4,499 research outputs found

    Pre- and post-processing for Cosmic/NASTRAN on personal computers and mainframes

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    An interface between Cosmic/NASTRAN and GIFTS has recently been released, combining the powerful pre- and post-processing capabilities of GIFTS with Cosmic/NASTRAN's analysis capabilities. The interface operates on a wide range of computers, even linking Cosmic/NASTRAN and GIFTS when the two are on different computers. GIFTS offers a wide range of elements for use in model construction, each translated by the interface into the nearest Cosmic/NASTRAN equivalent; and the options of automatic or interactive modelling and loading in GIFTS make pre-processing easy and effective. The interface itself includes the programs GFTCOS, which creates the Cosmic/NASTRAN input deck (and, if desired, control deck) from the GIFTS Unified Data Base, COSGFT, which translates the displacements from the Cosmic/NASTRAN analysis back into GIFTS; and HOSTR, which handles stress computations for a few higher-order elements available in the interface, but not supported by the GIFTS processor STRESS. Finally, the versatile display options in GIFTS post-processing allow the user to examine the analysis results through an especially wide range of capabilities, including such possibilities as creating composite loading cases, plotting in color and animating the analysis

    Lamred : location-aware and privacy preserving multi-layer resource discovery for IoT

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    The resources in the Internet of Things (IoT) network are distributed among different parts of the network. Considering huge number of IoT resources, the task of discovering them is challenging. While registering them in a centralized server such as a cloud data center is one possible solution, but due to billions of IoT resources and their limited computation power, the centralized approach leads to some efficiency and security issues. In this paper we proposed a location aware and decentralized multi layer model of resource discovery (LaMRD) in IoT. It allows a resource to be registered publicly or privately, and to be discovered in a decentralized scheme in the IoT network. LaMRD is based on structured peer-to-peer (p2p) scheme and follows the general system trend of fog computing. Our proposed model utilizes Distributed Hash Table (DHT) technology to create a p2p scheme of communication among fog nodes. The resources are registered in LaMRD based on their locations which results in a low added overhead in the registration and discovery processes. LaMRD generates a single overlay and it can be generated without specific organizing entity or location based devices. LaMRD guarantees some important security properties and it showed a lower latency comparing to the cloud based and decentralized resource discovery

    Distributed data validation network in IoT

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    Extended Kalman filter based sliding mode control of parallel-connected two five-phase PMSM drive system

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    This paper presents sliding mode control of sensor-less parallel-connected two five-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) fed by a single five-leg inverter. For both machines, the rotor speeds and rotor positions as well as load torques are estimated by using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) scheme. Fully decoupled control of both machines is possible via an appropriate phase transposition while connecting the stator windings parallel and employing proposed speed sensor-less method. In the resulting parallel-connected two-machine drive, the independent control of each machine in the group is achieved by controlling the stator currents and speed of each machine under vector control consideration. The effectiveness of the proposed Extended Kalman Filter in conjunction with the sliding mode control is confirmed through application of different load torques for wide speed range operation. Comparison between sliding mode control and PI control of the proposed two-motor drive is provided. The speed response shows a short rise time, an overshoot during reverse operation and settling times is 0.075 s when PI control is used. The speed response obtained by SMC is without overshoot and follows its reference and settling time is 0.028 s. Simulation results confirm that, in transient periods, sliding mode controller remarkably outperforms its counterpart PI controller. 2018 by the authors.Scopu

    Atrial fibrillation:villain or bystander in vascular brain injury

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke are inextricably connected, with classical Virchow pathophysiology explaining thromboembolism through blood stasis in the fibrillating left atrium. This conceptualization has been reinforced by the remarkable efficacy of oral anticoagulant (OAC) for stroke prevention in AF. A number of observations showing that the presence of AF is neither necessary nor sufficient for stroke, cast doubt on the causal role of AF as a villain in vascular brain injury (VBI). The requirement for additional risk factors before AF increases stroke risk; temporal disconnect of AF from a stroke in patients with no AF for months before stroke during continuous ECG monitoring but manifesting AF only after stroke; and increasing recognition of the role of atrial cardiomyopathy and atrial substrate in AF-related stroke, and also stroke without AF, have led to rethinking the pathogenetic model of cardioembolic stroke. This is quite separate from recognition that in AF, shared cardiovascular risk factors can lead both to non-embolic stroke, or emboli from the aorta and carotid arteries. Meanwhile, VBI is now expanded to include dementia and cognitive decline: research is required to see if reduced by OAC. A changed conceptual model with less focus on the arrhythmia, and more on atrial substrate/cardiomyopathy causing VBI both in the presence or absence of AF, is required to allow us to better prevent AF-related VBI. It could direct focus towards prevention of the atrial cardiomyopathy though much work is required to better define this entity before the balance between AF as villain or bystander can be determined

    Effect of cryogenic treatment on drill tool for enhancing metal cutting operation of aluminium alloy IS737.Gr19000

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    Drilling is the hole making process on the component face with the aid of a twisted drillbit. Normal drill bits easily wear out through penetration of drill bit into the workpiece material due to force generated in the drilling operation. So this work tries to investigate the machining parameters with cryogenically treated drill bits on various responses. Cryogenic treatment is one of the thermal engineering processes, which is used to cool the material from the temperature of −150 °C to −273 °C. This research work utilizes cryogenically treated drill tools for investigating the drilling performance on aluminium alloy (IS737.Gr19000) workpiece material. The independent variables and dependent variables are studied in this experimental analysis are spindle speed, feed rate and machining time, entry and exit burr dimensions, thrust force, torque, Ovality, surface roughness, respectively. The theoretical investigation is also carried out with statistical analysis. The response surface methodology with Box Behnken design the 17 experimental runs with 9 different treated drill tools are carried out. The cryogenically treated drill bit gave good results on burr dimensions, Ovality, surface roughness on drilled hole quality. The tool wear performance was also studied with drill tool geometry measurements with the tool makers microscope. The cryogenically treated drill bits gave the best results than the normal drill bit

    Thiosemicarbazide as an Inhibitor in the Corrosion of Aluminium & Zinc

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    Modulation of the secretion of potassium by accompanying anions in humans

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    Modulation of the secretion of potassium by accompanying anions in humans. In animals, secretion of potassium (K) in the cortical collecting duct (CCD) is modulated by the properties of the accompanying anion. In humans, results are inconclusive as previous studies have not differentiated between a kaliuresis due to a rise in the concentration of K from one due to an increase in the volume of urine. Our purpose was to study the effects of chloride (Cl) and bicarbonate on the secretion of K in the CCD in humans using the transtubular K concentration gradient (TTKG), a semi-quantitative index of secretion of K in the terminal CCD. After control blood and urine samples were obtained, all subjects ingested 0.2mg fludrocortisone to ensure that mineralocorticoids were not limiting the secretion of K. The anionic composition of the urine was varied using three protocols: Normal subjects (N = 11) ingested cystine and methionine to induce sulfaturia; nine subjects with a contracted ECF volume (to lower the concentration of Cl in the urine) were also studied during sulfaturia following the ingestion of cystine and methionine; 13 normovolemic subjects were studied during bicarbonaturia following the ingestion of acetazolamide. When the concentration of Cl in the urine was > 15 mmol/liter, sulfate had no effect on the TTKG. With lower concentrations of Cl in the urine, the TTKG rose 1.5-fold. The TTKG rose 1.8-fold in the presence of bicarbonaturia despite concentrations of Cl in the urine that were >15 mmol/liter, suggesting that bicarbonate has additional effects on this K secretory process. At comparable concentrations of sulfate and bicarbonate in the urine, the TTKG was increased only with bicarbonaturia. We conclude that it is important to control for the effects of the accompanying anions when evaluating the role of the kidney in disorders of K homeostasis

    The Effect of Different Irrigant Activation Methods on Postoperative Pain After Endodontic Retreatment

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    Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different irrigant activation methods on post operative pain after endodontic retreatment. Materials and Methods : Seventy eight patients need non surgical retreatment in mandibular first molar were involved in the study. The retreatment was performed in two visits ,at first visit cases were randomly divided into three groups according to methods of irrigant activation after root canal retreatment with protaper next rotary Ni-TI system. Group A (n=26) Root canals were irrigated using 2.6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) with manual dynamic agitation using master cone Group B (n=26) Root canals were irrigated using 2.6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) using ultrasonic machine (ultra-x) for 60 seconds. Group C (n=26) Root canals were irrigated using 2.6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) with NaviTip (29-gauge 27 mm) with double side tip. At second visit after one week, obturation was performed using modified single cone technique ans access cavity was filled with coronal restoration. After two visits root canal treatment and a specific method of agitation, depending on each group, the patients were given a questionnaire on which the patient would mark the degree of pain in a scale from 0 to 10 at 6, 12, 24, 48 72 hrs and one week post-obturation. Data were statistically analyzed with a significance level of P ≤0.05. Results: At 6,12,24 hrs, there was significant difference between the groups in pain intensity where control group C (Navitip with side vented needle) showed more pain scores than in the intervention groups (Ultra X and manual dynamic agitation). On the other hand, at 48, 72 hours and 7 days post- operative ,there was no statistically significant difference in pain among tested groups. Conclusion: Agitation of the irrigation is reliable safe to clinican and effective as final step irrigation protocol with successful management of postoperative pain in retreatment cases. The intensity of postoperative pain decreased with time regardless of final irrigation protocol used

    Interpretation of multispectral and infrared thermal surveys of the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt

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    Remote sensing airborne surveys were conducted, as part of the plan of rehabilitation, of the Suez Canal Zone using I2S multispectral camera and Bendix LN-3 infrared passive scanner. The multispectral camera gives four separate photographs for the same scene in the blue, green, red, and near infrared bands. The scanner was operated in the microwave bands of 8 to 14 microns and the thermal surveying was carried out both at night and in the day time. The surveys, coupled with intensive ground investigations, were utilized in the construction of new geological, structural lineation and drainage maps for the Suez Canal Zone on a scale of approximately 1:20,000, which are superior to the maps made by normal aerial photography. A considerable number of anomalies belonging to various types were revealed through the interpretation of the executed multispectral and infrared thermal surveys