35 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Dequenching Makes Haem-Free Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Detectable in Living Cells

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    In cardiovascular disease, the protective NO/sGC/cGMP signalling-pathway is impaired due to a decreased pool of NO-sensitive haem-containing sGC accompanied by a reciprocal increase in NO-insensitive haem-free sGC. However, no direct method to detect cellular haem-free sGC other than its activation by the new therapeutic class of haem mimetics, such as BAY 58-2667, is available. Here we show that fluorescence dequenching, based on the interaction of the optical active prosthetic haem group and the attached biarsenical fluorophor FlAsH can be used to detect changes in cellular sGC haem status. The partly overlap of the emission spectrum of haem and FlAsH allows energy transfer from the fluorophore to the haem which reduces the intensity of FlAsH fluorescence. Loss of the prosthetic group, e.g. by oxidative stress or by replacement with the haem mimetic BAY 58-2667, prevented the energy transfer resulting in increased fluorescence. Haem loss was corroborated by an observed decrease in NO-induced sGC activity, reduced sGC protein levels, and an increased effect of BAY 58-2667. The use of a haem-free sGC mutant and a biarsenical dye that was not quenched by haem as controls further validated that the increase in fluorescence was due to the loss of the prosthetic haem group. The present approach is based on the cellular expression of an engineered sGC variant limiting is applicability to recombinant expression systems. Nevertheless, it allows to monitor sGC's redox regulation in living cells and future enhancements might be able to extend this approach to in vivo conditions

    ACE2 Deficiency Enhances Angiotensin II-Mediated Aortic Profilin-1 Expression, Inflammation and Peroxynitrite Production

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    Inflammation and oxidative stress play a crucial role in angiotensin (Ang) II-mediated vascular injury. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) has recently been identified as a specific Ang II-degrading enzyme but its role in vascular biology remains elusive. We hypothesized that loss of ACE2 would facilitate Ang II-mediated vascular inflammation and peroxynitrite production. 10-week wildtype (WT, Ace2+/y) and ACE2 knockout (ACE2KO, Ace2−/y) mice received with mini-osmotic pumps with Ang II (1.5 mg.kg−1.d−1) or saline for 2 weeks. Aortic ACE2 protein was obviously reduced in WT mice in response to Ang II related to increases in profilin-1 protein and plasma levels of Ang II and Ang-(1–7). Loss of ACE2 resulted in greater increases in Ang II-induced mRNA expressions of inflammatory cytokines monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6 without affecting tumor necrosis factor-α in aortas of ACE2KO mice. Furthermore, ACE2 deficiency led to greater increases in Ang II-mediated profilin-1 expression, NADPH oxidase activity, and superoxide and peroxynitrite production in the aortas of ACE2KO mice associated with enhanced phosphorylated levels of Akt, p70S6 kinase, extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Interestingly, daily treatment with AT1 receptor blocker irbesartan (50 mg/kg) significantly prevented Ang II-mediated aortic profilin-1 expression, inflammation, and peroxynitrite production in WT mice with enhanced ACE2 levels and the suppression of the Akt-ERK-eNOS signaling pathways. Our findings reveal that ACE2 deficiency worsens Ang II-mediated aortic inflammation and peroxynitrite production associated with the augmentation of profilin-1 expression and the activation of the Akt-ERK-eNOS signaling, suggesting potential therapeutic approaches by enhancing ACE2 action for patients with vascular diseases

    Evaluation of cadmium, lead, nickel and zinc status in biological samples of smokers and nonsmokers hypertensive patients

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between trace and toxic elements zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) in biological samples (scalp hair, blood and urine) of smoker and nonsmoker hypertensive patients (n=457), residents of Hyderabad, Pakistan. For the purpose of comparison, the biological samples of age-matched healthy controls were selected as referents. The concentrations of trace and toxic elements were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity and accuracy of the methodology were checked using certified reference materials and by the conventional wet acid digestion method on the same certified reference materials and real samples. The recovery of all the studied elements was found to be in the range of 97.8–99.3% in certified reference materials. The results of this study showed that the mean values of Cd, Ni and Pb were significantly higher in scalp hair, blood and urine samples of both smoker and nonsmoker patients than in referents (P<0.001), whereas the concentration of Zn was lower in the scalp hair and blood, but higher in the urine samples of hypertensive patients. The deficiency of Zn and the high exposure of toxic metals as a result of tobacco smoking may be synergistic with risk factors associated with hypertension

    Estudo biológico e comportamental de lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda visando à produção de Baculovírus spodoptera

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    A utilização de bioinseticida a base de Spodoptera frugiperda multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (SfMNPV) possui potencial para o controle de Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), porém sua obtenção em larga escala depende da maximização da produção in vivo. Assim, alguns fatores biológicos e comportamentais devem ser estudados para aperfeiçoar a produção de SfMNPV com intuito de disponibilizar um bioinseticida eficiente, economicamente viável e que possa ser usado no manejo de S. frugiperda nos mais diversos sistemas agrícolas. Entre os fatores relacionados ao hospedeiro, a temperatura e a idade para inoculação do vírus são de extrema importância, pois interferem diretamente no ciclo de vida e na replicação viral. O comportamento também deve ser avaliado, para evitar condições de criação do hospedeiro que favoreçam o canibalismo e causa prejuízo na multiplicação in vivo do SfMNPV. Assim, objetivou-se determinar a melhor condição térmica para criar as lagartas e a idade ideal, para inocular e multiplicar o vírus no hospedeiro, bem como, verificar a ocorrência do comportamento canibal em lagartas de S. frugiperda. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Controle Microbiano de Insetos do Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico em Manejo Fitossanitário de Pragas e Doenças (NUDEMAFI), localizado no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da UFES, em Alegre, Espírito Santo, Brasil. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas etapas, a primeira para determinar a condição térmica e a idade ideais para criar e inocular, respectivamente, o hospedeiro com o vírus, para multiplicação in vivo de SfMNPV. A segunda etapa foi para avaliar o comportamento canibal de lagartas da espécie S. frugiperda criadas a 22, 25 e 31°C, inoculadas com SfMNPV quando com idades de 10, 8 e 4 dias, respectivamente, e mantidas em diferentes densidades populacionais (5, 10, 25 e 50 lagartas por recipiente). A mortalidade diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura e da idade do hospedeiro nas temperaturas de 25, 28 e 31 °C. O aumento na taxa de canibalismo foi 12 diretamente proporcional à densidade populacional quando as lagartas foram criadas a 22 °C, inoculadas aos 10 dias de idade e 25 ºC, inoculadas aos 8 dias e atingiram 63,5 e 62,5%, respectivamente na densidade populacional de 50 lagartas. Mas, quando as lagartas foram criadas a 31ºC e inoculadas com idade de 4 dias, a densidade populacional não afetou o comportamento canibal, taxa média de 24%, inferior aos outros tratamentos com 50 lagartas por recipiente. Demonstrando que é viável para a multiplicação viral, criar lagartas a 31 °C e aos 4 dias de idade inocular o vírus, podendo a partir de então colocar até 50 lagartas por recipiente, o que reduz a mão-de-obra necessária para individualizar as lagartas e otimiza o espaço físico em uma biofábrica. Portanto, se para otimizar o processo produção viral e o serviço em uma biofábrica, é preciso maximizar a produção viral, reduzir o tempo de multiplicação do vírus e o canibalismo entre as lagartas, com ausência de contaminação da criação, a temperatura e idade ideais para criação massal de S. frugiperda e inoculação do vírus nas lagartas, respectivamente, visando produção de baculovírus em larga escala são de 31 ºC e 4 dias

    Attenuated Vasodilator Effectiveness of Protease-Activated Receptor 2 Agonist in Heterozygous par2 Knockout Mice

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    Studies of homozygous PAR2 gene knockout mice have described a mix of phenotypic effects in vitro and in vivo. However, there have been few studies of PAR2 heterozygous (wild-type/knockout; PAR2-HET) mice. The phenotypes of many hemi and heterozygous transgenic mice have been described as intermediates between those of wild-type and knockout animals. In our study we aimed to determine the effects of intermediary par2 gene zygosity on vascular tissue responses to PAR2 activation. Specifically, we compared the vasodilator effectiveness of the PAR2 activating peptide 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-amide in aortas of wild-type PAR2 homozygous (PAR2-WT) and PAR2-HET mice. In myographs under isometric tension conditions, isolated aortic rings were contracted by alpha 1-adrenoeceptor agonist (phenylephrine), and thromboxane receptor agonist (U46619) and then relaxation responses by the additions of 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-amide, acetylcholine, and nitroprusside were recorded. A Schild regression analysis of the inhibition by a PAR2 antagonist (GB-83) of PAR2 agonist-induced aortic ring relaxations was used to compare receptor expression in PAR2-WT to PAR2-HET. PAR2 mRNA in aortas was measured by quantitative real-time PCR. In aortas contracted by either phenylephrine or U46619, the maximum relaxations induced by 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-amide were less in PAR2-HET than in the gender-matched PAR2-WT. GB-83 was 3- to 4-fold more potent for inhibition of 2fly in PAR2-HET than in PAR2-WT. PAR2 mRNA content of aortas from PAR2-HET was not significantly different than in PAR2-WT. Acetylcholine- and nitroprusside-induced relaxations of aortas from PAR2-HET were not significantly different than in PAR2-WT and PAR2 knockout. An interesting secondary finding was that relaxations induced by agonists of PAR2 and muscarinic receptors were larger in females than in males. We conclude that the lower PAR2-mediated responses in PAR2-HET aortas are consistent with evidence of a lower quantity of functional receptor expression, despite the apparently normal PAR2 mRNA content in PAR2-HET aortas

    Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectra in the End-Functionalized Conjugated Triblock Copolymers Consisting of Poly(fluorene vinylene) and Oligo(phenylene vinylene): Proposal of Dynamical Distortion in the Excited State

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    Time-resolved fluorescence study has been explored for end-functionalized conjugated triblock copolymers consisting of poly­(9,9-di-<i>n</i>-octylfluorene-2,7-vinylene)­s (PFVs, FV repeat units ca. 10 or 20) and oligo­(2,5-dialkoxy-1,4-phenylene­vinylene)­s [OPV, alkoxy = O­(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>OSi<sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>3</sub>, 3 or 7 PV repeat unit] as the middle segment. Unit (FV and PV) length dependence of each block on fluorescence was examined. The polymer sample having three PV repeat units as the middle segment with C<sub>6</sub>F<sub>5</sub> end-groups, [10PFV-3PV]­F<sub>2</sub>, showed time-dependent fluorescence spectra, in which relative intensities of the vibronic bands increase in later delay time, whereas similar observations were not seen in the other polymer samples containing 7PV as the middle segment even by varying the PFV chain lengths (ca. 20) or the end-group (C<sub>6</sub>F<sub>5</sub> vs C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>). Time-resolved of fluorescence signals for [10PFV-3PV]­F<sub>2</sub> can be analyzed by assuming two components: one is a faster decay component and the other is a slower red component, which rises with the time constant of the former one. On the other hand, the other three polymer samples showed single-exponential decays without significant wavelength dependence. Dynamical structural relaxation in the excited state is proposed as the origin of time dependence of the fluorescence spectra in the polymer having 3PV repeat unit on the basis of analysis of time-resolved fluorescence signals as well as viscosity dependence