women and the creation on this basis of a new type of Indian woman Images of European women also affected how Indian women were portrayed. So this contact had two main dimensions – European ladies were subjected to Indianisation, while the Indians underwent a kind of Europeanisation

    Chromosome variations in regenerants of Arabidopsis thaliana derived from 2- and 6-week-old callus detected using flow cytometry and FISH analyses

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    Shoot organogenesis was induced from 2- and 6-week-old callus derived from the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia (2n = 10). Regenerated plants were evaluated for chromosomal variations by means of flow cytometry and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Flow cytometric measurements revealed the occurrence of diploid, tetraploid, and octoploid plants among the regenerants of 2-week-old calli, whereas only diploid and tetraploid plants were regenerated from the 6-week-old calli. Chromosome counting showed that plants developed from the 2-week-old calli exhibited mixoploidy and a high frequency of aneuploid cells. These plants were infertile and displayed altered morphology. FISH with 5S and 25S rDNA probes allowed to detect some structural chromosomal rearrangements in regenerated plants. Along with cells which exhibited correct localisation of rDNA loci, also cells bearing chromosomal translocations, deletions or duplications were found. The type of structural aberrations varied between diploid and tetraploid regenerants

    Obesity and overweight - current health problems of childhood

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    WSTĘP. Otyłość jest współczesną chorobą cywilizacyjną wieku dziecięcego. Leczenie otyłości u dzieci jest trudne. Podstawą leczenia jest właściwa dieta, wzmożony wysiłek fizyczny i terapia behawioralna. Celem pracy było wykazanie wpływu różnych czynników: środowiskowych, genetycznych i społecznych na występowanie otyłości i nadwagi w wieku dziecięcym. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniami objęto 73 dzieci z rozpoznaniem nadwagi lub otyłości (zakres 2-18 lat, mediana 13 lat). Badaną populację podzielono na 2 grupy (grupa I - otyłość, grupa II - nadwaga), które porównano statystycznie. WYNIKI. Stwierdzono różnice znamienne statystycznie pomiędzy grupą I i II w zakresie aktywności zawodowej rodziców oraz dodatkowego wysiłku fizycznego. Wykazano korelację o umiarkowanej sile między BMI ojca a BMI dziecka. WNIOSKI. 1. Wykazana korelacja między BMI ojca a BMI dziecka może świadczyć o genetycznych uwarunkowaniach otyłości lub o nieprawidłowym stylu życia w rodzinie. 2. Zaangażowanie rodziców w życie zawodowe i osobiste wpływa na tryb życia dziecka i wtórnie może predysponować do występowania otyłości. 3. Brak dodatkowej aktywności fizycznej odgrywa znaczącą rolę w rozwoju otyłości.INTRODUCTION. Obesity is a present-day civilization disease of childhood. The treatment of obesity in children is challenging. Adequate diet, increased physical activity, behavioural therapy, and the change of habits form the basics of treatment. The aim of this work was to assess the influence of various factors such as environmental, genetic, and social factors on the occurrence of obesity and overweight during childhood. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Seventy-three children diagnosed as obese or overweight (aged 2-18 years, median 13 years) were included in this study. The studied population was divided into two groups (group I - obese, group II - overweight), which were statistically compared. RESULTS. Statistically significant differences were noted between groups I and II in occupational activity of the parents and additional exercise of the children. A moderate correlation was noted between the father’s and the child’s BMI. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The revealed correlation between the father’s and the child’s BMI may indicate that obesity is genetically determined or is caused by an irregular lifestyle within the family. 2. The parents’ involvement in occupational and private life influence the child’s life and may secondarily predispose to obesity. 3. Lack of additional exercise plays an important role in the development of obesity

    Różne rzeczywistości w nowoczesnej edukacji

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 155, Luty 2021Politechnika Łódzka jest koordynatorem międzynarodowych projektów ATOMIC i Mr UD oraz partnerem w projekcie VRAna, związanych z wykorzystaniem technologii rozszerzonej i wirtualnej rzeczywistości oraz rzeczywistości mieszanej w rozwoju nowoczesnych form dydaktycznych. W projekty finansowane z Erasmus+ zaangażowany jest zespół młodych osób, którzy piszą o celach prowadzonych projektów i perspektywach po ich zakończeniu

    Wirtualna rzeczywistość jako narzędzie wspomagające zrozumienie świata osób ze spektrum autyzmu

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    Over the past few years, the rapid development of virtual reality (VR) has made the technology available to the common user. VR is used extensively in the entertainment industry, training tasks, medicine, tourism, architecture, art and many other fields. It also plays an increasingly important role in education and growing awareness and sensitivity of real social phenomena. The created VR application addresses the difficulties faced by people suffering from autism spectrum. Autism, a disorder that is diagnosed more and more frequently and, according to European data, occurs in 1% of the population (with a male to female ratio between 3: 1 and 4: 1) (Lai 2014; Loomes 2017). It is characterized by difficulties in social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive and stereotypical behaviours. Autism spectrum disorder is often associated with withdrawal and avoidance of contact with the world and people. The COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation associated with it have created an even greater separation between people on the spectrum and their surroundings. This article presents the use of virtual reality, which allows ordinary people to see the world of autism spectrum, and thus to better understand this different perception of the environment and the problems encountered in daily functioning of people with autism spectrum disorder. The created VR application increases the level of empathy among users, which positively affects the elimination of exclusion in a world full of uncertainty and variability

    Melts of octaacetyl sucrose as oral-modified release dosage forms for delivery of poorly soluble compound in stable amorphous form

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    The presented work describes the formulation and characterization of modified release glassy solid dosage forms (GSDFs) containing an amorphous nifedipine, as a model BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System) class II drug. The GSDFs were prepared by melting nifedipine together with octaacetyl sucrose. Dissolution profiles, measured under standard and biorelevant conditions, were compared to those obtained from commercially available formulations containing nifedipine such as modified release (MR) tablets and osmotic release oral system (OROS). The results indicate that the dissolution profiles of the GSDFs with nifedipine are neither affected by the pH of the dissolution media, type and concentration of surfactants, nor by simulated mechanical stress of biorelevant intensity. Furthermore, it was found that the dissolution profiles of the novel dosage forms were similar to the profiles obtained from the nifedipine OROS. The formulation of GSDFs is relatively simple, and the dosage forms were found to have favorable dissolution characteristics