5 research outputs found

    Polukoračno upravljanje pozicijom linearnog prekidačko-reluktantnog motora bez senzora bazirano na stražnjim elektromagnetskim silama

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    This paper presents a position sensorless closed loop control of a switched reluctance linear motor. The aim of the proposed control is to damp the position of the studied motor. Indeed, the position oscillations can harm some applications requiring high position precision. Moreover, they can induce the linear switched reluctance motor to an erratic working. The proposed control solution is based on back Electromotive Forces which give information about the oscillatory behaviour of the studied motor and avoid the use of a cumbersome and expensive position linear sensor. The determination of the designed control law parameters was based on the singular perturbation theory. The efficiency of the proposed control solution was proven by simulations and experimental tests.Ovaj rad predstavlja upravljanje linearnim prekidačko-reluktantnim motorom u zatvorenoj petlji bez senzora. Cilj predloženog upravljanja je prigušiti oscilacije pozicije navedenog motora. Oscilacije pozicije mogu štetno utjecati na aplikacije koje zahtijevaju visoku preciznost pozicije. Također oscilacije mogu dovesti do nepravilnog rada motora. Predloženo rješenje upravljanja zasniva se na stražnjim elektromotornim silama koje daju informaciju o oscilatornom vladanju navedenog motora čime se izbjegava potreba za skupim i nezgrapnim linearnim senzorom pozicije. Određivanje parametara upravljanja je bazirano na singularnoj teoriji perturbacije. Efikasnost predloženog sustava upravljanja dokazana je pomoću simulacijskih i eksperimentalnih testiranja

    Short and Long-Term Effect of Land Use and Management on Soil Organic Carbon Stock in Semi-Desert Areas of North Africa-Tunisia

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays an important role in the global C cycle, as well as in the maintenance and improvement of the soil quality. Over time, special attention has been paid to it in the study of the SOC reserves worldwide; however, reduced attention has been given to assessing the spatial patterns of SOC stock (SOCS) in semi-desert ecosystems. In this line, there are no conclusive studies in drylands of Africa affected by aeolian processes (semi-desert conditions) mainly due to the complexity of sample collection, and this is especially significant in some soil types such as Arenosols (AR) and Calcisols (CL). This study evaluated the spatial variability of SOC and SOCS in AR and CL with woody crops in relation to land use and management (old plantations > 100 years: centenary olive grove; new plantations < 12 years: young olive grove, almond, and pistachio) in semi-desert conditions. For this purpose, 16 soil profiles (for 0–40 and 40–100 cm depth) were selected and studied in an experimental area of Menzel Chaker-Sfax in southeastern Tunisia (North Africa). The main results indicated that the SOCS on average was higher in Old Cultivated AR (OC-AR) with 41.16 Mg ha−1 compared to Newly Cultivated AR (NC-AR) with 25.13 Mg ha−1. However, the SOCS decreased after a long period of cultivation in CL from 43.00 Mg ha−1 (Newly Cultivated CL: NC-CL) to 32.19 Mg ha−1 (Old Cultivated CL: OC-CL). This indicates that in the long term, CL has more capacity to store SOC than AR, and that in the short term, AR is more sensitive to land management than CL

    Complementary Study Based on DFT of Optical and Electronic Properties of New Copolymer PVK-F8T2

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    This article is mainly a complementary study of a novel part of π-conjugated copolymers based on the poly (N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) and poly (9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-bithiophene) (F8T2) unit based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT). This study is carried out to explore the structural and optoelectronic characteristics of a new organic material named PVK-F8T2. First, the structural, optical (absorption, photoluminescence, optical transition), electronic (molecular orbital (MO), energy-level diagram) and vibratory parameters of infrared (IR) were computed and compared with experimental studies. In addition, we calculated the level energy of the excited states and their corresponding transitions. Obviously, electronic parameters such as highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO and LUMO), ionization potential (IP), electronic affinity (EA) and the energy band gap (Eg) were computed in order to elucidate the intramolecular charge transport and to establish the energetic diagrams of the PVK-F8T2 copolymer for different states. The results obtained looked with precision at future optoelectronic applications. From these results, we have shown that the PVK-F8T2 has significant optoelectronic properties and seems usable as an active layer in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)

    Carbon and nitrogen balances and CO2 emission after exogenous organic matter application in arid soil

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    Addition of organic amendments (OAs) could be a means to sequester carbon (C) in soils. However, the efficiency of C sequestration depends on how OAs evolve in the soil. A field study was installed in arid soil to which was added one of five OAs – olive husk-based compost (CM), palm leaf-based compost (CP), crushed olive pruning (GW), fresh olive mill wastewater (OMW) or fermented ovine manure (OM) – at an equivalent fixed level of 350 g of C/m2. C and N mineralization were followed for 112 days by measuring the evolution of released CO2 and mineral N evolution. The results showed that CM and CP did not disturb soil respiration, with a very low CO2 emission or almost no respiration for the CM, while CO2 release reached 7.6 g of CO2/m2 for GW and OMW. Soil organic carbon (SOC) was sustainably improved by 0.54% and 0.50%, respectively, for CM and CP. N mineralization showed no significant difference between amended and untreated soils. Based on these results, compost amendment was the most efficient for C sequestration to enhance soil fertility and consequently reduce the rate of CO2 emission