64 research outputs found

    The Growth of Hard Coral (Acropora SP.) Transplants in Coral Reef of Malalayang Waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Main coral reef building components, Scleractinian corals, has the highest distribution in Indonesia, at least 590 species known of 793 species in the world. Studies on damaged coral community transplantation have been done to observe their growth and adaptation ability. A four-month observation found that average length increment at 9 M deep was linearly 0.375 cm, 0.632 cm, and 0.732 cm at the first, second, and third month, respectively, at 6 M deep, it was 0.455 cm, 0.689 cm, and 1.012 cm, at the first, second and third month, respectively, and at 3 M deep, it was 0.55 cm, 1.05 cm and 1.1, at the first, second, and thrid month, respectively. Mean relative length increment at 9 M deep occurred every month as much as 4.25%, 8.23%, and 9.86% at the first, second, and third month, respectively. Similarly, it occurred in 6 M deep, 4.12%, 9.14%, and 11.28% at the first, second, and third month, respectively. However, at 3 M deep, it occurred only at the first and second month, 7.33% and 12.73%, while it declined at the third month, 11.7%

    Species of Fish in rivers in the Northern Peninsula of Sulawesi Island

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    This study aims to determine the species of fish found in the Poigar River, Ranoyapo River, Maruasey River, Talawaan River, and Likupang River in the northern peninsula of Sulawesi Island. These five rivers empty into the Sulawesi Sea. Sampling was carried out in the upstream, middle and downstream parts of the river, all sampling areas were freshwater areas, estuary areas with brackish water types were not included in this study. Sampling was carried out using cast nets and electric shocks. There are 58 species (16 orders, 21 families, 40 genera). Families Gobidae (9 genera, 19 species) and Eleotridae (8 genera 13 species), 19 other families have only 3 or 2 or 1 species. There are 28 species of Ranoyapo River, 25 species of Maruasey River, 23 species of Poigar River, 15 species of Likupang River, and 9 species of Talawaan River. Eel Anguilla marmorata widely distributed in five rivers, and Eleotris melanosoma (Eleotridae) Osteochilus hasseltii (Cyprinidae) in four rivers. The other species are only found in 3, 2, and 1 rivers. There are 27 species found in only one river.Keywords: Freshwater; River; Species; Fish.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies ikan yang terdapat di Sungai Poigar, Sungai Ranoyapo, Sungai Maruasey, Sungai Talawaan dan Sungai Likupang di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi. Lima sungai ini bermuara di Laut Sulawesi.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bagian hulu, tengah dan bagian hilir sungai, seluruh wilayah pengambilan sampel adalah wilayah air tawar, daerah muara dengan tipe air payau tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring lempar dan kejutan listrik.  Terdapat 58 spesies (16 ordo, 21 famili, 40 genus). Famili Gobidae (9 genus, 19 spesiies) dan Eleotridae (8 genus 13 spesies),  19  Famili yang lain hanya memiliki 3 atau 2 atau 1 spesies.  Sungai Ranoyapo terdapat 28 spesies, Sungai Maruasey 25 spesies, Sungai Poigar 23 spesies, Sungai Likupang 15 spesies dan Sungai Talawaan 9 spesies.  Ikan sidat Anguilla marmorata menyebar luas  pada lima sungai, dan Eleotris melanosoma (Eleotridae) Osteochilus hasseltii (Cyprinidae) pada empat sungai.  Spesies yang lain hanya ditemukan pada 3, 2 dan 1 sungai. Terdapat 27 spesies yang ditemukan hanya pada satu sungai.Keywords: Freshwater; River; Species; Fish

    Study of Long Weight Relation of Scylla serrata In Mangrove Forest Around The Wet Laboratory FPIK Eeast Likupang District North Minahasa

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is a ten-legged crustacean animal from Brachura infraordo, known to have a very short tail (in Greek: brachy = short, ura = tail). Mangrove crab is one of the aquatic biota that has significant economic value and its life is strongly influenced by the existence of mangrove forest. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the relationship of weight and growth patterns of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Sampling is obtained by catching activities using fishing gear that is bubu (chang). Based on the results of research conducted in the area of Mangrove Forest around Wet Laboratory Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Likupang Timur in August - September 2017. Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) in the can through research obtained as many as 32 individuals.Keywords: Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata), Long Weight Relation, Growth Pattern, East Likupang ABSTRAKKepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) adalah binatang anggota crustasea berkaki sepuluh dari infraordo Brachura, yang dikenal mempunyai ekor yang sangat pendek (dalam bahasa Yunani : brachy = pendek, ura = ekor). Kepiting bakau adalah salah satu biota perairan yang bernilai ekonomis penting dan kehidupannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan hutan mangrove. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis hubungan panjang berat berserta pola pertumbuhan dari kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata). Pengambilan sampel diperoleh dengan melakukan kegiatan penangkapan menggunakan alat tangkap yaitu bubu (chang). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Daerah Hutan Mangrove sekitar Laboratorium Basah Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Likupang Timur pada bulan Agustus – September 2017. Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) yang di dapat selama melalukan penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 32 individu. Kata Kunci : Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata), Hubungan Panjang Berat, Pola  Pertumbuhan, Likupang Timur

    The Growth of Hard Coral (Acropora sp.) Transplants in Coral Reef of Malalayang Waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Main coral reef building components, Scleractinian corals, has the highest distribution in Indonesia, at least 590 species known of 793 species in the world. Studies on damaged coral community transplantation have been done to observe their growth and adaptation ability. A four-month observation found that average length increment at 9 M deep was linearly 0.375 cm, 0.632 cm, and 0.732 cm at the first, second, and third month, respectively, at 6 M deep, it was 0.455 cm, 0.689 cm, and 1.012 cm, at the first, second and third month, respectively, and at  3 M deep, it was 0.55 cm, 1.05 cm and 1.1, at the first, second, and thrid month, respectively. Mean relative length increment at 9 M deep occurred every month as much as 4.25%, 8.23%, and 9.86% at the first, second, and third month, respectively. Similarly, it occurred in 6 M deep, 4.12%, 9.14%, and 11.28% at the first, second, and third month, respectively. However, at 3 M deep, it occurred only at the first and second month, 7.33% and 12.73%, while it declined at the third month, 11.7%. Keywords : Ecosystems, Coral Reef, Scleractinia, Malalayang, Manad

    Community Structure of Seagrass in Coastal Waters of Bahoi Village, West Likupang Sub-district, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province

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    This study was aimed at revealing the structure of seagrass community in the coastal waters of Bahoi Village, West Likupang Sub-district, District of North Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province. Samples collection was conducted during the lowest tide period by deploying line transect and quadrate. Eight species of seagrasses were identified on this study, including species as follow: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hempricihii, Cymodocea rotundata, C. serrulata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Hlodule pinifolia, H. uninervis and Halophila ovalis. The highest density value ( 112.16 individual/m2) was calculated from transect III data on S. isoetifolium species. In term of relative density value, S. isoetifolium also has the highest value (35.176 %). Index dominance (C) was calculated as well from transect III data (0.477) while the highest diversity index  (H’) was calculated from transect I data (1.724). Keyword : structure, Analysis, seagrass ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji struktur komunitas lamun di perairan pantai Desa Bahoi Kecamatan Likupang Barat Sulawesi Utara.Pengambilan sampel  dilaksanakan sekali pada saat surut terendah, data dikumpulkan berdasarkan garis transek dan kuadrat. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan dalam keseluruhan kuadrat di lokasi penelitian berjumlah 8 spesies yaitu : Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, dan Halophila ovalis. Kepadatan individu tertinggi terdapat pada transek III yaitu spesies Syringodium isoetifolium 112,16 ind/m2. Kepadatan relatif tertinggi terdapat pada spesies Syringodium isoetifolium (35,176 %). Indeks dominasi (C) yang tertinggi terdapat pada transek III 0.477 indeks keanekaragaman spesies (H’) yang tertinggi pada transek I 1.724. Keyword : structure, Analysis, seagrass 1Mahasiswa Program Studi MSP FPIK-UNSRAT 2Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulang

    Gastropod Community In The Intertidal Of Likupang Coast, Kampung Ambon, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency

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    This study was aimed at finding Gastropod species and studying the community structure in the coastal area of Kampung Ambon, Likupang, through species density, diversity, evenness and dominance analyses. It was carried out in August 2017. The study employed transect method with quadrats by placing the on the area covered with coral-sand mix substrates. Density analysis found total numbers of 168 individuals with mean density of 7 ind/m². Spesies of the highest indiviual numbers was Cypraea annulus with a total of 98 individuals. Species diversity (H’) was 0.632773. This value reflects that the species diversity is moderate. Species richness index was R ˃ 4 reflecting that there is high species richness. Species evenness index was ˃ 0,5 meaning that the gastropods in the area are sufficiently even. Dominance index ranged from 0.27 to 0.47 indicating no species dominance in the study site.Key Words : Gastropod,  density, diversity, evenness, dominance ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari jenis-jenis gastropoda apa saja yang ditemukan dan mempelajari struktur komunitas melalui analisis kepadatan, keanekaragaman, kekayaan, kemerataan, dan dominasi spesies di daerah intertidal perairan Kampung Ambong Likupang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2017.  menempatkan  pada  satu  macam   habitat   yaitu  kawasan   yang didominasi oleh substrat karang yang bercampur pasir. Hasil analisis kepadatan menunjukkan bahwa di ketiga transek pengamatan jumlah individu yang diperoleh berjumlah 168 individu dengan kepadatan rata-rata per kuadrat 7 ind/m². Spesies dengan individu yang terbanyak adalah Cypraea annulus dengan jumlah individu sebanyak 98 individu. Keanekaragaman spesies yang diperoleh yaitu H’ = 0.632773. Nilai ini tergolong pada tingkat keanekaragaman sedang. Indeks kekayaan diperoleh nilai R ˃ 4, kriteria ini tergolong pada indeks kekayaan yang tinggi. Indeks kemerataan spesies diperoleh nilai ˃ 0,5 yang berarti spesies yang ada cukup merata, dan indeks dominasi diperoleh pada kisaran 0,27 – 0,47 yang menunjukkan tidak ada dominansi spesies di lokasi penelitian.Kata Kunci : Gastropoda, kepadatan, keanekaragaman, kekayaan, dominas

    Gastropods In Seagrass Beds Of Tongkeina Beach Waters, Manado North Sulawesi

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    The Tongkeina coastal waters have relatively extensive tidal areas. In addition to the seagrass community, there are also distinctive coastal communities such as mangroves and coral reefs. Coastal resources in this region are often used by the local community as a food source and have been used as a place of recreation and hotels as well. This is the reason for this study to find out the existence of gastropods on the seagrass beds in the Tongkeina area. It is expected that this study will provide information on the development and existence of the gastropods in coping with the pressure due to the construction of the hotel several years before. The methods of analysis used in this study including identification of gastropods, density, dominance, and diversity. The same research has been conducted several years before, and therefore this information was used as a comparison of the development of gastropods in the area. Thirty-five species (23 genera) were identified, with the highest density recorded was Nassarius gruneri, 0.8667 Individual/m², the dominance of 0.13972, and diversity (H'= 2.6853) which is greater than the results of the previous study 5 years ago (H’=1,9382). These results indicate that these waters are in the process of improving from previous environmental conditions.Keywords : Gastropod, coastal, domination, diversity, Tongkeina. ABSTRAKPerairan pesisir Tongkeina memiliki wilayah pasang surut relatif luas. Selain komunitas Lamun,   juga  terdapat komunitas khas wilayah pesisir lainnya seperti Mangrove dan Terumbu karang. Sumber daya pesisir di wilayah ini  sering digunakan  untuk kebutuhan makanan masyarakat, di samping itu telah dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat rekreasi dan  Hotel. Hal ini menjadi alasan untuk mengetahui keberadaan Gastropoda di hamparan Lamun di daerah Tongkeina.  Diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi perkembangan keberadaan Gastropoda, setelah melewati tekanan akibat dibangunnya hotel sejak beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Metoda analisis yaitu jenis-jenis Gastropoda, kepadatan, dominasi, dan keanekaragaman. Hal yang sama juga telah dilakukan beberapa tahun sebelumnya, sehingga informasi ini dapat dijadikan pembanding perkembangan Gastropoda di daerah tersebut. Diperoleh 35 spesies (23 genera), kepadatan tertinggi adalah Nassarius gruneri, 0.8667 Ind/m², dominasi sebesar 0.13972, dan keanekaragamannya (H’= 2.6853) lebih besar dari hasil penelitian  5 tahun sebelumnya yaitu . 1,9382. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa perairan tersebut berada dalam proses perbaikan kondisi lingkungannya.Kata Kunci : Gastropoda, pesisir, dominasi, keanekaragaman, Tongkeina

    In Intertidal Gastropod Community Malalayang Beach Manado North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the density and relative density of gastropods and diversity index of the community as well as evenness and dominance index in the intertidal beach Malalayang), Manado in North Sulawesi. Gastropods were sampled using quadrate with size 1x1m2 placed systematically and disproportionately on dead coral sandy substrate, mix mud, rocks slightly sandy substrate, and substrate-sized stones. The study found that there has been a change in the amount of 30 species of gastropod species (Manginsela, 1998) increased to 69 species. While the density of gastropods contained in the intertidal beach of Malalayangis ranging from 13,63individu / m2to currently 2,73-13,63individu / m2 and relative density ranging from 11.22% - 42.78%. Diversity index of organism is high with a value of H '= 2.81497. Evenness index of gastropods in Malalayang Beach intertidalcould be categorized fairly even and almost evenly. Meanwhile, the low dominance values ​​C = 0.2132, indicating that the area has good conditions as a place to live, and yet there is competition, which means, food or a place is suitable for gastropods to live. The intertidal area of Malalayang Beach Manado North Sulawesi substrate are mainly in the form of sandy coral, slightly muddy and rocky. Keywords: gastropod, distribution A B S T R A K Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kepadatan, kepadatan relative dari masing-masing jenis gastropoda serta indeks keanekaragam komunitas gastropoda, kemerataan dan indeks dominansi di intertidal Pantai Malalayang (di belakang Minanga Hotel), Manado Sulawesi Utara. Pengambilan contoh gastropoda menggunakan kuadrat ukuran 1x1m2 yang ditempatkan secara sistimatis dan proporsional pada substrat karang mati berpasir campur lumpur, substrat bebatuan sedikit berpasir substrat batu-berukuran. Hasil penelitian menemukan telah terjadi Perubahan jumlah spesies gastropoda dari 30 spesies (Manginsela, 1998) meningkat menjadi hanya 69 spesies. Sedangkan kepadatan gastropoda yang terdapat di intertidal pantai Malalayang dari berkisar 13,63individu/m2 saat ini 2,73-13,63individu/m2 dan kepadatan relatif berkisar 11,22% - 42,78%. Keanekaragaman jenis organisme tergolong tinggi dengan nilai H' = 2,81497. Kemerataan jenis gastropoda pada intertidan Pantai Malalayang Manado Sulawesi Utara termasuk kategori cukup merata dan hampir merata. Sedangkan, Dominasi rendah yakni nilai C = 0

    Aplikasi Peta Jalur Angkutan Umum Kota Manado Berbasis Mobile Web

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah berkembang pesat dalam membantu masalah Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) terutama dalam bidang transportasi. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan informasi peta jalur angkutan umum Kota Manado ke dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis Mobile Web, dengan menggunakan Google Maps sebagai tampilan informasi peta jalur angkutan umum Kota Manado. Pengembangan aplikasi peta jalur angkutan umum Kota Manado ini menggunakan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD). Aplikasi peta jalur angkutan umum Kota Manado ini membantu pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi jalur angkutan umum yang ada di Kota Manado, baik wisatawan asing maupun lokal beserta warga Kota Manado yang belum mengetahui jalur angkutan umum Kota Manado

    Study of Long Weight Relation of Scylla Serrata in Mangrove Forest Around the Wet Laboratory FPIK Eeast Likupang District North Minahasa

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    Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) adalah binatang anggota crustasea berkaki sepuluh dari infraordo Brachura, yang dikenal mempunyai ekor yang sangat pendek (dalam bahasa Yunani : brachy = pendek, ura = ekor). Kepiting bakau adalah salah satu biota perairan yang bernilai ekonomis penting dan kehidupannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan hutan mangrove. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis hubungan panjang berat berserta pola pertumbuhan dari kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata). Pengambilan sampel diperoleh dengan melakukan kegiatan penangkapan menggunakan alat tangkap yaitu bubu (chang). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Daerah Hutan Mangrove sekitar Laboratorium Basah Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Likupang Timur pada bulan Agustus – September 2017. Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) yang di dapat selama melalukan penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 32 individu