23 research outputs found
Barrier functions and paracellular integrity in human cell culture models of the proximal respiratory unit.
International audienceAirway epithelial cells provide a barrier to the translocation of inhaled materials. Tight (TJ) and adherens junctions (AJ) play a key role in maintaining barrier functions, and are responsible for the selective transport of various substances through the paracellular pathway. In this study we compared a bronchial cell line (16HBE14o-) and primary bronchial cells (HBEC), both cocultivated with the fibroblast cell line Wi-38, with respect to their structural differentiation and their reaction to cytokine stimulation. HBEC formed a pseudostratified epithelial layer and expressed TJ and AJ proteins after 2 weeks in coculture. Mucus-producing and ciliated cells were found within 24 days. Additionally, a beating activity of the ciliated HBEC (14-19 Hz) could be detected. 16HBE14o-in coculture showed a multilayered growth without differentiation to a pseudostratified airway epithelium. Simultaneous exposure to TNF-a-and IFN-c-induced significant changes in barrier function and paracellular permeability in the cocultures of HBEC/Wi-38 but not in the 16HBE14o-/Wi-38. In summary, HBEC in coculture mimic the structure of native polarized bronchial epithelium showing basal, mucus-producing and ciliated cells. Our system provides an opportunity to examine the factors that influence barrier and mucociliary function of bronchial epithelium within a time frame of 3 weeks up to 3 months in an in vivo-like differentiated model
Acute Morphological and Toxicological Effects in a Human Bronchial Coculture Model after Sulfur Mustard Exposure.
International audienceSulfur mustard (SM) is a strong alkylating agent. Inhalation of SM causes acute lung injury accompanied by severe disruption of the airway barrier. In our study, we tested the acute effects after mustard exposure in an in vitro coculture bronchial model of the proximal barrier. To achieve this, we seeded normal human bronchial epithelial explant-outgrowth cells (HBEC) together with lung fibroblasts as a bilayer on filter plates and exposed the bronchial model after 31 days of differentiation to various concentrations of SM (30, 100, 300, and 500mM). The HBEC formed confluent layers, expressing functional tight junctions as measured by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Mucus production and cilia formation reappeared in the coculture model. TER was measured after 2 and 24 h following treatment. Depending on the different concentrations , TER decreased in the first 2 h up to 55% of the control at the highest concentration. After 24 h, TER seemed to recover because at concentrations up to 300mM values were equal to the control. SM induced a widening of intercellular spaces and a loss in cell-matrix adhesion. Mucus production increased with the result that cilia ceased to beat. Changes in the proinflammatory cytokines in-terleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were also observed. Apoptotic markers such as cytochrome c, p53, Fas-associated protein with death domain, and procaspase-3 were significantly induced at concentrations of less than 100mM. In summary, SM induces morphological and biochemical changes that reflect pathological effects of SM injury in vivo. It is hoped to use this coculture model to understand further the pathogenesis of SM-induced barrier injury and to search for novel approaches in SM therapy
PCV2 replication promoted by oxidative stress is dependent on the regulation of autophagy on apoptosis
Abstract Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is an economically important swine pathogen but some extra trigger factors are required for the development of PCV2-associated diseases. By evaluating cap protein expression, viral DNA copies and the number of infected cells, the present study further confirmed that oxidative stress can promote PCV2 replication. The results showed that oxidative stress induced autophagy in PCV2-infected PK15 cells. Blocking autophagy with inhibitor 3-methyladenine or ATG5-specific siRNA significantly inhibited oxidative stress-promoted PCV2 replication. Importantly, autophagy inhibition significantly increased apoptosis in oxidative stress-treated PK15 cells. Suppression of apoptosis by benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp fluoromethylketone in conditions of autophagy inhibition restored PCV2 replication. Taken together, autophagy protected host cells against potential apoptosis and then contributed to PCV2 replication promotion caused by oxidative stress. Our findings can partly explain the pathogenic mechanism of PCV2 related to the oxidative stress-induced autophagy
Acetilkolinesteraza u eritrocitima i butirilkolinesteraza u plazmi - Važni pokazatelji za liječenje osoba otrovanih organofosfornim spojevima
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is regarded as the primary toxic mechanism of organophosphorus compounds (OP). Therapeutic strategies are directed to antagonise overstimulation of muscarinic receptors with atropine and to reactivate inhibited AChE with oximes. Reactivation is crucial within the neuromuscular synapse, where atropine is ineffective, since peripheral neuromuscular block eventually leads to respiratory failure. Patients with OP intoxication have to be identified as early as possible. During an international NBC-defence exercise anesthetised pigs were poisoned with sarin, followed by treatment with atropine and oxime. Blood samples were drawn and red blood cell (RBC)-AChE activity determined with a fielded test system on-site. Within a few minutes the poisoning was verified. After administration of HI-6, RBC-AChE activity increased rapidly. Blood samples were reanalysed in our laboratory in Munich. Almost identical course of the AChE activities was recorded by both systems. The more comprehensive cholinesterase status was determined in Munich. Oxime administration can be stopped when AChE is aged completely, but has to be continued as long as poison is present in the body and reactivation is possible. To aid the on-site physician in optimising diagnosis and treatment, a fielded test system should be available to allow rapid determination of the complete cholinesterase status.Inhibicija acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) smatra se primarnim mehanizmom toksičnoga djelovanja organofosfornih spojeva (OP). Strategije liječenja idu za zaustavljanjem prekomjerne stimulacije muskarinskih receptora atropinom i reaktiviranjem inhibiranog AChE oksimima. Ključna je reaktivacija u neuromuskularnoj sinapsi, u kojoj atropin nije djelotvoran, budući da neuromuskularna blokada u konačnici vodi do prestanka disanja. Važno je što ranije prepoznati otrovanje organofosfornim spojem. U jednoj međunarodnoj vježbi zaštite od nuklearnog, biološkog i kemijskog napada svinje pod anestezijom otrovane su sarinom te liječene atropinom i oksimom. Uzeti su im uzorci krvi te s pomoću terenskoga testa na licu mjesta određena aktivnost AChE u eritrocitima. Otrovanje je potvrđeno za nekoliko minuta. Nakon primjene HI-6, aktivnost AChE brzo je porasla. Isti su uzorci krvi ponovno analizirani u našem laboratoriju u Münchenu. Oba su testa zabilježila gotovo istovjetan tijek aktivnosti AChE. U Münchenu je međutim napravljen potpuniji nalaz kolinesteraza. Liječenje oksimima može se prekinuti kada AChE potpuno “ostari” (tj. dealkilira), ali ga valja nastaviti dokle god je otrov u tijelu, a reaktivacija moguća. Liječnici na terenu trebali bi raspolagati terenskim testovima radi brzoga i potpunog utvrđivanja statusa kolinesteraza, a time i kvalitetnije dijagnoze
Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in sulfur mustard toxicity
Sulfur mustard (SM) is a chemical warfare agent leading to severe blistering of skin and mucosal surfaces, and as a long-term effect, to an increased risk for malignancies. At the molecular level, SM acts as a bifunctional alkylating agent, leading to DNA mono-adducts and di-adducts. This review is focussed on the role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in the cell and tissue responses to SM-induced damage and potential role of inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation as therapeutic agents for SM injury
High-throughput analysis of DNA interstrand crosslinks in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by automated reverse FADU assay
DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICL) are induced both by several cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs as well as by the chemical warfare agent sulphur mustard (SM). Although measurement of ICL formation could be used in risk assessment or provide valuable predictive information on the response of malignant cells to crosslinking chemotherapeutic agents, respectively, it is currently not applied due to lack of appropriate standardized methodology. Here we describe a fast and convenient procedure for detection of ICL in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as high-throughput method, termed ‘reverse FADU assay’. This assay detects ICL based on the prevention of time-dependent alkaline unwinding of double-stranded DNA in a cell lysate that starts from single or double strand breaks. We have successfully established and optimized the reverse FADU assay by using human PBMC exposed to the model compounds mitomycin C, melphalan and SM. Our fully automated assay version is faster than currently used methods and possesses similar sensitivity. It operates in a 96-well format, thus allowing parallel analysis of multiple samples. Furthermore, we describe optimized protocols for sample preparation, with sample volume minimized to 100 μl of blood, storage and shipment conditions. We conclude that the reverse FADU assay is an attractive candidate method for monitoring DNA damage induced by DNA crosslinking agents
Monitoring the hydrolysis of toxic organophosphonate nerve agents in aqueous buffer and in bicontinuous microemulsions by use of diisopropyl fluorophosphatase (DFPase) with H-1-P-31 HSQC NMR spectroscopy
Gaeb J, Melzer M, Kehe K, Wellert S, Hellweg T, Blum M-M. Monitoring the hydrolysis of toxic organophosphonate nerve agents in aqueous buffer and in bicontinuous microemulsions by use of diisopropyl fluorophosphatase (DFPase) with H-1-P-31 HSQC NMR spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2010;396(3):1213-1221.The enzyme diisopropyl fluorophosphatase (DFPase, EC from the squid Loligo vulgaris effectively catalyzes the hydrolysis of diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) and a number of organophosphorus nerve agents, including sarin, soman, cyclosarin, and tabun. Until now, determination of kinetic data has been achieved by use of techniques such as pH-stat titration, ion-selective electrodes, and a recently introduced method based on in situ Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. We report the use of 1D H-1-P-31 HSQC NMR spectroscopy as a new method for real-time quantification of the hydrolysis of toxic organophosphonates by DFPase. The method is demonstrated for the agents sarin (GB), soman (GD), and cyclosarin (GD) but can also be used for V-type nerve agents, for example VX. Besides buffered aqueous solutions the method was used to determine enzymatic activities in a biodiesel-based bicontinuous microemulsion that serves as an example of complex decontamination media, for which other established techniques often fail. The method is non-invasive and requires only limited manual handling of small volumes of liquid (700 mu L), which adds to work safety when handling highly toxic organophosphorus compounds. Limits of detection are slightly below 100 mu mol L-1 on a 400 MHz spectrometer with 16 FIDs added for a single time frame. The method is not restricted to DFPase but can be used with other phosphotriesterases, for example paraxonase (PON), and even reactive chemicals, for example oximes and other nucleophiles, as long as the reaction components are compatible with the NMR experiment