9 research outputs found

    Company preception on the employability skills of industrial traning students

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    Employability is the main concern for students and universities. It is one of the objectives of Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) as to produce skilled, experienced and knowledgeable graduates to fulfill manpower needs with 75% of the graduates employed in their relevant fields within six months upon graduation. This study was conducted to review the company perception on the employability skills possess by Mechanical Engineering students in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka who has undergone their industrial training program in respective company. Five elements of employment skills studied here are based on the generic student attributes (GSA) established by MOHE i.e. communication skills, teamwork skills, critical thinking, work attitude and long life learning. It used to ensure the students will enrich themselves as a competent and comprehensive student after graduated. Questionnaire was prepared in three phases. Phase I and 2 are about the adaptability of students to their working environment and how the knowledge and experience in classroom being integrating into real life work experiences. Phase 3 is about the professionalism and work ethics among industrial training students. The result shows that most of the industrial supervisors agreed that industrial training program is one of the vital contributors to the employability skills

    Three-Dimensional Uniaxially Aligned Nanofibre Construct Using Secondary Electrode Assisted Gap Electrospinning

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    Electrospinning is a simple, versatile, and scalable method of producing polymeric nanofibres from a solution or melt using electric charge. Due to their nanometre-scale diameters, electrospun fibres have been the subject of much study for applications that require a high surface area to volume ratio. However, challenges remain in spatially controlling the deposition of electrospun fibres due to the chaotic nature of electrospinning process. Due to the bending instability, electrospun fibres are typically deposited as random orientated fibres and furthermore, there is no control over the location where the fibres are deposited on the collector. Several techniques to control the deposition of electrospun fibres have been proposed; including the use of modified collectors and by reducing the tip-to-collector distances. Changes in solvent evaporation and the bending instability may reduce stretching of the fibre, resulting in larger diameter fibres. Recently, a new technique for controlling the deposition of electrospun fibres using charged secondary electrodes have been proposed and the results have been promising. In this study, a new approach of directly depositing uniaxially aligned nanofibres onto a holdable structure is demonstrated. The results suggest that the introduction of secondary electrodes charged with time-varying potentials could improve the alignment and distribution of fibres in the gap electrospinning process. The new technique would be able to produce fibres for applications which have been previously limited by physical constraint of conventional electrospun fibres

    Preparation of GNPs thermally conductive adhesive at different epoxy resin/curing agent ratio and mixing method

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    Reinforcement of GNPs fillers to polymer composite show remarkable improvement in thermal conductivity. However, high aspect ratio of GNPs attributes to agglomerate during the preparation process, which limits its performance. A proper step methodology is in urgent need to improve the interfacial reaction between the polymer matrix and fillers. The factors that play a significant role during preparation are controlling the epoxy resin/curing agent ratio (stoichiometry ratio) to ensure complete curing reaction and an appropriate mixing and processing method to improve dispersion and distribution of fillers. This study focuses on the effect of varying the ratio of polymer/curing agent to its curing reaction and combining the mixing method with solvent-free approach on the performance of the polymer composite. The results show that a complete curing reaction was observed at its stoichiometry ratio, which is ratio 3:1. The GNPs fillers also founded distribute and disperse well, especially when using BS+PCTM at the ratio of 3:1. This mixing method can avoid agglomeration of fillers and improve the interfacial reaction with good contact between filler-filler interface. As a result, the thermal conductivity of BS+PCTM was enhanced compared to BS+UH. The results presented perhaps facilitated improvement in the preparation of high performance of TC

    Hydrophobicity Performance Of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) And Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) With Thermal Effect

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    Combining the flexibility and stretchability of printed flexible circuits (PFC) such as PET and TPU with water repellent characteristics may improve the functionality of printed circuit for electronic packaging. Water repellent characteristics using ceramic-based coating may protect the surface from degradation and moisture absorption due to the hydrophobicity behavior of the surface after coating. This paper seeks to provide insight into characterization and understanding on the effect of thermal on the hydrophobic performance of polymer substrate (PET and TPU) with and without coated with a ceramic coating which is Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) for more robust and vigorous hydrophobic coating. The annealing temperature was determined by using DSC analysis and four different temperatures have been used in this study. Contact angle and surface roughness characterization were evaluated by self-fabricate contact angle measurement tools and Mitutoyo Profilometer Surftest SJ410. The results reveal that hydrophobicity of uncoated TPU increase and PET decrease after thermally aged. However, after coated with TiO2, both substrate shows further increment in hydrophobicity with contact angle more than 90°. The 2D profile reveals that surface roughness protrusion becomes one of the factors affecting the hydrophobicity of the surface due to liquid-air interfaces under the droplet (air trap) as stated in Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter theory


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    Employability is the main concern for students and universities. It is one of the objectives of Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) as to produce skilled, experienced and knowledgeable graduates to fulfil manpower needs with 75% of the graduates employed in their relevant fields within six months upon graduation. This study was conducted to review the company perception on the employability skills possess by Mechanical Engineering students in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka who has undergone their industrial training program in respective company. Five elements of employment skills studied here are based on the generic student attributes (GSA) established by MOHE i.e. communication skills, teamwork skills, critical thinking, work attitude and long life learning. It used to ensure the students will enrich themselves as a competent and comprehensive student after graduated. Questionnaire was prepared in three phases. Phase 1 and 2 are about the adaptability of students to their working environment and how the knowledge and experience in classroom being integrating into real life work experiences. Phase 3 is about the professionalism and work ethics among industrial training students. The result shows that most of the industrial supervisors agreed that industrial training program is one of the vital contributors to the employability skills

    Mechanical Characterisation Of Woven Kenaf Fabric As Reinforcement For Composite Materials

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    Kenaf is one of the common economic crops favoured by many plantations due to its many uses. The fabric is produced from the bast fibres of kenaf plant which is biodegradable and tough. This research aims at investigating the effect of fabric orientation, moisture content and different batches (storage age) of kenaf fabrics on the tensile properties. The tensile properties of kenaf fabrics in two different directions which are warp and weft are compared. Furthermore, two different batches of plain-woven kenaf fabric were analysed to study their tensile properties. In the case of moisture content effect, the fabrics in warp and weft orientations were tested at saturated moisture condition for their tensile properties. The findings concluded that the tensile strength of kenaf fabric in the weft was 28.3 % and 24.7% higher than warp orientation for the old and new batches of kenaf fabrics respectively. In overall, moisture uptake of kenaf fabrics reduced the tensile strength of kenaf fabrics regardless of different fabric orientations and batches. The results also demonstrated that the different batches of kenaf fabrics had no significant effect on the tensile properties

    An Investigation Of Superhydrophobic Waterproofing For Electronic Assembly

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    Combining the flexibility and stretchability of printed flexible circuits (PFC) such as PET and TPU with water repellent characteristics may improve the functionality of printed circuit for electronic packaging. Water repellent characteristics using ceramic-based coating may protect the surface from degradation and moisture absorption due to the hydrophobicity behavior of the surface after coating.This research seeks to provide insight into characterization and understanding on the effect of thermal on the hydrophobic performance of polymer substrate (PET and TPU) with and without coated with a ceramic coating which is Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) for more robust and vigorous hydrophobiccoating. The annealing temperature was determined by using DSC analysis and four different temperatures have been used in this study. Contact angle and surface roughness characterization were evaluated by self-fabricate contact angle measurement tools and Mitutoyo Profilometer Surftest SJ410. The results reveal that hydrophobicity of uncoated TPU increase and PET decrease after thermally aged. However, after coated with TiO2, both substrate shows further increment in hydrophobicity with contact angle more than 90°. The 2D profile reveals that surface roughness protrusion becomes one of the factors affecting the hydrophobicity of the surface due to liquid-air interfaces under the droplet (air trap) as stated in Wenzel and CassieBaxter theory