72 research outputs found

    Crise de abastecimento de ågua em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico

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    Embora a crise no abastecimento de ĂĄgua na RegiĂŁo Metropolitana de SĂŁo Paulo (RMSP) tenha se manifestado de maneira mais intensa no verĂŁo de 2013-2014, ela revela um problema crĂŽnico que vem afetando toda a RegiĂŁo nos Ășltimos dez anos. Esse problema foi gerado pela falta de um planejamento estratĂ©gico que considere questĂ”es climatolĂłgicas que podem indicar, com meses de antecedĂȘncia, problemas de recomposição dos nĂ­veis dos mananciais, permitindo que açÔes sejam empreendidas com razoĂĄvel antecedĂȘncia, reduzindo os impactos para a população. Este estudo mostra como Ă© possĂ­vel utilizar informaçÔes climĂĄticas na gestĂŁo estratĂ©gica do sistema de abastecimento da RMSP.Though the crisis in the water supplying system in the Metropolitan Region of SĂŁo Paulo (RMSP) was more intensively felt in the 2013-2014 summer, it reveals a chronic problem that has been affecting the whole RMSP for the past ten years. This problem is originated from the lack of a strategic planning that takes into consideration climate issues that could, months before, foresee problems to restore the levels of water resources, allowing measures to be implemented within a reasonable anticipation, therefore reducing the impacts on the population. This study shows how it is possible to use climate information in the strategic management of the water supply in the RMSP

    Parametric investigation concerning dimensions of a stand-alone wind-power system

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    A detailed parametric analysis is carried out concerning the optimum sizing of a stand-alone wind-power system, used to ensure the electricity supply of several remote consumers. This study initially analyzes the impact of the available wind-potential quality on the dimensions of the main system's components. Accordingly, the influence of the specific wind-power curve--utilized on the proposed configuration sizing--is also examined. In addition, the system's minimum acceptable reliability contribution is investigated for determining the minimum cost stand-alone system dimensions. Finally, the consumer size effect is taken into consideration during the best choice selection process. Thus, by incorporating the proposed parametric analysis results in an appropriate decision-taking procedure, a significant reduction of the system dimensions may be realized, leading to a remarkably diminished first installation cost.

    Optimum autonomous wind-power system sizing for remote consumers, using long-term wind speed data

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    The usage of autonomous power-systems is one of the most successful ways to treat the electrification requirements of numerous isolated consumers, not only in Greece but also worldwide. Such an autonomous system comprises a micro-wind converter and a battery storage device, along with the corresponding electronic equipment. Considering the high wind potential of several regions in our country, an integrated study is carried out, based on long-term wind-potential experimental measurements, in order to determine the optimum configuration of a stand-alone wind power system. The proposed solution "guarantees" zero load rejections for all the 4-year period examined. For this purpose, two separate calculation approximations are developed, presenting almost similar results. Of course, the application of the "WINDREMOTE II" numerical code based on detailed measurements, gives almost analytical results concerning the energy autonomy and the operational status of the autonomous system components. Finally, by introducing preliminary financial aspects, it is possible to determine the optimum system dimensions on a minimum first-installation cost.Autonomous wind power system Optimum system sizing Remote consumers

    Optimal wind-hydro solution for Aegean Sea islands' electricity-demand fulfilment

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    Energy shortage and clean-water deficit, especially during the summer, are among the main factors delaying the economic development of Aegean Sea islands. All these islands possess an outstanding wind potential. However, the stochastic behaviour of wind speed leads to significant disharmony between wind energy production and electricity demand. Hence, the prospect of creating a combined wind-hydro energy production station is found to be a vital solution for all these islands, under the preconditions of maximum energy autonomy and limited first installation cost. Accordingly, a methodology of optimal wind-hydro solution estimation is developed and subsequently applied to several typical Aegean Sea island cases, in order to define the most beneficial configuration of the proposed renewable station. All numerical calculations are based on real data, like long-term wind speed measurements, demanded electrical-load and operational characteristics of the system components. In all cases analyzed, the renewable energy sources penetration exceeds 85%, while a significant part of the system's wind energy surplus is forwarded to a desalination plant for clean-water production.Wind-hydro power plant Optimal energy solution Remote islands Energy autonomy

    PV temperature and performance prediction in free-standing, BIPV and BAPV incorporating the effect of temperature and inclination on the heat transfer coefficients and the impact of wind, efficiency and ageing

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    A novel compact model is developed to predict the PV temperature Tpv, coefficient f which relates Tpv with the in-plane solar irradiance IT, and power output Pm. The Tpv, IT, ambient temperature Ta, and wind velocity vw on a sun-tracking pc-Si PV and c-Si BIPV were monitored. f depends explicitly on vw, PV efficiency, heat losses coefficient, and implicitly on Tpv, IT, Ta, loosely on the module inclination at low vw, while this effect weakens at high vw. Tpv prediction is provided by means of 5 functions, which cater for the deviation of the environmental conditions from the Standard Operating Conditions, the operating efficiency, the natural ageing, PV geometry and cell technology. The Tpv prediction for the sun-tracking system has relative error 2.6% for PV operating temperatures around the NOCT, and may overestimate by up to 1.4 °C. Similarly, the relative error for the BIPV system is −2.1% for PV temperatures around the NOCT, with underestimation up to 1.6 °C. The model predicted Pm with relative error 1.9% for PV operating near its nominal value. The model is compared to 3 well-known models and also applied to other BIPV/BAPV configurations in various countries proving its wide applicability, high accuracy and universality
