66 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of INSL3 signaling in male reproductive organs

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    Global ablation of INSL3 hormone or its receptor RXFP2 in male mice results in cryptorchidism and infertility. Using novel LacZ knock-in Rxfp2 allele we demonstrated a strong expression of this gene in postmeiotic germ cells. RXFP2 was expressed in embryonic and neonatal gubernaculum. No RXFP2 expression was detected in cremaster muscles in adult mice. We produced a floxed allele of Rxfp2 and then deleted this gene in male germ cells in testes located in normal scrotal position. No differences in fertility or spermatogenesis of such males were found, suggesting non-essential role of INSL3 signaling in germ cell differentiation in adult males. We have also produced shRNA transgenic mice with reduced RXFP2 expression Such males manifested various degree of uni- and bilateral cryptorchidism. Total gene expression analysis of the mutant cremasteric sacs indicated misexpression of a significant number of genes in Wnt/β-catenin and NOTCH pathways. Conditional deletion of β-catenin or Notch1 genes in male gubernacular ligament resulted in its abnormal development. Our data suggest that β-catenin and NOTCH1 pathways are potential targets of INSL3 signaling during gubernacular development

    Preparation and characterization of anti-HIV nanodrug targeted to microfold cell of gut-associated lymphoid tissue

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    The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) still remains one of the leading life-threatening diseases in the world. The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy has significantly reduced disease morbidity and mortality. However, most of the drugs have variable penetrance into viral reservoir sites, including gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Being the largest lymphoid organ, GALT plays a key role in early HIV infection and host–pathogen interaction. Many different treatment options have been proposed to eradicate the virus from GALT. However, it becomes difficult to deliver traditional drugs to the GALT because of its complex physiology. In this regard, we developed a polymer-based Pluronic nanocarrier containing anti-HIV drug called efavirenz (EFV) targeting Microfold cells (M-cells) in the GALT. M-cells are specialized epithelial cells that are predominantly present in the GALT. In this work, we have exploited this paracellular transport property of M-cells for targeted delivery of Pluronic nanocarrier tagged EFV, bioconjugated with anti-M-cell-specific antibodies to the GALT (nanodrug). Preliminary characterization showed that the nanodrug (EFV-F12-COOH) is of 140 nm size with 0.3 polydispersion index, and the zeta potential of the particles was −19.38±2.2 mV. Further, drug dissolution study has shown a significantly improved sustained release over free drugs. Binding potential of nanodrug with M-cell was also confirmed with fluorescence microscopy and in vitro uptake and release studies. The anti-HIV activity of the nanodrug was also significantly higher compared to that of free drug. This novel formulation was able to show sustained release of EFV and inhibit the HIV-1 infection in the GALT compared to the free drug. The present study has potential for our in vivo targeted nanodrug delivery system by combining traditional enteric-coated capsule technique via oral administration

    HIV Subtypes B and C gp120 and Methamphetamine Interaction: Dopaminergic System Implicates Differential Neuronal Toxicity

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    HIV subtypes or clades differentially induce HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) and substance abuse is known to accelerate HIV disease progression. The HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 plays a major role in binding and budding in the central nervous system (CNS) and impacts dopaminergic functions. However, the mechanisms utilized by HIV-1 clades to exert differential effects and the methamphetamine (METH)-associated dopaminergic dysfunction are poorly understood. We hypothesized that clade B and C gp120 structural sequences, modeling based analysis, dopaminergic effect, and METH potentiate neuronal toxicity in astrocytes. We evaluated the effect of clade B and C gp120 and/or METH on the DRD-2, DAT, CaMKs and CREBP transcription. Both the structural sequence and modeling studies demonstrated that clade B gp120 in V1-V4, α -2 and N-glycosylated sites are distinct from clade C gp120. The distinct structure and sequence variation of clade B gp120 differentially impact DRD-2, DAT, CaMK II and CaMK IV mRNA, protein and intracellular expression compared to clade C gp120. However, CREB transcription is upregulated by both clade B and C gp120, and METH co-treatment potentiated these effects. In conclusion, distinct structural sequences of HIV-1 clade B and C gp120 differentially regulate the dopaminergic pathway and METH potentiates neurotoxicity

    INPP4B protects from metabolic syndrome and associated disorders

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    A high fat diet and obesity have been linked to the development of metabolic dysfunction and the promotion of multiple cancers. The causative cellular signals are multifactorial and not yet completely understood. In this report, we show that Inositol Polyphosphate-4-Phosphatase Type II B (INPP4B) signaling protects mice from diet-induced metabolic dysfunction. INPP4B suppresses AKT and PKC signaling in the liver thereby improving insulin sensitivity. INPP4B loss results in the proteolytic cleavage and activation of a key regulator in de novo lipogenesis and lipid storage, SREBP1. In mice fed with the high fat diet, SREBP1 increases expression and activity of PPARG and other lipogenic pathways, leading to obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Inpp4b−/− male mice have reduced energy expenditure and respiratory exchange ratio leading to increased adiposity and insulin resistance. When treated with high fat diet, Inpp4b−/− males develop type II diabetes and inflammation of adipose tissue and prostate. In turn, inflammation drives the development of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Thus, INPP4B plays a crucial role in maintenance of overall metabolic health and protects from prostate neoplasms associated with metabolic dysfunction

    Relaxin-like peptides in male reproduction: a human perspective

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    The relaxin family of peptide hormones and their cognate GPCRs are becoming physiologically well-characterized in the cardiovascular system and particularly in female reproductive processes. Much less is known about the physiology and pharmacology of these peptides in male reproduction, particularly as regards humans. H2-relaxin is involved in prostate function and growth, while insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a major product of the testicular Leydig cells and, in the adult, appears to modulate steroidogenesis and germ cell survival. In the fetus, INSL3 is a key hormone expressed shortly after sex determination and is responsible for the first transabdominal phase of testicular descent. Importantly, INSL3 is becoming a very useful constitutive biomarker reflecting both fetal and post-natal development. Nothing is known about roles for INSL4 in male reproduction and only very little about relaxin-3, which is mostly considered as a brain peptide, or INSL5. The former is expressed at very low levels in the testes, but has no known physiology there, whereas the INSL5 knockout mouse does exhibit a testicular phenotype with mild effects on spermatogenesis,probably due to a disruption of glucose homeostasis. INSL6 is a major product of male germ cells, although it is relatively unexplored with regard to its physiology or pharmacology, except that in mice disruption of the INSL6 gene leads to a disruption of spermatogenesis. Clinically, relaxin analogues may be useful in the control of prostate cancer, and both relaxin and INSL3 have been considered as sperm adjuvants for in vitro fertilization

    Profiling Insulin Like Factor 3 (INSL3) Signaling in Human Osteoblasts

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Young men with mutations in the gene for the INSL3 receptor (Relaxin family peptide 2, RXFP2) are at risk of reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. Consistent with the human phenotype, bone analyses of Rxfp2(-/-) mice showed decreased bone volume, alterations of the trabecular bone, reduced mineralizing surface, bone formation, and osteoclast surface. The aim of this study was to elucidate the INSL3/RXFP2 signaling pathways and targets in human osteoblasts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) production, protein phosphorylation, intracellular calcium, gene expression, and mineralization studies have been performed. INSL3 induced a significant increase in ALP production, and Western blot and ELISA analyses of multiple intracellular signaling pathway molecules and their phosphorylation status revealed that the MAPK was the major pathway influenced by INSL3, whereas it does not modify intracellular calcium concentration. Quantitative Real Time PCR and Western blotting showed that INSL3 regulates the expression of different osteoblast markers. Alizarin red-S staining confirmed that INSL3-stimulated osteoblasts are fully differentiated and able to mineralize the extracellular matrix. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together with previous findings, this study demonstrates that the INSL3/RXFP2 system is involved in bone metabolism by acting on the MAPK cascade and stimulating transcription of important genes of osteoblast maturation/differentiation and osteoclastogenesis

    Embryonic hybrid cells: a powerful tool for studying pluripotency and reprogramming of the differentiated cell chromosomes

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    The properties of embryonic hybrid cells obtained by fusion of embryonic stem (ES) or teratocarcinoma (TC) cells with differentiated cells are reviewed. Usually, ES-somatic or TC-somatic hybrids retain pluripotent capacity at high levels quite comparable or nearly identical with those of the pluripotent partner. When cultured in vitro, ES-somatic- and TC-somatic hybrid cell clones, as a rule, lose the chromosomes derived from the somatic partner; however, in some clones the autosomes from the ES cell partner were also eliminated, i.e. the parental chromosomes segregated bilaterally in the ES-somatic cell hybrids. This opens up ways for searching correlation between the pluripotent status of the hybrid cells and chromosome segregation patterns and therefore for identifying the particular chromosomes involved in the maintenance of pluripotency. Use of selective medium allows to isolate in vitro the clones of ES-somatic hybrid cells in which "the pluripotent" chromosome can be replaced by "the somatic" counterpart carrying the selectable gene. Unlike the TC-somatic cell hybrids, the ES-somatic hybrids with a near-diploid complement of chromosomes are able to contribute to various tissues of chimeric animals after injection into the blastocoel cavity. Analysis of the chimeric animals showed that the "somatic" chromosome undergoes reprogramming during development. The prospects for the identification of the chromosomes that are involved in the maintenance of pluripotency and its cis- and trans-regulation in the hybrid cell genome are discussed
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