17 research outputs found

    Developmental disturbances associated with agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor

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    The aim of this study was to characterise the intra and extra-oral phenotype associated with agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor. We compared three groups: (1) subjects with agenesis of one or both permanent maxillary lateral incisors (n=80); (2) first and second degree relatives of group 1 with no agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor and (3) subjects with no agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor or family history of it (n=49). For each of the 201 subjects detailed clinical information was reviewed and panoramic radiographs were analysed. Considering only the sample with unilateral agenesis, microdontia of the contralateral permanent maxillary lateral incisor was significantly more frequent in group 1 (82.4%) than in group 2 (25%) and the control group (2%). This supports the theory that microdontia is a variable expression of the same developmental disturbance that causes tooth agenesis. The absence of third molars occurred more often in group 1 (36.2%) than in groups 2 and 3 (18.6% and 18.9% respectively), confirming that agenesis of third molars was markedly associated with the agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor. Agenesis of teeth other than third molars was not significantly different among subjects with agenesis of the permanent maxillary lateral incisor and their relatives. The frequencies of supernumerary teeth, permanent maxillary canine impaction, general health condition and minor anomalies were not significantly different between the three groups

    Reducing MCM levels in human primary T cells during the G0-G1 transition causes genomic instability during the first cell cycle

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    DNA replication is tightly regulated, but paradoxically there is reported to be an excess of MCM DNA replication proteins over the number of replication origins. Here, we show that MCM levels in primary human T cells are induced during the G(0)-->G(1) transition and are not in excess in proliferating cells. The level of induction is critical as we show that a 50% reduction leads to increased centromere separation, premature chromatid separation (PCS) and gross chromosomal abnormalities typical of genomic instability syndromes. We investigated the mechanisms involved and show that a reduction in MCM levels causes dose-dependent DNA damage involving activation of ATR & ATM and Chk1 & Chk2. There is increased DNA mis-repair by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and both NHEJ and homologous recombination are necessary for Mcm7-depleted cells to progress to metaphase. Therefore, a simple reduction in MCM loading onto DNA, which occurs in cancers as a result of aberrant cell cycle control, is sufficient to cause PCS and gross genomic instability within one cell cycle