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9 research outputs found
Congenital nephrotic syndrome and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
B Aoun
CP Schmitt
+4Â more
G Kalkas
H Fakhoury
S Sanjad
T Ulinski
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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The Client-Nurse Relationship as Experienced by Public Health Nurses: Toward Better Collaboration
Arnold E.
Aro S.
+16Â more
Astedt-Kurki P.
Bernstein L.
Bradley J. C.
Chenitz C. W.
Curtin L.
Glaser B. G.
Hentinen M.
Kalkas H.
Kasch C. R.
King I.
Koskiaho B.
Munhall P. L.
Peplau H.
Polit D. F.
Stewart M. J.
Vehvilainen-Julkunen K.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Health as an individual's way of existence
Hanna K.M.
HĂ€ggmanâLaitila A.
+16Â more
HĂ€ggmanâLaitila A.
HĂ€ggmanâLaitila A.
Kaelin E.F.
Kalimo R.
Kalkas H.
Langer M.M.
Liukkonen A.
Newman M.A.
Parse R.R.
Pender N.J.
Rogers M.E.
Saarenheimo M.
Sihvonen M.
Vaskilampi T.
Viljaranta L.
Ă stedtâKurki P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Sykepkiekvalitet sett fra de nordiske sykepleieres perspektiv
Benner P.
Bunch EH
+24Â more
Donabedian A.
Donabedian A.
Eriksson K.
Folkins C
Glaser G
Hackman JR
Hamran T.
Henderson V.
Kalkas H
Kalymun M.
Lang N.
Lyman K.
Martinsen K.
Nightingale F.
Paterson JG
Schein E.
Starrin B
Strauss A
Tanner C
Travelbee J.
Vuori H.
Watson J.
Watson J.
Wilde B.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
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Religiosity as a Dimension of Well-Being
Abdellah F. G.
Banks R. L.
+22Â more
Carson V. B.
Clark C. C.
Eriksson K.
Erjanti H.
Grönlund S. E.
Henderson V.
Hill L.
HirsjÀrvi S.
HĂ€ggman-Laitila A.
Kalkas H.
Moch S. D.
Munhall P. L.
Murray R. B.
Newman M.
NiemelÀ P.
Oiler Boyd C.
PĂ€ivi Astedt-Kurki
Schlotfeldt R. M.
Uusivirta K.
Varto J.
Yura H.
Ă stedt-Kurki P.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
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âDen perioperative Dialogenâ â Kontinuitet i VĂ„rden
Andersson M
Arnér S
+29Â more
Arvidsson Brorson
Benner P
Bergqvist D
Boykind A
Brorson Arvidsson
Buber M
Ek B
Eneroth B
Eriksson K
Eriksson K
Fredin H
Green W
Halldin M
Hansen A
Helenius R
Johansson E
Kalkas H
Kjervik D
Kneedler A
Lindeman C
Lindström U
Lindwall L
Lundberg D
LundbÀck M
Molander B
Porter L
Reeder J
Ricoeur P
Watson J
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Ethical problems in practice as experienced by Malawian student nurses
Beauchamp TL
Chalanda M.
+19Â more
Dahlberg K
Dahlgren L
Elisabeth Severinsson
Eva Merethe Solum
Jasper M.
Jewkes R
Kalkas H
Kvale S
Maluwa VM.
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health and Population
Mkwamba A.
Muula AS.
Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi
Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi
Phiri B.
Tveit B
Veronica Mary Maluwa
Vetlesen AJ.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Nursing documentation in nursing homes - state-of-the-art and implications for quality improvement
Black S
Burns N
+28Â more
David J
Ehrenberg A
Goldstone L
Hilton I
Huupponen U.
Isola A
Isola A
Isola A
Jelinek R
Junttila K
Junttila K.
Kalkas H
Liukkonen A
Liukkonen A.
Liukkonen A.
Mashru M
Merilainen S.
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Munnukka T.
Nenonen S.
Nikkila R
Nunnally J.
Perala M-L.
Phaneuf M.
Redfern S
Souder E
Tomalin D
Valvanne J
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Den upplevda yrkesrollen och dess relation till bemötande av klienten
Balint M.
Bensing J. M.
+37Â more
Biklen B.
Brody D.S.
Brody H.
Bryder T.
Cassileth B. R.
Childress J.F.
Deber R.B.
Garfinkel H.
Giddens A.
Glaser B.
Greenfield S.
Grimmett P.
Habermas J.
Hall J.A.
Heath C.
Henbest R.J.
HirsjÀrvi S.
Hummelvoll J-K.
Kalkas H.
Kaplan S. H.
Kukkola S.
Latvala E.
Leino Jarkko
Leino Jarkko
Munnukka Terttu
Ong L.M.L.
Parsons T.
Patton Michael
Roter D.
Ruth J-E.
Ruth J-P.
Selmer Wesche Ă .
Strull W.M.
Taylor B-J.
Vesanto A.
VĂ€rri V-M-.
Ă stedt-Kurki P.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text