221 research outputs found

    Characterization of cDNAs Encoding Small GTP-Binding Proteins from Maize

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    SiO Maser Survey of IRAS Sources in the Inner Galactic Disk

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    We have surveyed 401 color selected IRAS sources in the Galactic disk in the SiO J=1--0 v= 1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 254 (239 new) detections. The observed sources lie mostly in a strip of the inner Galactic disk with boundaries -10<l<40 deg and |b|<3 deg. This survey provides radial velocities of inner-disk stars for which optical measurements cannot be made due to interstellar extinction. The SiO ll--vv diagram in the area −10<l<40degexhibitsfewerobjectscoincidentwiththemolecularringfeaturethantheOH1612MHzsource-10<l<40 deg exhibits fewer objects coincident with the molecular ring feature than the OH 1612 MHz source l−−--v$ map does, indicating a slight difference of stellar type between SiO and OH emitting stars. After identifying all of the SiO detected sources in the 2MASS near-infrared catalog, we computed their luminosity distances based on the infrared fluxes. We then mapped these objects onto the first quadrant of the Galactic plane. Combining the distances with the SiO radial-velocities, we obtained a pattern speed for SiO maser sources, Omega_P=21 (+- 13) km s^{-1} kpc^{-1}, between the distances 1 and 5.5 kpc, without the use of any dynamical models. The increase of the pattern speed toward the Galactic center (up to 60 km s^{-1} kpc^{-1} between the distances, 5.5 and 7 kpc) suggests the presence of two pattern speeds in the Galaxy.Comment: 38 page 9 figures, high res. eps files are available as NRO report No. 608 (http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/library/report/list.html). PASJ 56 No. 4 in pres

    SiO Maser Survey of the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Center

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    We have surveyed ~400 known large-amplitude variables within 15' of the galactic center in the SiO J=1--0 v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 179 detections. SiO lines were also detected from 16 other resulting in 180 detections. SiO lines were also detected from 16 other sources, which are located within 20" (the telescope half beamwidth) of the program objects. The detection rate of 48 percent is comparable to that obtained in Bulge IRAS source surveys. Among the SiO detections, five stars have radial velocities greater than 200 km/s. The SiO detection rate increases steeply with the period of light variation, particularly for stars with P>500 d, where it exceeds 80%. We found that, at a given period, the SiO detection rate is approximately three times that for OH. These facts suggest that the large-amplitude variables in the Nuclear Disk region are AGB stars similar in their overall properties to the inner and outer Bulge IRAS/SiO sources. From the set of radial velocity data, the mass distribution within 30 pc of the galactic center is derived by a new method which is based on the collisionless Boltzmann equation integrated along the line of sight. The mass within 30 pc is about 6.4 [\pm 0.7] \times 10^7 M_{\odot} and the mass of the central black hole is 2.7 [\pm 1.3] \times 10^6 M_{\odot}. Consideration of the line-of-sight velocity of each star and its potential energy leads to the conclusion that the five high-velocity stars come from galactocentric distances as high as 300 pc. The high-velocity subsample of stars with negative radial velocities exhibits a tendency to have brighter K magnitudes than the subsample of stars with positive velocities. The origin of these high-velocity stars is discussed.Comment: Hires. figures are available as No.604 of NRO report at http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/library/report/list.html . PASJ 56 (april 28 issue) in pres

    Detections of SiO Masers from the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Nuclear Disk

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    We have surveyed known large-amplitude variables within 15' of the Galactic center in the SiO J=1-0 v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 79 detections and 58 non-detections. The detection rate of 58 percent is comparable to that obtained in Bulge IRAS source surveys. SiO lines were also detected from four other sources near the program objects. The SiO detection rate increases steeply with the period, particularly for stars with P>500 d, where it exceeds 80%. We found at a given period that the SiO detection rate is approximately double that for OH. These facts suggest that the large-amplitude variables in the Nuclear Disk region are AGB stars similar in their overall properties to the inner and outer bulge IRAS/SiO sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 Table. PASJ 54, No 2 April 25 issue in pres

    The 2006 Radio Outburst of a Microquasar Cyg X-3: Observation and Data

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    We present the results of the multi-frequency observations of radio outburst of the microquasar Cyg X-3 in February and March 2006 with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope, the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, and the Yamaguchi 32-m telescope. Since the prediction of a flare by RATAN-600, the source has been monitored from Jan 27 (UT) with these radio telescopes. At the eighteenth day after the quench of the activity, successive flares exceeding 1 Jy were observed successfully. The time scale of the variability in the active phase is presumably shorter in higher frequency bands. We also present the result of a follow-up VLBI observation at 8.4 GHz with the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN) 2.6 days after the first rise. The VLBI image exhibits a single core with a size of <8 mas (80 AU). The observed image was almost stable, although the core showed rapid variation in flux density. No jet structure was seen at a sensitivity of Tb=7.5×105T_b = 7.5\times 10^5 K.Comment: 17 pages,6 figures; accepted by PAS

    Outflows from the high-mass protostars NGC 7538 IRS1/2 observed with bispectrum speckle interferometry -- Signatures of flow precession

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    NGC 7538 IRS1 is a high-mass (approx. 30 M_sun) protostar with a CO outflow, an associated UCHII region, and a linear methanol maser structure, which might trace a Keplerian-rotating circumstellar disk. The directions of the various associated axes are misaligned with each other. We investigate the near-infrared morphology of the source to clarify the relations among the various axes. K'-band bispectrum speckle interferometry was performed at two 6-meter-class telescopes -- the BTA 6m telescope and the 6.5m MMT. Complementary IRAC images from the Spitzer Space Telescope Archive were used to relate the structures detected with the outflow at larger scales. High-dynamic range images show fan-shaped outflow structure in which we detect 18 stars and several blobs of diffuse emission. We interpret the misalignment of various outflow axes in the context of a disk precession model, including numerical hydrodynamic simulations of the molecular emission. The precession period is approx. 280 years and its half-opening angle is 40 degrees. A possible triggering mechanism is non-coplanar tidal interaction of an (undiscovered) close companion with the circumbinary protostellar disk. Our observations resolve the nearby massive protostar NGC 7538 IRS2 as a close binary with separation of 195 mas. We find indications for shock interaction between the outflow activities in IRS1 and IRS2. Indications of outflow precession have been discovered to date in a number of massive protostars, all with large precession angles 20--45 degrees. This might explain the difference between the outflow widths in low- and high-mass stars and add support to a common collimation mechanism.Comment: 20 pages; 8 figures; Accepted by A&A on April 10, 2006; Image quality reduced due to astro-ph file size limitations; Please download a version with high-quality images from http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/tpreibis/ngc7538.pd

    A Comparative Astrochemical Study Of The High-Mass Protostellar Objects NGC 7538 IRS 9 and IRS 1

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic study of the high-mass protostellar object NGC 7538 IRS 9 and compare our observations to published data on the nearby object NGC 7538 IRS 1. Both objects originated in the same molecular cloud and appear to be at different points in their evolutionary histo- ries, offering an unusual opportunity to study the temporal evolution of envelope chemistry in objects sharing a presumably identical starting composition. Observations were made with the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES), a sensitive, high spectral resolution (R = {\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda} \simeq 100,000) mid-infrared grating spectrometer. Forty-six individual lines in vibrational modes of the molecules C2H2, CH4, HCN, NH3 and CO were detected, including two isotopologues (13CO, 12C18O) and one combination mode ({\nu}4 + {\nu}5 C2H2). Fitting synthetic spectra to the data yielded the Doppler shift, excitation temperature, Doppler b parameter, column density and covering factor for each molecule observed; we also computed column density upper limits for lines and species not detected, such as HNCO and OCS. We find differences among spectra of the two objects likely attributable to their differing radiation and thermal environments. Temperatures and column densities for the two objects are generally consistent, while the larger line widths toward IRS 9 result in less saturated lines than those toward IRS 1. Finally, we compute an upper limit on the size of the continuum-emitting region (\sim2000 AU) and use this constraint and our spectroscopy results to construct a schematic model of IRS 9.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    The properties and polarization of the H2O and CH3OH maser environment of NGC7538-IRS1

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    NGC7538 is a complex massive star-forming region. The region is composed of several radio continuum sources, one of which is IRS1, a high-mass protostar, from which a 0.3 pc molecular bipolar outflow was detected. Several maser species have been detected around IRS1. The CH3OH masers have been suggested to trace a Keplerian-disk, while the H2O masers are almost aligned to the outflow. More recent results suggested that the region hosts a torus and potentially a disk, but with a different inclination than the Keplerian-disk that is supposed to be traced by the CH3OH masers. Tracing the magnetic field close to protostars is fundamental for determining the orientation of the disk/torus. Recent studies showed that during the protostellar phase of high-mass star formation the magnetic field is oriented along the outflows and around or on the surfaces of the disk/torus. The observations of polarized maser emissions at milliarcsecond resolution can make a crucial contribution to understanding the orientation of the magnetic field and, consequently, the orientation of the disk/torus in NGC7538-IRS1. The NRAO Very Long Baseline Array was used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 22GHz H2O masers toward NGC7538-IRS1. The European VLBI Network and the MERLIN telescopes were used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 6.7GHz CH3OH masers toward the same region. We detected 17 H2O masers and 49 CH3OH masers at high angular resolution. We detected linear polarization emission toward two H2O masers and toward twenty CH3OH masers. The CH3OH masers, most of which only show a core structure, seem to trace rotating and potentially infalling gas in the inner part of a torus. Significant Zeeman-splitting was measured in three CH3OH masers. [...] We also propose a new description of the structure of the NGC7538-IRS1 maser region.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 4 Tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
