202 research outputs found

    A Possible Divot in the Size Distribution of the Kuiper Belt's Scattering Objects

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    Via joint analysis of a calibrated telescopic survey, which found scattering Kuiper Belt objects, and models of their expected orbital distribution, we measure the form of the scattering object's size distribution. Ruling out a single power-law at greater than 99% confidence, we constrain the form of the size distribution and find that, surprisingly, our analysis favours a very sudden decrease (a divot) in the number distribution as diameters decrease below 100 km, with the number of smaller objects then rising again as expected via collisional equilibrium. Extrapolating at this collisional equilibrium slope produced enough kilometer-scale scattering objects to supply the nearby Jupiter-Family comets. Our interpretation is that this divot feature is a preserved relic of the size distribution made by planetesimal formation, now "frozen in" to portions of the Kuiper Belt sharing a "hot" orbital inclination distribution, explaining several puzzles in Kuiper Belt science. Additionally, we show that to match today's scattering-object inclination distribution, the supply source that was scattered outward must have already been vertically heated to of order 10 degrees.Comment: accepted 2013 January 8; published 2013 January 22 21 pages, 4 figure

    An Oort cloud origin for the high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs

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    We analyse the origin of three Centaurs with perihelia in the range 15 AU to 30 AU, inclinations above 70 deg and semi-major axes shorter than 100 AU. Based on long-term numerical simulations we conclude that these objects most likely originate from the Oort cloud rather than the Kuiper Belt or Scattered Disc. We estimate that there are currently between 1 and 200 of these high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs with absolute magnitude H<8.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Close TNO Passages as a Driver of the Origin and Evolution of Ultra-Wide Kuiper Belt Binaries

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    Within the dynamically cold low inclination portion of the Classical Kuiper Belt, there exists a population of weakly bound binary systems with a number of unusual properties; most notable of which is their extremely wide orbital separations; beyond 7% of their Hill radii. The stability and evolution of these Ultra-Wide Trans-Neptunian Binaries (TNBs) have, in the past, been studied extensively under the assumption that the primary evolving mechanisms are interactions between the binary components and impacting Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs). Here, we instead study their evolution as driven by the gravitational perturbations of close passing but non-impacting TNOs. By simulating these passages, we show that the aggregate effects of encounters over billions of years have a significant effect on Kuiper Belt binary evolution. Such processes can lead to tight binaries widening significantly over time, approaching and sometimes surpassing the separation of the widest known TNBs. We also find that the eccentricity and inclination distributions of observed Ultra-Wide TNBs can be sampled from such widened binaries. While we are unable to produce enough wide binaries to explain their abundance, the orbital properties of ones we do produce are consistent with known wide binaries

    Stellar SEDs from 0.3-2.5 Microns: Tracing the Stellar Locus and Searching for Color Outliers in SDSS and 2MASS

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) are rich resources for studying stellar astrophysics and the structure and formation history of the Galaxy. As new surveys and instruments adopt similar filter sets, it is increasingly important to understand the properties of the ugrizJHKs stellar locus, both to inform studies of `normal' main sequence stars as well as for robust searches for point sources with unusual colors. Using a sample of ~600,000 point sources detected by SDSS and 2MASS, we tabulate the position and width of the ugrizJHKs stellar locus as a function of g-i color, and provide accurate polynomial fits. We map the Morgan-Keenan spectral type sequence to the median stellar locus by using synthetic photometry of spectral standards and by analyzing 3000 SDSS stellar spectra with a custom spectral typing pipeline. We develop an algorithm to calculate a point source's minimum separation from the stellar locus in a seven-dimensional color space, and use it to robustly identify objects with unusual colors, as well as spurious SDSS/2MASS matches. Analysis of a final catalog of 2117 color outliers identifies 370 white-dwarf/M dwarf (WDMD) pairs, 93 QSOs, and 90 M giant/carbon star candidates, and demonstrates that WDMD pairs and QSOs can be distinguished on the basis of their J-Ks and r-z colors. We also identify a group of objects with correlated offsets in the u-g vs. g-r and g-r vs. r-i color-color spaces, but subsequent follow-up is required to reveal the nature of these objects. Future applications of this algorithm to a matched SDSS-UKIDSS catalog may well identify additional classes of objects with unusual colors by probing new areas of color-magnitude space.Comment: 23 pages in emulateapj format, 17 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. To access a high-resolution version of this paper, as well as machine readable tables and an archive of 'The Hammer' spectral typing suite, see http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~kcovey v2 -- fixed typos in Table 7 (mainly affecting lines for M8-M10 III stars

    MagAO Imaging of Long-period Objects (MILO). I. A Benchmark M Dwarf Companion Exciting a Massive Planet around the Sun-like Star HD 7449

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    We present high-contrast Magellan adaptive optics (MagAO) images of HD 7449, a Sun-like star with one planet and a long-term radial velocity (RV) trend. We unambiguously detect the source of the long-term trend from 0.6-2.15 \microns ~at a separation of \about 0\fasec 54. We use the object's colors and spectral energy distribution to show that it is most likely an M4-M5 dwarf (mass \about 0.1-0.2 \msun) at the same distance as the primary and is therefore likely bound. We also present new RVs measured with the Magellan/MIKE and PFS spectrometers and compile these with archival data from CORALIE and HARPS. We use a new Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure to constrain both the mass (>0.17> 0.17 \msun ~at 99%\% confidence) and semimajor axis (\about 18 AU) of the M dwarf companion (HD 7449B). We also refine the parameters of the known massive planet (HD 7449Ab), finding that its minimum mass is 1.09−0.19+0.521.09^{+0.52}_{-0.19} \mj, its semimajor axis is 2.33−0.02+0.012.33^{+0.01}_{-0.02} AU, and its eccentricity is 0.8−0.06+0.080.8^{+0.08}_{-0.06}. We use N-body simulations to constrain the eccentricity of HD 7449B to ≲\lesssim 0.5. The M dwarf may be inducing Kozai oscillations on the planet, explaining its high eccentricity. If this is the case and its orbit was initially circular, the mass of the planet would need to be ≲\lesssim 1.5 \mj. This demonstrates that strong constraints on known planets can be made using direct observations of otherwise undetectable long-period companions.Comment: Corrected planet mass error (7.8 Mj --> 1.09 Mj, in agreement with previous studies

    Rossiter-McLaughlin Observations of 55 Cnc e

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    We present Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of the transiting super-Earth 55 Cnc e collected during six transit events between January 2012 and November 2013 with HARPS and HARPS-N. We detect no radial-velocity signal above 35 cm/s (3-sigma) and confine the stellar v sin i to 0.2 +/- 0.5 km/s. The star appears to be a very slow rotator, producing a very low amplitude Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. Given such a low amplitude, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of 55 Cnc e is undetected in our data, and any spin-orbit angle of the system remains possible. We also performed Doppler tomography and reach a similar conclusion. Our results offer a glimpse of the capacity of future instrumentation to study low amplitude Rossiter-McLaughlin effects produced by super-Earths.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
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