185 research outputs found

    Lower cognitive baseline scores predict cognitive training success after 6 months in healthy older adults: Results of an online RCT

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    Background: Identifying predictors for general cognitive training (GCT) success in healthy older adults has many potential uses, including aiding intervention and improving individual dementia risk prediction, which are of high importance in health care. However, the factors that predict training improvements and the temporal course of predictors (eg, do the same prognostic factors predict training success after a short training period, such as 6 weeks, as well as after a longer training period, such as 6 months?) are largely unknown. Methods: Data (N = 4,184 healthy older individuals) from two arms (GCT vs. control) of a three-arm randomized controlled trial were reanalyzed to investigate predictors of GCT success in five cognitive tasks (grammatical reasoning, spatial working memory, digit vigilance, paired association learning, and verbal learning) at three time points (after 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months of training). Possible investigated predictors were sociodemographic variables, depressive symptoms, number of training sessions, cognitive baseline values, and all interaction terms (group*predictor). Results: Being female was predictive for improvement in grammatical reasoning at 6 weeks in the GCT group, and lower cognitive baseline scores were predictive for improvement in spatial working memory and verbal learning at 6 months. Conclusion: Our data indicate that predictors seem to change over time; remarkably, lower baseline performance at study entry is only a significant predictor at 6 months training. Possible reasons for these results are discussed in relation to the compensation hypothesis. J Am Geriatr Soc 68:-, 2020.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site.Alzheimer's Society UKpublished version, accepted version (12 month embargo), submitted versio

    Gender differences of health literacy in persons with a migration background: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To investigate gender differences of health literacy in individuals with a migration background. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. OVID/MEDLINE, PsycINFO and CINAHL were searched in March 2018 and July 2020. Setting: Studies had to provide health literacy data for adult women and men with a migration background, collected with a standardised instrument, or report results that demonstrated the collection of such data. Health literacy data were extracted from eligible studies or requested from the respective authors. Using a random-effects model, a meta-analysis was conducted to assess standardised mean differences (SMDs) of health literacy in men and women. Two researchers independently assessed risk of bias for each included study using the Appraisal Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies. Results: Twenty-four studies were included in this systematic review. Thereof, 22 studies (8012 female and 5380 male participants) were included in the meta-analyses. In six studies, gender-specific health literacy scores were reported. The authors of additional 15 studies provided their data upon request and for one further study data were available online. Women achieved higher health literacy scores than men: SMD=0.08, 95% CI 0.002 to 0.159, p=0.04, I2=65%. Another 27 studies reported data on female participants only and could not be included due to a lack of comparable studies with male participants only. Authors of 56 other eligible studies were asked for data, but without success. Conclusion Men with a migration background—while being much less frequently examined—may have lower health literacy than women. As heterogeneity between studies was high and the difference became statistically insignificant when excluding studies with a high risk of bias, this result must be interpreted with caution. There is a paucity of research on the social and relational aspects of gender in relation to health literacy among people with a migration background, especially for men

    Cognitive skills and prominence production : highlighting prominent elements in the speech of patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Patients with idiopathic parkinsonism suffer from a neurodegenerative disorder of the nervous system. Due to a progressive loss of dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) develop problems with motor and non-motor functions. On the motor level the dysfunctions defect the voluntary movements and lead to symptoms like: rigidity, resting tremor and bradykinesia [1]. On the level of cognition PD patients have problems with the executive functions, cognitive flexibility, working memory and control of attention [2]. Furthermore, the speech system gets affected which often leads to dysarthric speech. This hypokinetic dysarthria impacts the phonation, articulation and the respiratory system. The speech deficits include monoloudness, monopitch, reduced stress, imprecise articulation, variability of speech rate, disfluencies and voice tremor [3, 4, 5].PD affects communication as well as other related functions such as cognition, but complex prosodic aspects such as focus marking are less well studied. Prominence marking in German requires changes in intonation and articulation [6]. Speakers use multiple cues in the phonetic domain to regulate prosodic marking [7], e.g. modulation of F0 and syllable duration. Furthermore, there is insufficient literature on the impact of cognition on these phonetic aspects of prominence marking. The aim of this study is to analyse how prosodic prominence correlates with motoric and cognitive abilities in patients with Parkinson’s disease in the complex process of speech production

    Task-based profiles of language impairment and their relationship to cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease

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    Objective: Parkinson's Disease (PD) is associated with both motor and non-motor problems, such as cognitive impairment. Particular focus in this area has been on the relationship between language impairment and decline in other cognitive functions, with the literature currently inconclusive on how the nature and degree of language impairment relate to cognition or other measures of disease severity. In addition, little information is available on how language problems identified in experimental task set-ups relate to competency in self-generated language paradigms such as picture description, monologues or conversations. This study aimed to inform clinical management of language impairment in PD by exploring (1) language performance across a range of experimental as well as self-generated language tasks, (2) how the relationship between these two aspects might be affected by the nature of the cognitive and language assessment; and (3) to what degree performance can be predicted across the language tasks. Methods: 22 non-demented people with PD (PwPD) and 22 healthy control participants performed a range of cognitive and language tasks. Cognitive tasks included a screening assessment in addition to tests for set shifting, short term memory, attention, as well as letter and category fluency. Language was investigated in highly controlled grammar tasks as well as a Sentence Generation and a Narrative. Results: The study highlighted impaired ability in set-shifting and letter fluency in the executive function tasks, and a higher rate of grammatical and lexical errors across all language tasks in the PD group. The performance in the grammar task was linked to set shifting ability, but error rates in Sentence Generation and Narrative were independent of this. There was no relevant relationship between performances across the three language tasks. Conclusions: Our results suggest that there is a link between executive function and language performance, but that this is task dependent in non-demented PwPD. This has implications for the management of language impairment in PD, both for assessment and for designing effective interventions

    Endocarditis after Use of Tongue Scraper

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    We explored the neural substrate of anosognosia for cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Two hundred nine patients with mild to moderate dementia and their caregivers assessed patients' cognitive impairment by answering a structured questionnaire. Subjects rated 13 cognitive domains as not impaired or associated with mild, moderate, severe, or very severe difficulties, and a sum score was calculated. Two measures of anosognosia were derived. A patient's self assessment, unconfounded by objective measurements of cognitive deficits such as dementia severity and episodic memory impairment, provided an estimate of impaired self-evaluative judgment about cognition in AD. Impaired self-evaluation was related to a decrease in brain metabolism measured with 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in orbital prefrontal cortex and in medial temporal structures. In a cognitive model of anosognosia, medial temporal dysfunction might impair a comparison mechanism between current information on cognition and personal knowledge. Hypoactivity in orbitofrontal cortex may not allow AD patients to update the qualitative judgment associated with their impaired cognitive abilities. Caregivers perceived greater cognitive impairments than patients did. The discrepancy score between caregiver's and patient's evaluations, an other measure of anosognosia, was negatively related to metabolic activity located in the temporoparietal junction, consistent with an impairment of self-referential processes and perspective taking in AD

    Recent advances in rehabilitation for Parkinson’s Disease with Exergames: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: The goal of this contribution is to gather and to critically analyze recent evidence regarding the potential of exergaming for Parkinson’s disease (PD) rehabilitation and to provide an up-to-date analysis of the current state of studies on exergame-based therapy in PD patients. Methods: We performed our search based on the conclusions of a previous systematic review published in 2014. Inclusion criteria were articles published in the indexed databases Pubmed, Scopus, Sciencedirect, IEEE and Cochrane published since January 1, 2014. Exclusion criteria were papers with a target group other than PD patients exclusively, or contributions not based on exergames. Sixty-four publications out of 525 matches were selected. Results: The analysis of the 64 selected publications confirmed the putative improvement in motor skills suggested by the results of the previous review. The reliability and safety of both Microsoft Kinect and Wii Balance Board in the proposed scenarios was further confirmed by several recent studies. Clinical trials present better (n = 5) or similar (n = 3) results than control groups (traditional rehabilitation or regular exercise) in motor (TUG, BBS) and cognitive (attention, alertness, working memory, executive function), thus emphasizing the potential of exergames in PD. Pilot studies (n = 11) stated the safety and feasibility of both Microsoft Kinect and Wii Balance Board, potentially in home scenarios as well. Technical papers (n = 30) stated the reliability of balance and gait data captured by both devices. Related metaanalyses and systematic reviews (n = 15) further support these statements, generally citing the need for adaptation to patient’s skills and new input devices and sensors as identified gaps. Conclusion: Recent evidence indicates exergame-based therapy has been widely proven to be feasible, safe, and at least as effective as traditional PD rehabilitation. Further insight into new sensors, best practices and different cognitive stadiums of PD (such as PD with Mild Cognitive Impairment), as well as task specificity, are required. Also, studies linking game parameters and results with traditional assessment methods, such as UPDRS scores, are required. Outcomes for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) should be standardized, and follow-up studies are required, particularly for motor outcomes

    Engagement 2.0. Vom passiven Wahrnehmen zum aktiven Nutzen neuer Kommunikationstechnologien

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag beschreiben die Autoren einen seit zwei Jahren am Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung situierten Kurs, der engagierte Menschen in die Kommunikationstechniken und -werkzeuge im sogenannten Web 2.0 einführt. Als "politische Kommunikation" betrachten sie alle öffentlichkeitswirksamen bzw. zielgruppenbezogenen Aktivitäten für Anliegen, die im Selbstbewusstsein der AkteurInnen als öffentlich, als Interessen der Allgemeinheit oder aber auch als moralische Ansprüche an die Gesellschaft verstanden werden. Den Abschluss des Beitrages bildet der Ausblick auf eine im Entstehen befindliche Webcommunity der AbsolventInnen des Kurses. (DIPF/Orig.)The authors of the present article describe a course at the Austrian Federal Institute of Adult Education (bifeb) that has introduced dedicated people to Web 2.0 communication technologies and tools for the last two years. For the authors, “political communication” represents all public-oriented and target group related activities surrounding matters that are considered to be public in the self-awareness of those involved, interests of the general public or also moral demands on society. The end of the article provides a panorama of the web community that is being created by the course graduates. (DIPF/Orig.

    Effects of a Cognitive Training With and Without Additional Physical Activity in Healthy Older Adults: A Follow-Up 1 Year After a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Combining cognitive training (CT) with physical activity (CPT) has been suggested to be most effective in maintaining cognition in healthy older adults, but data are scarce and inconsistent regarding long-term effects (follow-up; FU) and predictors of success.Objective: To investigate the 1-year FU effects of CPT versus CT and CPT plus counseling (CPT+C), and to identify predictors for CPT success at FU.Setting and Participants: We included 55 healthy older participants in the data analyses; 18 participants (CPT group) were used for the predictor analysis.Interventions: In a randomized controlled trial, participants conducted a CT, CPT, or CPT+C for 7 weeks.Outcome Measures: Overall cognition, verbal, figural, and working memory, verbal fluency, attention, planning, and visuo-construction.Results: While within-group comparisons showed cognitive improvements for all types of training, only one significant interaction Group Ă— Time favoring CPT in comparison to CPT+C was found for overall cognition and verbal long-term memory. The most consistent predictor for CPT success (in verbal short-term memory, verbal fluency, attention) was an initial low baseline performance. Lower education predicted working memory gains. Higher levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and lower levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor at baseline (BDNF) predicted alternating letter verbal fluency gains.Discussion: Within-group comparisons indicate that all used training types are helpful to maintain cognition. The fact that cognitive and sociodemographic data as well as nerve growth factors predict long-term benefits of CPT contributes to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying training success and may ultimately help to adapt training to individual profiles.Clinical Trial Registration: WHO ICTRP (http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/), identifier DRKS00005194

    Phylogenetic relationships of species of Raymunida (Decapoda: Galatheidae) based on morphology and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase sequences, with the recognition of four new species

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    19 pages.-- RECEIVED: 10 April 2000, ACCEPTED: 8 November 2000.The species of the genus Raymunida from the Pacific and Indian oceans are revised using morphological characters and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences. Four new species are described (R. confundens, R. dextralis, R. erythrina, and R. insulata), and the status of R. bellior and R. elegantissima are revised. The species of Raymunida can be identified by subtle morphological characters, which match differences in mitochondrial nucleotide sequences. Therefore, the sequence divergences confirm the specific and phylogenetic value of some morphological characters (e.g., length of the mesial spine on the basal antennal segment, length of the walking legs). Furthermore, they confirm the importance of the color pattern as a diagnostic character. The widespread species (R. elegantissima), known from the Philippines to Fiji, shows minimal divergence between specimens from different localities (maximum of 3 nucleotide differences or 0.2% mean divergence). The phylogenetic reconstruction agreed with the monophyletic condition of Raymunida and its differentiation with respect to the genus Munida (in which Raymunida species had previously been included) and Agononida.Peer reviewe
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