68 research outputs found

    Combining passive sampling with a GC-MS-database screening tool to assess trace organic contamination of rivers: a pilot study in Melbourne, Australia

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    This study assessed the suitability of passive sampler extracts for use with a GC-MS-database rapid screening technique for around 940 organic chemicals. Chemcatcher TM passive sampler systems containing either Empore TM SDB-XC or C18FF disks were deployed at 21 riverine sites in and near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, for a period of 28 days during September- October 2008. Methanolic elution of the SDB-XC and C18FF disks produced an extract that, after evaporation and inversion into hexane, was compatible with the GC-MS-database method enabling over 30 chemicals to be observed. The sources of the non-agricultural chemicals are still unclear, but this study was conducted in a relatively dry season where total rainfall was approximately 40 % lower than the long-term mean for the catchment during the study period. Thus, the risks may be greater in wetter seasons, as greater quantities of chemicals are likely to reach waterways as the frequency, extent and intensity of surface run-off events increase. This study provides valuable information for policy and decision-makers, both in Australia and other regions of the world, in that passive sampling can be conveniently used prior to analysis by multi-residue techniques to produce data to assess the likely risks trace organic chemicals pose to aquatic ecosystems

    Wastewater recycling in Antarctica: Performance assessment of an advanced water treatment plant in removing trace organic chemicals

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    The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) operates Australia's Davis Station in the Antarctic. In 2005, Davis Station's wastewater treatment plant failed and since then untreated, macerated effluent has been discharged to the ocean. The objectives of this study were to determine whether an advanced water treatment plant (AWTP) commissioned by the AAD and featuring a multi-barrier process involving ozonation, ceramic microfiltration, biologically activated carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet disinfection and chlorination was capable of producing potable water and a non-toxic brine concentrate that can be discharged with minimal environmental impact. The AWTP was tested using water from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Tasmania, Australia. We used spot water and passive sampling combined with two multi-residue chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods and a range of recombinant receptor-reporter gene bioassays to screen trace organic chemicals (TrOCs), toxicity and receptor activity in the Feed water, in the environmental discharge (reject water), and product water from the AWTP for six months during 201415, and then again for three months in 2016. Across the two surveys we unambiguously detected 109 different TrOCs in the feed water, 39 chemicals in the reject water, and 34 chemicals in the product water. Sample toxicity and receptor activity in the feed water samples was almost totally removed in both testing periods, confirming that the vast majority of the receptor active TrOCs were removed by the treatment process. All the NDMA entering the AWTP in the feed and/or produced in the plant (typically < 50 ng/L), was retained into the reject water with no NDMA observed in the product water. In conclusion, the AWTP was working to design, and releases of TrOCs at the concentrations observed in this study would be unlikely cause adverse effects on populations of aquatic organisms in the receiving environment or users of the potable product water