75 research outputs found

    Cell Furniture: Designs for Safety, Wellbeing, and Sustainability

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    This catalogue presents the outcomes of a project aimed at creating a new line of prison furniture that not only prioritises robustness and sustainability but also strives to enhance the well-being of both prisoners and prison staff. To do this, a collaborative design approach involving stakeholders with diverse experiences was delivered. Drawing on research conducted with prisoners, officers, and external stakeholders, the project addressed complex issues related to furniture use in prisons. The project aimed to enhance existing furniture while introducing new, sustainable designs to the current selection. We hope that these new concepts and designs have potential to be manufactured inside the prison

    Evolutionary approaches to epistemic justification

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    What are the consequences of evolutionary theory for the epistemic standing of our beliefs? Evolutionary considerations can be used to either justify or debunk a variety of beliefs. This paper argues that evolutionary approaches to human cognition must at least allow for approximately reliable cognitive capacities. Approaches that portray human cognition as so deeply biased and deficient that no knowledge is possible are internally incoherent and self-defeating. As evolutionary theory offers the current best hope for a naturalistic epistemology, evolutionary approaches to epistemic justification seem to be committed to the view that our sensory systems and belief-formation processes are at least approximately accurate. However, for that reason they are vulnerable to the charge of circularity, and their success seems to be limited to commonsense beliefs. This paper offers an extension of evolutionary arguments by considering the use of external media in human cognitive processes: we suggest that the way humans supplement their evolved cognitive capacities with external tools may provide an effective way to increase the reliability of their beliefs and to counter evolved cognitive biases

    Probabilistic functional tractography of the human cortex revisited

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    In patients with pharmaco-resistant focal epilepsies investigated with intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), direct electrical stimulations of a cortical region induce cortico-cortical evoked potentials (CCEP) in distant cerebral cortex, which properties can be used to infer large scale brain connectivity. In 2013, we proposed a new probabilistic functional tractography methodology to study human brain connectivity. We have now been revisiting this method in the F-TRACT project (f-tract.eu) by developing a large multicenter CCEP database of several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients, and associated processing tools to create a probabilistic atlas of human cortico-cortical connections. Here, we wish to present a snapshot of the methods and data of F-TRACT using a pool of 213 epilepsy patients, all studied by stereo-encephalography with intracerebral depth electrodes. The CCEPs were processed using an automated pipeline with the following consecutive steps: detection of each stimulation run from stimulation artifacts in raw intracranial EEG (iEEG) files, bad channels detection with a machine learning approach, model-based stimulation artifact correction, robust averaging over stimulation pulses. Effective connectivity between the stimulated and recording areas is then inferred from the properties of the first CCEP component, i.e. onset and peak latency, amplitude, duration and integral of the significant part. Finally, group statistics of CCEP features are implemented for each brain parcel explored by iEEG electrodes. The localization (coordinates, white/gray matter relative positioning) of electrode contacts were obtained from imaging data (anatomical MRI or CT scans before and after electrodes implantation). The iEEG contacts were repositioned in different brain parcellations from the segmentation of patients' anatomical MRI or from templates in the MNI coordinate system. The F-TRACT database using the first pool of 213 patients provided connectivity probability values for 95% of possible intrahemispheric and 56% of interhemispheric connections and CCEP features for 78% of intrahemisheric and 14% of interhemispheric connections. In this report, we show some examples of anatomo-functional connectivity matrices, and associated directional maps. We also indicate how CCEP features, especially latencies, are related to spatial distances, and allow estimating the velocity distribution of neuronal signals at a large scale. Finally, we describe the impact on the estimated connectivity of the stimulation charge and of the contact localization according to the white or gray matter. The most relevant maps for the scientific community are available for download on f-tract. eu (David et al., 2017) and will be regularly updated during the following months with the addition of more data in the F-TRACT database. This will provide an unprecedented knowledge on the dynamical properties of large fiber tracts in human.Peer reviewe

    «La relation de limitation et d’exception dans le français d’aujourd’hui : exceptĂ©, sauf et hormis comme pivots d’une relation algĂ©brique »

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    L’analyse des emplois prĂ©positionnels et des emplois conjonctifs d’ “exceptĂ©â€, de “sauf” et d’ “hormis” permet d’envisager les trois prĂ©positions/conjonctions comme le pivot d’un binĂŽme, comme la plaque tournante d’une structure bipolaire. PlacĂ©es au milieu du binĂŽme, ces prĂ©positions sont forcĂ©es par leur sĂ©mantisme originaire dĂ»ment mĂ©taphorisĂ© de jouer le rĂŽle de marqueurs d’inconsĂ©quence systĂ©matique entre l’élĂ©ment se trouvant Ă  leur gauche et celui qui se trouve Ă  leur droite. L’opposition qui surgit entre les deux Ă©lĂ©ments n’est donc pas une incompatibilitĂ© naturelle, intrinsĂšque, mais extrinsĂšque, induite. Dans la plupart des cas (emplois limitatifs), cette opposition prend la forme d’un rapport entre une « classe » et le « membre (soustrait) de la classe », ou bien entre un « tout » et une « partie » ; dans d’autres (emplois exceptifs), cette opposition se manifeste au contraire comme une attaque de front portĂ©e par un « tout » Ă  un autre « tout ». De plus, l’inconsĂ©quence induite mise en place par la prĂ©position/conjonction paraĂźt, en principe, tout Ă  fait insurmontable. Dans l’assertion « les Ă©cureuils vivent partout, sauf en Australie » (que l’on peut expliciter par « Les Ă©cureuils vivent partout, sauf [qu’ils ne vivent pas] en Australie »), la prĂ©position semble en effet capable d’impliquer le prĂ©dicat principal avec signe inverti, et de bĂątir sur une telle implication une sorte de sous Ă©noncĂ© qui, Ă  la rigueur, est totalement inconsĂ©quent avec celui qui le prĂ©cĂšde (si « les Ă©cureuils ne vivent pas en Australie », le fait qu’ils « vivent partout » est faux). NĂ©anmoins, l’analyse montre qu’alors que certaines de ces oppositions peuvent enfin ĂȘtre dĂ©passĂ©es, d’autres ne le peuvent pas. C’est, respectivement, le cas des relations limitatives et des relations exceptives. La relation limitative, impliquant le rapport « tout » - « partie », permet de rĂ©soudre le conflit dans les termes d’une somme algĂ©brique entre deux sous Ă©noncĂ©s pourvus de diffĂ©rent poids informatif et de signe contraire. Les valeurs numĂ©riques des termes de la somme Ă©tant dĂ©sĂ©quilibrĂ©es, le rĂ©sultat est toujours autre que zĂ©ro. La relation exceptive, au contraire, qui n’implique pas le rapport « tout » - « partie », n’est pas capable de rĂ©soudre le conflit entre deux sous Ă©noncĂ©s pourvus du mĂȘme poids informatif et en mĂȘme temps de signe contraire : les valeurs numĂ©riques des termes de la somme Ă©tant symĂ©triques et Ă©gales, le rĂ©sultat sera toujours Ă©quivalent Ă  zĂ©ro

    RelatĂłrio de estĂĄgio em farmĂĄcia comunitĂĄria

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    RelatĂłrio de estĂĄgio realizado no Ăąmbito do Mestrado Integrado em CiĂȘncias FarmacĂȘuticas, apresentado Ă  Faculdade de FarmĂĄcia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Transformative Scenario Planning

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    Power and Love

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