119 research outputs found

    Sweeping at the Martin boundary of a fine domain

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    We study sweeping on a subset of the Riesz-Martin space of a fine domain in \RR^n (n≄2n\ge2), both with respect to the natural topology and the minimal-fine topology, and show that the two notions of sweeping are identical.Comment: Minor correctio

    Martin boundary of a fine domain and a Fatou-Naim-Doob theorem for finely superharmonic functions

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    We construct the Martin compactification Uˉ{\bar U} of a fine domain UU in RnR^n, n≄2n\ge 2, and the Riesz-Martin kernel KK on U×UˉU \times{\bar U}. We obtain the integral representation of finely superharmonic fonctions ≄0\ge 0 on UU in terms of KK and establish the Fatou-Naim-Doob theorem in this setting.Comment: Manuscript as accepted by publisher. To appear in Potential Analysi

    Maximal Plurifinely Plurisubharmonic functions

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    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the notion of plurifinely-maximal plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions, which extends the notion of maximal plurisubharmonic functions on a Euclidean domain to a plurifine domain of C^n in a natural way. Our main result is that a finite plurifinely plurisubharmonic function u on a plurifine domain U satisfies (dd^c u)^n=0 if and only if u is plurifinely-locally plurifinely-maximal outside some pluripolar set. In particular, a finite plurifinely-maximal plurisubharmonic function u satisfies (dd^c u)^n=0.Comment: 20 pages, manuscript as accepted by publisher. To appear in Potential Analysi

    Plurisubharmonic and holomorphic functions relative to the plurifine topology

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    A weak and a strong concept of plurifinely plurisubharmonic and plurifinely holomorphic functions are introduced. Strong will imply weak. The weak concept is studied further. A function f is weakly plurifinely plurisubharmonic if and only if f o h is finely subharmonic for all complex affine-linear maps h. As a consequence, the regularization in the plurifine topology of a pointwise supremum of such functions is weakly plurifinely plurisubharmonic, and it differs from the pointwise supremum at most on a pluripolar set. Weak plurifine plurisubharmonicity and weak plurifine holomorphy are preserved under composition with weakly plurifinely holomorphic maps.Comment: 28 page

    A note on the structure of plurifinely open sets and the equality of some complex Monge-Amp\`ere measures

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    In a recent preprint published on arXiv (see arXiv:2308.02993v2, referred here as \cite{NXH}), N.X. Hong stated that every plurifinely open set U⊂CnU\subset \mathbb{C}^n, n≄1n\geq 1, is of the form U=⋃{φj>−1}U=\bigcup \{\varphi_j>-1\}, where each ϕj\phi_j is a negative plurisubharmonic function defined on an open ball Bj⊂CnB_j\subset \mathbb{C}^n and used this result to prove an equality result on complex Monge-Amp\`ere measures. Unfortunately, this result is wrong as we will see below.Comment: New version with small change in the abstrac

    Remarks on weak convergence of complex Monge-Amp\`ere measures

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    Let (uj)(u_j) be a deaceasing sequence of psh functions in the domain of definition D\cal D of the Monge-Amp\`ere operator on a domain Ω\Omega of Cn\mathbb{C}^n such that u=inf⁥juju=\inf_j u_j is plurisubharmonic on Ω\Omega. In this paper we are interested in the problem of finding conditions insuring that \begin{equation*} \lim_{j\to +\infty} \int\varphi (dd^cu_j)^n=\int\varphi {\rm NP}(dd^cu)^n \end{equation*} for any continuous function on Ω\Omega with compact support, where NP(ddcu)n{\rm NP}(dd^cu)^n is the nonpolar part of (ddcu)n(dd^cu)^n, and conditions implying that u∈Du\in \cal D. For uj=max⁥(u,−j)u_j=\max(u,-j) these conditions imply also that \begin{equation*} \lim_{j\to +\infty} \int_K(dd^cu_j)^n=\int_K {\rm NP}(dd^cu)^n \end{equation*} for any compact set K⊂{u>−∞}K\subset\{u>-\infty\}

    La fréquence des symptÎmes physiques dans les troubles anxio-dépressifs: étude transversale chez une population de 202 consultants psychiatriques

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    Introduction: les symptĂŽmes physiques associĂ©s aux troubles anxio-dĂ©pressifs ont fait l'objet de plusieurs Ă©tudes depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, vu leurs frĂ©quences et leurs consĂ©quences. Le but de notre Ă©tude est de prĂ©ciser la frĂ©quence des principaux symptĂŽmes physiques des troubles anxieux: trouble panique (TP), trouble anxiĂ©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e (TAG), troubles phobiques (TPh), et dĂ©pressifs: Ă©pisode dĂ©pressif majeur (EDM) dans le cadre d'un trouble dĂ©pressif). MĂ©thodes: nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e descriptive, rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un Ă©chantillon de 202 consultants dans un Service de Psychiatrie. RĂ©sultats: l'Ăąge moyen des patients est de 42 ans (19 Ă  70 ans), avec une lĂ©gĂšre prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine: 118 (58%). Les troubles anxio-dĂ©pressifs constatĂ©s sont: l'EDM: 113(56%), le TP: 61 (30.2%), le TAG: 55 (27.2%) et les TPh: 30 (14.9%). La frĂ©quence des patients prĂ©sentant de 2 Ă  5, et plus de 5 symptĂŽmes Ă©tait respectivement de 15.9% et 39.6% dans les troubles dĂ©pressifs, et de 9.5% et 62.9% dans les troubles anxieux. Les symptĂŽmes les plus rapportĂ©s sont d'ordre cardiopulmonaire (75%), gĂ©nĂ©ral (73.8%) et neurologique (65.8%). Conclusion: les symptĂŽmes physiques qui accompagnent les troubles anxio-dĂ©pressifs, sont variables et souvent nombreux. Ils peuvent aggraver le pronostic de ces troubles psychiatriques, en rendant difficile leur prise en charge. Un dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce de ces troubles, en portant une attention particuliĂšre Ă  ces symptĂŽmes physiques, permettra de prĂ©venir ces complications
