177 research outputs found

    South-South Co-operation: Trade Relations between Indonesia and South Asia

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    The paper examines the existing trade links between Indonesia and South Asia and Identifies problems constraining the relations between the regions. It also investigates possible areas of trade expansion. The paper concludes that trade relations between Indonesia and South Asia have slowly and steadily grown over time though they are still small In absolute terms. It also elucidates the future prospects and concludes that Indonesia South Asia trade may increase in future

    Technical Efficiency of Major Food and Cash Crops in Karnataka (India)

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    Among the important issues debated in the current phase pertaining to the agricultural sector include the expectations about the next technological phase and the efficiency parameters during the current phase. Growing population as well as income enhances the demand for agricultural products and there is no scope for expanding land frontiers and further there is increasing trend of diversion of cultivable land for nonagricultural purposes (Deshpande and Bhende, 2003). The only option remained to increase agricultural production is through adoption of improved technology and ...cash crops, cotton, crop production, Efficiency, food crops, groundnuts, production economics, production functions, Karnataka

    Impact of control measures in fisheries management: evidence from Bangladesh's industrial trawl fishery

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    This paper examines the effectiveness of different management tools, particularly input and quality controls on Bangladesh's industrial trawl fishery using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Results show that the efficiency of the industrial trawl fishery comes from multiple owner managed vessels, export oriented vessels and registered vessels that are mainly engaged in double rigger trawling. Results also indicate that freezer vessels with small storage capacity, using small gear, are relatively less efficient. This study also shows that over the period shrimp vessels are technically more efficient than fish vessels.Industrial trawl fishery, input and quality control, efficiency, Bangladesh

    Effect of Trade Liberalization on Low-Carbon Energy Technology Dissemination in Asia

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    The production and use of low-carbon energy technology and services, such as renewable energy, are imperative for Asia’s emerging economies (which are heavily dependent on imported energy and resources) to tackle global environmental issues like climate change. Acknowledging this fact, recently, governments in the Asian region individually have been taking effective actions in the form of voluntary targets and policy commitments to improve the production and use of low-carbon technology, such as solar, wind, geo-thermal, and so forth. Nevertheless, the diffusion of these technologies has been through liberalized trade, which has been low compared with trade and investment in other energy intensive sectors. Though effective tariffs are low, non-tariff barriers or behind-the-border constraints are very high. In this exploratory study, the potential for increased exports in low-carbon technology and services under a grand regional coalition, partial regional coalition, and stand alone scenarios is studied. We find that production, trade, and investment in renewable energy technologies are very low regionally. There is a large gap between the demand for and the supply of low-carbon energy technology and associated pollution abatement services. Behind-the-border constraints that exist within the exporting country, such as poor infrastructure and inefficient institutions, create this gap between actually realized and potentially possible exports. This supply gap provides an opportunity for those emerging Asian economies, which have the potential to contribute to the manufacturing of such technologies individually and collectively pooling their physical and human capital

    Technical Efficiency of Major Food and Cash Crops in Karnataka (India)

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    Among the important issues debated in the current phase pertaining to the agricultural sector include the expectations about the next technological phase and the efficiency parameters during the current phase. Growing population as well as income enhances the demand for agricultural products and there is no scope for expanding land frontiers and further there is increasing trend of diversion of cultivable land for nonagricultural purposes (Deshpande and Bhende, 2003). The only option remained to increase agricultural production is through adoption of improved technology and ...cash crops, cotton, crop production, Efficiency, food crops, groundnuts, production economics, production functions, Karnataka

    Moving Object Detection for Video Surveillance

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    The emergence of video surveillance is the most promising solution for people living independently in their home. Recently several contributions for video surveillance have been proposed. However, a robust video surveillance algorithm is still a challenging task because of illumination changes, rapid variations in target appearance, similar nontarget objects in background, and occlusions. In this paper, a novel approach of object detection for video surveillance is presented. The proposed algorithm consists of various steps including video compression, object detection, and object localization. In video compression, the input video frames are compressed with the help of two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D DCT) to achieve less storage requirements. In object detection, key feature points are detected by computing the statistical correlation and the matching feature points are classified into foreground and background based on the Bayesian rule. Finally, the foreground feature points are localized in successive video frames by embedding the maximum likelihood feature points over the input video frames. Various frame based surveillance metrics are employed to evaluate the proposed approach. Experimental results and comparative study clearly depict the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    India's economic reforms: towards a new paradigm?

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    Fiscal decentralization and convergence in government spending in Malaysia

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    In this study, we highlight the influence of the federal system on the development expenditure of the states, which is crucial for socio-economic development. First, we examine whether there is a convergence in development expenditure across Malaysian states. Second, we investigate the importance of decentralization in affecting the pattern of development expenditure in the short-term and in the long-term. The convergence analysis utilizes annual growth data from 2000 through 2015 for the short-term and the averages of 3- and 5-year growth for the long-term. In this study, we employ the panel data approaches of pooled OLS, fixed effects and random effects estimation procedures. The findings provide empirical evidence of the convergence of development expenditure across the states in Malaysia in both the short-term and the long-term. Generally, all fiscal decentralization indicators (state per capita revenue, state own-source per capita revenue, state own-source revenue as a share of total revenue and inter-state fiscal capacity) are imperative in influencing the fiscal behaviour of state governments in Malaysia. These indicators, as well as assistance from the federal government in the form of transfer payment, are very much needed to strengthen the expenditure capacity of the Malaysian states. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Frontier economics: efficiency of firm performances with technological change

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