2,386 research outputs found

    Online Library Package to Boost the Functionality and Usability of the Existing Libraries

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    The current computational era has given rise to the idea of the digital library. The essential purpose of digital libraries is to enable readers to more easily explore books for reading. The library is a fast-growing process. The prehistoric system of maintaining it is no longer efficient. Library staff handles tedious tasks which involve sorting, lending, returning, classification of books etc. In addition, library users encounter problems for searching, borrowing, renewing the book, queuing, and so on. To overcome these barriers, this paper proposes a smart E-library Application based on Android technology. It mainly focuses on the central operations in a Library like analyzing total books, calculating available books, updating information, searching books and a facility to request and return books. This Software package is an Android Application developed for android O.S based phones, intended to help users to maintain and organize Library Services. This software package is user-friendly. It will allow quick transactions and will make easy to handle the issue and return of books from the Library without much involvement of manual bookkeeping. This software has been developed to maintain all the daily work of the library. It has many features which are generally not available in normal library systems like facility of reader login and a facility of admin login. The admin can monitor the whole system

    Diabat method for polymorph free energies: Extension to molecular crystals

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    Lattice-switch Monte Carlo and the related diabat methods have emerged as efficient and accurate ways to compute free energy differences between polymorphs. In this work, we introduce a one-to-one mapping from the reference positions and displacements in one molecular crystal to the positions and displacements in another. Two features of the mapping facilitate lattice-switch Monte Carlo and related diabat methods for computing polymorph free energy differences. First, the mapping is unitary so that its Jacobian does not complicate the free energy calculations. Second, the mapping is easily implemented for molecular crystals of arbitrary complexity. We demonstrate the mapping by computing free energy differences between polymorphs of benzene and carbamazepine. Free energy calculations for thermodynamic cycles, each involving three independently computed polymorph free energy differences, all return to the starting free energy with a high degree of precision. The calculations thus provide a force field independent validation of the method and allow us to estimate the precision of the individual free energy differences

    Evaluation of the effects of Aegle marmelos and Punica granatum in an experimental model of gastrointestinal barrier dysfunction

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    Background: The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Aegle marmelos and Punica granatum in an experimental model of gastrointestinal barrier dysfunction induced by common bile duct ligation.Methods: Institutional animal ethics committee approval was obtained. Forty two Wistar rats (either sex, 150-250 gms) divided into seven groups (n=six/group), were subjected to sham operation (group 1) or bile duct ligation (groups 2-7) and treated with distilled water (groups 1 and 2); 0.75mg/kg glutamine (group 3); 0.27 g/kg and 0.54 g/kg of A. marmelos (groups 4 and 5); 3.6 g/kg and 7.2 g/kg P. granatum (groups 6 and 7) orally once daily for 10 days. On Day 11, animals were sacrificed and samples of the jejunum, ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes were obtained to study jejunal and ileal villous morphology, villous heights, jejunal mucosal sucrase enzyme activity and bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes.Results: Glutamine prevented blunting of the intestinal villi, bacterial translocation and a fall in the sucrase enzyme activity. Both the plant drugs prevented blunting of the villi (except low dose A. marmelos for ileal villi) and a fall in the villous heights (except low dose P. granatum for jejunal villi), decreased the bacterial translocation (except low dose A. marmelos), and prevented a fall in the sucrase enzyme activity when compared to the disease control. The high doses of both A. marmelos and P. granatum were comparable to glutamine for all the variables tested.Conclusions: Both A. marmelos and P. granatum maintained the gastrointestinal barrier function in this model

    Stabilnost amlodipin besilata i atenolola u jednoslojnim i dvoslojnim tabletama

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    Multi-drug tablets of amlodipine besylate and atenolol were prepared as either mono-layer (mixed matrix) or bi-layer tablets containing each drug in a separate layer by using similar excipients and processing. Each tablet batch was packed in strip and blister packs and kept under accelerated temperature and humidity conditions. The stability of two tablet and packaging types was compared by HPLC analysis after 0, 1, 3 and 4.5 months and expressed as the content of intact amlodipine and atenolol. The content of atenolol did not decline regardless of tablet and packaging type. Amlodipine content in bi-layer tablets decreased to about 95 and 88% when packed in strips and blisters, respectively. When prepared as mono-layer tablets, the content decreased to 72 and 32%, respectively. The study revealed that the bi-layer tablet formulation was more stable than the mono-layer type. Further, the stability was increased when the tablets were packed in aluminium strips as compared to PVC blisters.Tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom pripremljene su ili u obliku jednoslojne tablete (miješani matriks) ili kao dvoslojne tablete (lijekovi u zasebnim slojevima) koristeći slične pomoćne tvari i uvjete tabletiranja. Tablete su pakirane u dvije vrste pakiranja, aluminijske folije (strip) ili PVC (blister) i čuvane u uvjetima ubrzanog starenja. Stabilnost je određivana pomoću HPLC metode nakon 0, 1, 2, 3 i 4,5 mjeseci i izražena kao sadržaj intaktnog lijeka. Sadržaj atenolola nije se značajno promijenio bez obzira na tip tablete ili pakiranje. Sadržaj amlodipina u dvoslojnim tabletama smanjio se na 95 % (tablete u strip pakiranju) i 88 % (tablete u blister pakiranju). Istodobno, u jednoslojnom tipu kombiniranih tableta sadržaj se smanjio na 72 % (strip pakiranje) i 32 % (blister pakiranje). Rezultati pokazuju da su dvoslojne tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom stabilnije od jednoslojnih. Štoviše, pakiranje tableta u aluminijsku foliju u obliku strip pakiranja povećava njihovu stabilnost u usporedbi s PVC pakirnim materijalom (blister)