469 research outputs found

    Learning Aerial Image Segmentation from Online Maps

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    This study deals with semantic segmentation of high-resolution (aerial) images where a semantic class label is assigned to each pixel via supervised classification as a basis for automatic map generation. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown impressive performance and have quickly become the de-facto standard for semantic segmentation, with the added benefit that task-specific feature design is no longer necessary. However, a major downside of deep learning methods is that they are extremely data-hungry, thus aggravating the perennial bottleneck of supervised classification, to obtain enough annotated training data. On the other hand, it has been observed that they are rather robust against noise in the training labels. This opens up the intriguing possibility to avoid annotating huge amounts of training data, and instead train the classifier from existing legacy data or crowd-sourced maps which can exhibit high levels of noise. The question addressed in this paper is: can training with large-scale, publicly available labels replace a substantial part of the manual labeling effort and still achieve sufficient performance? Such data will inevitably contain a significant portion of errors, but in return virtually unlimited quantities of it are available in larger parts of the world. We adapt a state-of-the-art CNN architecture for semantic segmentation of buildings and roads in aerial images, and compare its performance when using different training data sets, ranging from manually labeled, pixel-accurate ground truth of the same city to automatic training data derived from OpenStreetMap data from distant locations. We report our results that indicate that satisfying performance can be obtained with significantly less manual annotation effort, by exploiting noisy large-scale training data.Comment: Published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSIN

    Uncertainty and sensitivity in optode-based shelf-sea net community production estimates

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    Coastal seas represent one of the most valuable and vulnerable habitats on Earth. Understanding biological productivity in these dynamic regions is vital to understanding how they may influence and be affected by climate change. A key metric to this end is net community production (NCP), the net effect of autotrophy and heterotrophy; however accurate estimation of NCP has proved to be a difficult task. Presented here is a thorough exploration and sensitivity analysis of an oxygen mass-balance-based NCP estimation technique applied to the Warp Anchorage monitoring station, which is a permanently well-mixed shallow area within the River Thames plume. We have developed an open-source software package for calculating NCP estimates and air–sea gas flux. Our study site is identified as a region of net heterotrophy with strong seasonal variability. The annual cumulative net community oxygen production is calculated as (−5 ± 2.5) mol m−2 a−1. Short-term daily variability in oxygen is demonstrated to make accurate individual daily estimates challenging. The effects of bubble-induced supersaturation is shown to have a large influence on cumulative annual estimates and is the source of much uncertainty

    Classification of tools and methods for knowledge management in product development

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    "Der Fortschritt lebt vom Austausch des Wissens" (Progress is based on the exchange of knowledge - Albert Einstein), is only one of many famous sayings that underline the importance of knowledge. [Vajna et. al. 2001] quote a statement from 1907 saying that besides dedicated employees the application of knowledge had already been one of the most decisive factors of success for companies that time. This is more applied to our, by globalization characterised, time. A neglect of existing potentials of the employees\u27 knowledge has negative impacts on product development [Krause et. al. 2007]. That is why the missing accessibility of personal knowledge to the company and its employees leads to wasting in the company in the form of redundant developments or dissimilar decisions [Probst et. al. 2006]. Only a structured and systematic management of knowledge resources enables a company to benefit from yet unused personal knowledge [Krause et. al. 2007] and, thus, to positively influence the main targets cost, time and quality [Klabunde 2003]. Recently, a huge number of innovative knowledge management methods and tools have been developed, but only few of them have been applied. Problems that hinder the application of those methods and tools have been discussed by [Klabunde 2003]. Among these is also the limited usage of the tools due to missing knowledge about the usage. The aim of this paper is to combine knowledge management tools and methods with product development. The method to do this is to consider the knowledge management blocks according to Probst [Probst et.al. 2006], deriving from the area of business administration, in the context of the product development process according to VDI 2221 [VDI 1993]. Based on this consideration, the goal of this contribution is to identify and propose existing solutions for knowledge management in the different phases of product development

    Citizen scientists’ dive computers resolve seasonal and interannual temperature variations in the Red Sea

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    Dive computers have the potential to provide depth resolved temperature data that is often lacking especially in close to shore, but spatiotemporal assessment of the robustness of this citizen science approach has not been done. In this study, we provide this assessment for the Red Sea, one of the most dived areas in the world. A comparison was conducted between 17 years of minimum water temperatures collected from SCUBA dive computers in the northern Red Sea (23–30° N, 32–39.4° E), satellite-derived sea surface temperatures from the Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) optimal interpolation product, and depth-banded monthly mean in-situ temperature from the TEMPERSEA dataset, which incorporates data originating from several in-situ recording platforms (including Argo floats, ships and gliders). We show that dive computer temperature data clearly resolve seasonal patterns, which are in good agreement in both phase and amplitude with OSTIA and TEMPERSEA. On average, dive computer temperatures had an overall negative bias of (–0.5 ± 1.1) °C compared with OSTIA and (–0.2 ± 1.4) °C compared with TEMPERSEA. As may be expected, increased depth-related biases were found to be associated with stratified periods and shallower mixed layer depths, i.e., stronger vertical temperature gradients. A south-north temperature gradient consistent with values reported in the literature was also identifiable. Bias remains consistent even when subsampling just 1% of the total 9310 dive computer datapoints. We conclude that dive computers offer potential as an alternative source of depth-resolved temperatures to complement existing in situ and satellite SST data sources

    Divers as Citizen Scientists: Response Time, Accuracy and Precision of Water Temperature Measurement Using Dive Computers

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    There is a lack of depth-resolved temperature data, especially in coastal areas, which are often commonly dived by SCUBA divers. Many case studies have demonstrated that citizen science can provide high quality data, although users require more confidence in the accuracy of these data. This study examined the response time, accuracy and precision of water temperature measurement in 28 dive computers plus three underwater cameras, from 12 models. A total of 239 temperature response times (τ) were collected from 29 devices over 11 chamber dives. Mean τ by device ranged from (17 ± 6) to (341 ± 69) s, with significant between-model differences found for τ across all models. Clear differences were found in τ by pressure sensor location and material, but not by size. Two models had comparable τ to designed-for-purpose aquatic temperature loggers. 337 mean data points were collected from equilibrated temperatures in hyperbaric chamber (n = 185) and sea (n = 152) dives, compared with baseline mean temperature from Castaway CTDs over the same time period. Mean bias, defined as mean device temperature minus baseline temperature, by model ranged from (0.0 ± 0.5) to (−1.4 ± 2.1) °C and by device from (0.0 ± 0.6) to (−3.4 ± 1.0) °C. Nine of the twelve models were found to have “good” accuracy (≀0.5 °C) overall. Irrespective of model, the overall mean bias of (−0.2 ± 1.1) °C is comparable with existing commonly used coastal temperature data sets, and within global ocean observing system accuracy requirements for in situ temperature. Our research shows that the quality of temperature data in dive computers could be improved, but, with collection of appropriate metadata to allow assessment of data quality, some models of dive computers have a role in future oceanographic monitoring

    The L76V mutation in HIV-1 protease is potentially associated with hypersusceptibility to protease inhibitors Atazanavir and Saquinavir: is there a clinical advantage?

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    Background: Although being considered as a rarely observed HIV-1 protease mutation in clinical isolates, the L76V-prevalence increased 1998-2008 in some European countries most likely due to the approval of Lopinavir, Amprenavir and Darunavir which can select L76V. Beside an enhancement of resistance, L76V is also discussed to confer hypersusceptibility to the drugs Atazanavir and Saquinavir which might enable new treatment strategies by trying to take advantage of particular mutations. Results: Based on a cohort of 47 L76V-positive patients, we examined if there might exist a clinical advantage for L76V-positive patients concerning long-term success of PI-containing regimens in patients with limited therapy options. Genotypic- and phenotypic HIV-resistance tests from 47 mostly multi-resistant, L76V-positive patients throughout Germany were accomplished retrospectively 1999-2009. Five genotype-based drug-susceptibility predictions received from online interpretation-tools for Atazanavir, Saquinavir, Amprenavir and Lopinavir, were compared to phenotype-based predictions that were determined by using a recombinant virus assay along with a Virtual Phenotypeℱ(Virco). The clinical outcome of the L76V-adapted follow-up therapy was determined by monitoring viral load for 96 weeks. Conclusions: In this analysis, the mostly used interpretation systems overestimated the L76V-mutation concerning Atazanavir- and SQV resistance. In fact, a clear benefit in drug susceptibility for these drugs was observed in phenotype analysis after establishment of L76V. More importantly, long-term therapy success was significantly higher in patients receiving Atazanavir and/or Saquinavir plus one L76V-selecting drug compared to patients without L76V-selecting agents (p = 0.002). In case of L76V-occurrence ATV and/or SQV may represent encouraging options for patients in deep salvage situations

    Ocean processes at the Antarctic continental slope

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    The Antarctic continental shelves and slopes occupy relatively small areas, but, nevertheless, are important for global climate, biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem functioning. Processes of water mass transformation through sea ice formation/melting and ocean-atmosphere interaction are key to the formation of deep and bottom waters as well as determining the heat flux beneath ice shelves. Climate models, however, struggle to capture these physical processes and are unable to reproduce water mass properties of the region. Dynamics at the continental slope are key for correctly modelling climate, yet their small spatial scale presents challenges both for ocean modelling and for observational studies. Cross-slope exchange processes are also vital for the flux of nutrients such as iron from the continental shelf into the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. An © 2014 The Authors

    Multivariate classification of echellograms: a new perspective in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy analysis

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    In this work, we proposed a new data acquisition approach that significantly improves the repetition rates of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) experiments, where high-end echelle spectrometers and intensified detectors are commonly used. The moderate repetition rates of recent LIBS systems are caused by the utilization of intensified detectors and their slow full frame (i.e. echellogram) readout speeds with consequent necessity for echellogram-to-1D spectrum conversion (intensity vs. wavelength). Therefore, we investigated a new methodology where only the most effective pixels of the echellogram were selected and directly used in the LIBS experiments. Such data processing resulted in significant variable down-selection (more than four orders of magnitude). Samples of 50 sedimentary ores samples (distributed in 13 ore types) were analyzed by LIBS system and then classified by linear and non-linear Multivariate Data Analysis algorithms. The utilization of selected pixels from an echellogram yielded increased classification accuracy compared to the utilization of common 1D spectra

    High-resolution observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea: The REP14-MED experiment

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    The observational part of the REP14-MED experiment was conducted in June 2014 in the Sardo-Balearic Sea west of Sardinia Island (Western Mediterranean Sea). Two research vessels collected high-resolution oceanographic data by means of hydrographic casts, towed systems, and underway measurements. In addition, a vast amount of data was provided by a fleet of 11 gliders, time series were available from moored instruments, and information on Lagrangian flow patterns were obtained from surface drifters and one profiling float. The spatial resolution of the observations encompasses a spectrum over four orders of magnitude from O(101 m) to O(105 m), and the time series from the moored instruments cover a spectral range of five orders from O(101 s) to O(106 s). The objective of this article is to provide an overview of the huge data set which is utilized by various ongoing studies, focusing on (i) sub-mesoscale and mesoscale pattern analyses, (ii) operational forecasting in terms of the development and assessment of sampling strategies, assimilation methods, and model validation, (iii) modeling the variability of the ocean, and (iv) testing of new payloads for gliders

    Norwegische 'Wehrmachtskinder': Psychosoziale Aspekte, IdentitÀtsentwicklung und Stigmatisierung

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    Am 09. April 1940 ĂŒberfielen deutsche Truppen Norwegen. Neun Monate spĂ€ter kamen die ersten 'Wehrmachtskinder' zur Welt. Im Laufe des Krieges wurden 72 Heime des 'Lebensborn' (ein von der SS getragener Verein zur Erhöhung der Geburtenrate 'arischer' Kinder) in Norwegen gegrĂŒndet, so viele wie in keinem anderen durch das NS-Regime besetzten Land; darunter befand sich das erste außerhalb des damaligen Deutschen Reiches gelegene. In den Archiven des Lebensborn wurden knapp 8000 Kinder registriert. SchĂ€tzungen gehen davon aus, dass wĂ€hrend der deutschen Okkupationszeit in Norwegen 10000 bis 12 000 Kinder geboren wurden, deren VĂ€ter den deutschen Truppen angehörten und deren MĂŒtter norwegische StaatsbĂŒrgerinnen waren. Die 'Wehrmachtskinder' trugen ein doppeltes Stigma: Sie waren hĂ€ufig unehelich geboren und waren durch die Beziehung mit dem Feind entstanden. Aus Zeitzeugnissen geht hervor, dass ihr soziales Umfeld sie diskriminierte und ausgrenzte; sie wurden verhöhnt und zum Teil körperlich und seelisch misshandelt. Auch von staatlicher Seite widerfuhren Ihnen unterschiedliche Repressalien. Die geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen FĂ€cher haben die UmstĂ€nde und Bedingungen der norwegischen 'Wehrmachtskinder' bereits Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts als Forschungsgegenstand aufgegriffen. Die psychosozialen FĂ€cher haben dieses Thema jedoch erst kĂŒrzlich begonnen zu bearbeiten. Im Rahmen des hier vorgestellten Forschungsvorhabens werden erstmalig mittels eines umfangreichen Fragebogens die psychosozialen Konsequenzen des Aufwachsens als 'Wehrmachtskind' im Nachkriegsnorwegen erfasst. Das Projekt ist in eine bereits etablierte internationale und interdisziplinĂ€re Forschungsstruktur zu den 'Kinder[n] des Krieges' eingebunden (www.childrenbornofwar.org), wobei an den UniversitĂ€ten Leipzig und Greifswald die psychosoziale Belastung von Besatzungskindern in Deutschland parallel untersucht wird. Eine Besonderheit der norwegischen Situation sind die umfangreichen AktivitĂ€ten des 'Lebensborn', der wĂ€hrend des Krieges fĂŒr viele Wehrmachtskinder und deren MĂŒtter eine wichtige Rolle spielte.On 9 April 1940, German troops invaded Norway. Nine months later the first 'Wehrmacht children' were born. In the course of the war, 13 'Lebensborn' homes were established in Norway, more than in any other country occupied by the Nazis and including the first ever of these homes to be set up outside the former German Reich. (The Lebensborn was an SS-initiated association dedicated to raising the number of 'Aryan' births via extramarital relations between people living up to Nazi standards of health and racial purity). In the archives of the Lebensborn almost 8,000 children were registered. It is estimated that 10,000 to 12,000 children were born during the German occupation of Norway whose fathers belonged to the German troops and whose mothers were Norwegian nationals. 'Wehrmacht children' labored under a dual stigma. They were (often) born out of wedlock and they were the fruit of relations with the enemy. Socially they were discriminated and marginalized. They were ridiculed and, in many cases, physically and mentally abused. These children also suffered a variety of reprisals from the state. Initial investigations of the biographies and careers of the 'Wehrmacht children' in Norway date back to the end of the last century, most of them undertaken by scholars working in the humanities and the social sciences. Recently, the psychosocial sciences have also taken up this issue. The research project discussed here is the first to investigate the psychosocial consequences of growing up as a 'Wehrmacht child' in post-war Norway. The project is part of an established international and interdisciplinary research network named 'Children Born of War' (www.childrenbornofwar.org). The Universities of Leipzig and Greifswald have conducted a parallel study on occupation-born German children after WWII. A special feature of the Norwegian situation is the extensive activity of the 'Lebensborn', which played an important role for many 'Wehrmacht children' and their mothers during the war
