412 research outputs found

    Violence in the Balkans

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    This is the first volume to offer an in-depth look at (lethal) violence in the Balkans. The Balkans Homicide Study analyses 3,000 (attempted) homicide cases from Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania and Slovenia. Shedding light on a region long neglected in terms of empirical violence research, the study at hand asks: - What types of homicides occur in the Balkans? - Who are the perpetrators and what motivates them? - Who are the victims and what potential protective factors are on their side? - Why do prosecutors dismiss homicide investigations? Amongst other questions and considerations, this brief discusses regional commonalities throughout the Balkans in view of their cultural,historical and normative context. Dismantling negative stereotypes of a growing and thriving Balkan society, this volume will be of interest to researchers in the Balkans, researchers of post-conflict regions, and those interested in the nature of homicide and its motivation, prevention, and various criminal justice approaches

    On (Measuring) Recidivism, Penal Populism and the Future of Recidivism Research: Neuropenology

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    It is common criminological knowledge that recidivism – relapse into criminal behaviour – is a major predictor of future criminal behaviour, one could say a ‘hard-core’ criminogenic factor, esp. when displayed at a young age. Yet, despite its prominence and importance in both criminology and the discipline and practice of criminal law, there is an ongoing confusion about the concept and social construction of recidivism, its basic terminology, approaches to its measurement (methodology), and finally about the best ways to deal with it. In the paper at hand, we aim to unravel at least some of the grand mysteries surrounding recidivism and its research, targeting particularly domestic criminal justice professionals and researchers, since we have found a certain lack of relevant and up-to-date Croatian publications on this topic. Instead of simply presenting or arguing for any of the competing perspectives, such as the criminological, normative or penological, or a more practical instead of a scientific perspective (to name but a few), we critically analyse each of these perspectives, highlighting their pros and cons, while leaving it to the readers to choose any or all of them – depending on their own perspectives and purposes. Thus, key findings from recidivism research are discussed in the context of steadily growing penal populism, which is characterised by broadening the scope of criminalisation and increasing sentencing frameworks as well as harsher punishment practices, targeting in particular recidivists. All this occurs in the context of populist public and media discourse about crime and criminals, which effectively undermines any notion of evidence-based crime policy. But times are changing and the future of recidivism research, spearheaded by neuropenology, might very well provide us with a new kind of knowledge and understanding needed to put a check on penal populism


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    Paper represents positive effects of competitive intelligence (CI) usage in the process of strategic decision making within the company. We analyze current state of CI awareness in Serbian businesses, and influence of CI on business performance of companies operating in Serbia. Study provides empirical comparative data on competitive intelligence implementation practices in developed countries and Serbia. Survey results, based on summarising and comparative analysis of field data, indicate that there are small differences in practical implementation of CI between companies in Serbia and those in EU. We indentified differences between the CI practices in Japan and USA on one side, and EU countries and Serbia on the other. Research aim is to make an assessment of competitive intelligence systems application in practice, and to provide necessary recommendations for companies based on the “best CI practices” in most developed countries, as well as basis for future studies


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    Koncem 2008. financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i uzdrmala ekonomiju. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među zemljama pogođenim krizom našao se i Island. Bila je to zemlja koja je kroz povijest, gledajući stanje gospodarstva, imala siromašniji životni standard te ovisila o uvozu. Na početku 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća gospodarski plan se značajno promijenio, točnije uveden je slobodno fluktuirajući tečaj islandske krune. Nakon siromaštva u državi, Island je postao bankarsko i financijsko središte koje ima visoku kvalitetu života. Kako je na međunarodnom financijskom tržištu došlo do kreditnog sloma banaka bilo ih je neophodno sanirati i stvoriti novi sektor bankarstva. MMF odobrio je paket pomoći ali osim toga bila je potrebna pomoć i ostalih država. Uvedene su i jače kapitalne kontrole radi osiguranja sredstava rezidenata. Valuta se stabilizirala, a dug je MMF-u vraćen u zadanom roku. Island se oporavio, a za manje od deset godina postao je jedan od središta bankarstva u Europi.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. Among the crisis affected countries was Iceland. It was a country that has been through history, looking at the state of the economy, had a poorer living standard dependent on imports. At the beginning oft he 90s od the last century the economic plan has changed significantly, the free floating course of the Icelandic krona was introduced. After poverty in the state, Iceland became a banking and financial center which has a high quality of life. As there has been a credit crunch on the international financial market there was a need to repair and create a new banking sector. The IMF approved financial package but in addition, they needed assistance from other countries. They introduced stronger capital controls to ensure the funding of residents. Currency stabilized and the debt to the IMF is back on schedule. The country has recovered and for less than ten years it has become one oft he banking centers in Europe


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    Na ratarskim usjevima vrlo je bitno pratiti štetne vrste kukaca. Cilj rada bio je istražiti štetne vrste kukaca koje se javljaju na PO Kalac te provesti pravovremenu zaštitu. Istraživanje je provedeno na PO Kalac u Tompojevcima u 2015. godini na četiri kulture: pšenica, soja, suncokret i kukuruz. Štetnici su praćeni uz pomoć ljepljivih ploča, te vizualnim pregledom biljaka. Na ljepljivim pločama su utvrđene neke štetne vrste kukaca međutim nije bilo potrebe za njihovim tretiranjem. Vizualnim pregledom uočena je masovna pojava leptira Vanessa cardui na soji, te kornjaša Oulema melanopus na pšenici. Pšenica je tretirana insekticidom „Lambda 5EC“ (lambda cihalotrin) protiv žitnog balca, a soja insekticidom „Nurelle D“ na bazi klorpirifosa protiv stričkovog šarenjaka. Kemijski tretmani insekticidima su izvršeni u odgovarajuće vrijeme, te su se pokazali ekonomski isplativi. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da se može kontrolirati broj i štetnost kukaca te da je primjena insekticida opravdana ukoliko je pravovremena, a brojnost štetnika prelazi ekonomski prag.For arable crops it’s very important to monitor the harmful insect species . The aim of this study was to investigate insects species which occure at PO Kalac and carry out necessary protection. Field experiment were conducted on agricultural craft Kalac in Tompojevci in 2015 on four crops: soybean, wheat, sunflower and corn. Pests were monitored by sticky boards and also visually. Several insects were caught on sticky boards, but there was no need for their treatment. There was a mass appearance of butterfly Vanessa cardui L. on soybean and Oulema melanopus L. on wheat. Two treatmants with insecticides were conducted, first one „Lambda 5EC“ (lambda cihalotrin) for Oulema melanopus L. and the second one „Nurelle D" based on klorpirifos for Vanessa cardui L. Chemical treatmants with insecticides were conducted at the appropriate time, and proved to be economically viable. This research has shown that it can control the number and harmfulness of insects and that the application of insecticides is justified if the number of pest exceeding economic threshold

    Prvi rezultati istraživanja „Balkan homicide study“: predstavljanje autentičnog sustava klasifikacije nasilja

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce a genuine violence classification system. The system has been created using an innovative empirical rather than a mainstream normative approach. It aims to test the possibilities and benefits of conceptualising and understanding violence regardless of its normative constructs which have been created on the basis of legal, abstract, and non-empirical grounds. With a specific focus on physical violence, the here proposed classification system has been designed by using original empirical data from case file analysis, obtained through the Balkan Homicide Study (BHS). Using a qualitative method, 2073 finally adjudicated attempted and completed homicide cases were analysed. As a result, the genuine violence classification system includes 20 types of violence primarily determined by the various contextual backgrounds of the offences and their main triggers, occasionally also considering the location of the offence, the offender’s motive and the victim-offender relationship. The ultimate purpose of the introduced genuine violence classification system is to provide a new and innovative approach to violence research, one that might prove to be a useful tool for minimising the impact of differences due to changing legal frameworks through time (e.g., reforms) and amongst different countries. In this sense, it should facilitate and upgrade future (comparative) criminological violence research. The basic terms and types of violence are defined primarily for the purpose of the BHS and should not be understood as axioms generally applicable outside the framework of the study, at least not without further testing and adjustment of the classification system.Cilj rada bio je predstaviti novostvoreni autentični sustav klasifikacije nasilja. Sustav je kreiran korištenjem inovativnog empirijskog pristupa umjesto ustaljenog normativnog pristupa. Cilj je rada istražiti mogućnosti i prednosti konceptualizacije i razumijevanja nasilja izvan postojećih normativnih okvira uvjetovanih pravnom, odnosno apstraktnom logikom. Usmjerivši se isključivo na fizičko nasilje, sustav klasifikacije, predstavljen u ovom radu, napravljen je na osnovi analize izvornih podataka prikupljenih kroz Balkan Homicide Study (BHS). Kvalitativnom metodom analize kratkih opisa slučajeva obrađene su 2073 pravomoćne presude pokušaja i dovršenih ubojstava. Posljedično, autentični sustav klasifikacije nasilja sadrži 20 tipova nasilja određenih ponajviše širim kontekstom kaznenog djela te primarnim okidačem, uzimajući povremeno u obzir i lokaciju počinjenja, motiv počinitelja, te odnos između žrtve i počinitelja. Svrha predstavljenog sustava jest ponuditi inovativni pristup istraživanju nasilja koji se neće oslanjati isključivo na normativnu konceptualizaciju nasilja, već će ublažiti nedostatke aktualnih istraživanja prouzročenih opetovanim izmjenama zakona ili pak činjenicom da se zakonodavni okviri razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje. Na ovaj način, mogla bi se olakšati međunarodna kriminološka istraživanja nasilja u budućnosti. Termini i tipovi nasilja definirani su isključivo za potrebe BHS-a te ih ne treba koristiti kao opće aksiome primjenjive izvan okvira predmetnog istraživanja, bar ne bez daljnjeg testiranja i adaptacije klasifikacijskog sustava


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    Koncem 2008. financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i uzdrmala ekonomiju. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među zemljama pogođenim krizom našao se i Island. Bila je to zemlja koja je kroz povijest, gledajući stanje gospodarstva, imala siromašniji životni standard te ovisila o uvozu. Na početku 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća gospodarski plan se značajno promijenio, točnije uveden je slobodno fluktuirajući tečaj islandske krune. Nakon siromaštva u državi, Island je postao bankarsko i financijsko središte koje ima visoku kvalitetu života. Kako je na međunarodnom financijskom tržištu došlo do kreditnog sloma banaka bilo ih je neophodno sanirati i stvoriti novi sektor bankarstva. MMF odobrio je paket pomoći ali osim toga bila je potrebna pomoć i ostalih država. Uvedene su i jače kapitalne kontrole radi osiguranja sredstava rezidenata. Valuta se stabilizirala, a dug je MMF-u vraćen u zadanom roku. Island se oporavio, a za manje od deset godina postao je jedan od središta bankarstva u Europi.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. Among the crisis affected countries was Iceland. It was a country that has been through history, looking at the state of the economy, had a poorer living standard dependent on imports. At the beginning oft he 90s od the last century the economic plan has changed significantly, the free floating course of the Icelandic krona was introduced. After poverty in the state, Iceland became a banking and financial center which has a high quality of life. As there has been a credit crunch on the international financial market there was a need to repair and create a new banking sector. The IMF approved financial package but in addition, they needed assistance from other countries. They introduced stronger capital controls to ensure the funding of residents. Currency stabilized and the debt to the IMF is back on schedule. The country has recovered and for less than ten years it has become one oft he banking centers in Europe

    Barley and wheat diseases and protection on Vupik d.d.

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    Cilj rada je bio pratiti pojavu bolesti na usjevima pšenice i ječma na Vupik d.d. te odrediti mjere zaštite. Polja na kojima su zasijane pšenica i ječam su na području Bobote te su veličine ukupno 47 ha. Na temelju mikroskopskih pregleda utvrđena je pojava sljedećih uzročnika bolesti: Pyrenophora teres Drechsler, Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, Septoria tritici Rob. Et Desm., Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler i Septoria nodorum Berk. Aplikacija fungicida na pšenici je obavljena tri puta, a na ječmu dva puta.The main goal of this thesis was to track the ways in which diseases appeared on the wheat and barley crops of Vupik d.d. and to define the adequate protection measures. The wheat and barley crop fields were located in the area around Bobota, while their size in total was 47 ha. In a microscopic analysis, the following causes of disease were found: Pyrenophora teres Drechsler, Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, Septoria tritici Rob. Et Desm., Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechsler and Septoria nodorum Berk. The application of fungicides was performed three times on wheat and twice on barley

    Electoral Fraud – A Criminological and Criminal Analysis in Croatian and Comparative Context

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    Autorice u radu istražuju kazneno djelo izborne prijevare kao jedno od kaznenih djela protiv biračkog prava Kaznenog zakona iz 2011. godine. Nakon kratke usporedbe s bićem djela iz ranijeg zakona, kriminološka analiza upućuje na izrazito rijetku incidenciju ovog djela u odnosu na opću incidenciju kriminala u Republici Hrvatskoj i to kako u pogledu prijava, tako i u odnosu na optužbe i osude punoljetnih počinitelja. Stoga se ističe problem tamne brojke te upućuje na alternativne metode procjene rasprostranjenosti i incidencije izborne prijevare. Razmatranje pravomoćne presude Općinskog suda u Splitu iz 2010. godine otkriva fenomenologiju i naznake etiologije djela. U istraživanju bića djela s naglaskom na počinitelja, pojam izbora i radnje počinjenja djela utvrđuje se izborna prijevara kao delictum communium te kazneno djelo krivotvorenja lišeno svojstva dovođenja u zabludu ili održavanja u zabludi lažnim prikazivanjem ili prikrivanjem činjenica, imanentnog prijevari. Radi otklanjanja utvrđenih nedostataka i neminovne promjene u postupku glasovanja u pravcu elektroničkog glasovanja, autorice predlažu izmjene inkriminacije de lege ferenda.The authors of the paper analyse the offense of electoral fraud as one of the criminal offenses against electoral rights in the Criminal Code of 2011. After a brief comparison to the offence as regulated in the previous Criminal Code, a criminological analysis indicates extremely low incidence in relation to the general incidence of crime in the Republic of Croatia, both in terms of reported perpetrators, as well as in relation to the prosecution and conviction of adult perpetrators. Therefore, the authors accentuate the problem of the dark figure and suggest alternative methods of estimating the prevalence and incidence of electoral fraud. The evaluation of a final judgment before the Municipal Court in Split from 2010 reveals the phenomenology and clues of etiology of the offence. As a result of the research into the offense with a focus on the perpetrators, the concept of elections and acts of committing, electoral fraud is defined as a delictum communium and a criminal offense of counterfeiting, deprived of misleading or keeping in mistaken belief by misrepresentation or concealment of facts, which is inherent to fraud. Aimed at eliminating the identified deficiencies and promoting inevitable changes in the voting procedure in the direction of electronic voting, the authors propose changes to the incrimination de lege ferenda