2,732 research outputs found
Simulation of brittle damage for fracture process of endodontically treated tooth
The mechanics of brittle damage in porcelain of an endodontically treated maxilla incisor tooth was simulated using finite element method (FEM). For this purpose a very complex composite structure of endodontically treated tooth is simulated under transverse loading. Three dimensional (3D) model of human maxilla incisor tooth root was developed based on Computed Tomography (CT) scan images. Crown, core cement, resin core, dental post, post cement and dentin were created using SolidWorks software, and then the model was imported into ABAQUS-6.9EF software for nonlinear behavior analysis. This study utilizes finite element method to simulate onset and propagation of crack in ceramic layer (porcelain) by the cause of both tension and compression loading related to complexity of the geometry of tooth implant. The simulation has been done using brittle damaged model available in ABAQUS/Explicit in quasi-static load condition. The load-displacement response of whole structure is measured from the top of porcelain by controlling displacement on a rigid rod. Crack initiated at the top of porcelain bellow the location of the rod caused by tension damage at equivalent load of 590 N. Damage in porcelain accounts for up to 63% reduction of whole structure stiffness from the undamaged state. The failure process in porcelain layer can be described by an exponential rate of fracture energy dissipation. This study demonstrated that the proposed finite element model and analysis procedure can be use to predict the nonlinear behavior of tooth implant
Keterampilan Mengelola Kelas dan Implementasinya dalam Proses Pembelajaran
Keragaman latar belakang siswa dan kemampuan belajarnyamenjadi fokus dalam mengelola kelas. perbedaan kemampuan dankecendrungan yang dimiliki siswa berkaitan dengan sikap belajarsiswa, kondisi seperti ini menjadi bagian yang terpenting yang harusdiperhatikan karena aktivitas belajar banyak ditentukan oleh sikapbelajar peserta didik. Ketika pembelajaran dimulai peserta didiksering menunjukkan sikap penolakan berarti siswa kurang bisamerespon pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru ketika siswamenunjukkan sikap menerima berarti secara emosional ada kesediaanuntuk menerima pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru Kenyataanseperti ini diperlukan kemampuan mengelola kelas dengan baik agartercipta kondisi belajar yang kreatif, aktif, menyenangkan, gembiradan berbobot.Pengelolaan kelas terdiri dari dua kata; pengelolaan dan kelas.Pengelolaan diambil dari akar kata “kelola” yang diberi awalam“pe” dan akhiran “an” berati pengelolaan adalah pengaturan danpenataan kegiatan. Kelas adalah tempat untuk memperolehtransformasi ilmu pengetahuan bagi siswa yang berlangsung secarakondusif, dialogis, dan menyenangkan.Kelas diartikan juga sekelompok orang yang melakukankegiatan bersama untuk mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan dari guru.Dengan demikian pengelolaan kelas adalah keterampilan guru untukmenciptakan iklim pembelajaran yang kondusif dan mengendalikanjika terjadi gangguan dalam pembelajaran. Kelas ketika dikelolasecara baik akan menimbulkan kehangatan dan antusiasme belajarpeserta didik
Human body electromagnetic radiation: the physiological characteristic for post stroke patients / Ros Shilawani S. Abdul Kadir
This thesis presents a novel analysis and classification of human body electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for post stroke patient and non-stroke participant. Presently, some researchers are investigating the human body EMR to characterize the physiological aspect of human being. Some methods include Kirlian photography, gas discharge visualization (GDV) and polycontrast interference photography. However, there are some drawbacks in the current techniques such as the images are not reliable and distorted. Moreover, the relationship between human body EMR and the health condition of post stroke patients has not been found. Thus, this research aims to scientifically establish a fundamental idea and new non-invasive technique to identify and to differentiate human body EMR of post stroke patients and non-stroke participants. The participants' body frequencies are captured at 16 points around the human body and 7 points of Chakra System using a frequency detector. The first part of the analysis concerned with the EMR of the whole body while the second part extended and zooming into specific body segments of chakra, left side, right side, upper body, middle body and lower body. Initially, the characteristics of frequency radiation are examined using statistical analysis to find the correlations between variables, to examine differences of frequency radiation characteristics between samples and to explore the relationship among variables. Next, the classification algorithm of k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and artificial neural network (ANN) are applied to discriminate between the samples and between their body segments. The classifiers are evaluated through analysis of the performance indicators of confusion matrix consisting of accuracy, precision, specificity and sensitivity. The findings of this research show that the EMR characteristics of the samples are different. A successful classification is produced in KNN and ANN classification for post stroke and non-stroke recognition, which is in line with the statistical analysis calculated. In general, the performance measure of training consisting of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision for KNN classification achieved 100% while for ANN achieved 98% - 100%. In addition, for KNN performance measure of testing achieved 77% - 100% while for ANN achieved 75% - 92%. For body segment recognition, the classification results of both classifiers range between 69% - 100% for training accuracy and 64%-92% for testing accuracy. The outcomes of the classifier show that it is able to classify the human body EMR using KNN and ANN analysis. As a conclusion, the KNN classifier exhibit better results compared to ANN. This finding confirmed that the EMR of human body has different characteristics between samples of post stroke and non-stroke and between their body segments
Pembangunan bekas tapak pelupusan dan kecukupan penyediaan kawasan lapang: Satu pendekatan menang-menang dalam pembangunan bandar di Malaysia
Pendekatan menang-menang perlu ada dalam membangunkan sumber baharu, khususnya bekas tapak
pelupusan,bagi penyediaan ruang bandar yang memenuhi piawaian perancangan. Bekas tapak pelupusan memang
berpotensi untuk menjadi alternatif terbaik bagi menyediakan kawasan lapang bandar di Malaysia. Menggunakan
maklumat Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, artikel ini mengulas pendekatan membangunkan
semula bekas tapak pelupusan sebagai usaha alternatif bagi memenuhi kecukupan penyediaan kawasan lapang
dalam konteks perancangan pembangunan bandar mampan di Malaysia. Dasar Perbandaran Negara, melalui Pelan
Tindakan DPN6 dan DPN9 menegaskan tentang keperluan membangunkan bekas tapak pelupusan yang dari segi
potensinya sesuai untuk dijadikan taman awam, sementara penyediaan taman awam pula perlu memenuhi keperluan
piawaian perancangan. Oleh itu, strategi menang-menang wajar digunakan untuk membangunkan semula tapak
pelupusan dan keperluan pembangunan taman awambandar di neagra ini.Menggunakan langkahmembangunkan
taman awam di atas bekas tapak pelupusan merupakan suatu pendekatan yang disatukan bagi tujuan mencapai
matlamat pembangunan bandar mampan di Malaysia. Menggunakan pendekatan ini menjelang 2020 sebanyak 179
tapak pelupusan dengan keluasan 450 hektar dapat dibangunkan sebagai kawasan lapang dalam pelbagai bentuk
kemudahan awam bandar
Structural and Metamorphic History of the Moine and Dalradian Rocks, Glen Orchy, Argyllshire, Scotland
The geology of an area of about 27sq. km, lying within Glen Orchy is described. The area consists of rocks belonging to the upper part of the Grampian Division of the Moine succession and parts of the Appin and Argyll Groups of the Dalradian Supergroup. A lithostratigraphic sequence has been established using way-up evidence from cross-lamination and graded bedding. Moine psammite and semipelite occur at the base and pass up through a passage zone into Dalradian quartzite followed by pelite (with thin calcareous beds) and pebbly quartzite. A tectonic break, the Iltay Boundary Slide occurs between the pelite and the pebbly quartzite. Field and microscopic examination of the rocks in the area, have revealed the existence of a polyphase deformational history and has enabled four stages of folding (F1 to F4) to be recognised. The earliest deformation (D1) led to the formation of two major isoclinal recumbent folds, the Beinn Chuirn Anticline and Beinn Udlaidh Syncline. Both folds face to the south-east and plunge at a low to moderate angles to the south-west, and have curvilinear hinges. This interpretation of the Beinn Chuirn Anticline as a D1 structure disagrees with its current interpretation by other workers as a D2 synform. The Iltay Boundary Slide probably developed during D1 and was reactivated locally during the D2 deformation. No F2 major fold has been recognised in the area but F3 minor folding is associated with the development of a major late fold, the Glen Orchy Antiform. This antiform plunges to the SW-SSW or NE-NNE, and folds the Beinn Chuirn Anticline and Beinn Udlaidh Syncline. F4 folding is only locally developed and no major fold related to this phase of folding is seen. The rocks of the area lie within the garnet zone of the epidote amphibolite facies. No other higher grade index minerals were found. Periods of mineral growth have been related to the major deformational episodes on micro-textural evidence. The peak metamorphism of the area occurred during the D1 deformation, with the development of the garnet porphyroblasts. No MS2 garnet has been recognised in the area. Later retrogression resulted in the widespread alteration of biotite and garnet to chlorite
Manajemen Kepemimpinan Dan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Kepala Sekolah Pada Kinerja Pendidik
This research aims at ascertaining: (1) correlation between principal's leadership and teachers' performance, (2) correlation between principal's communication capability and teachers' performance, and (3) principal's leadership and communication capability with teachers' performance. Population of this research is 50 teachers. Sample of this research is all of members of population consisting 50 teachers (using total sampling technique). Data collecting is conducted by distributing questionaire to all respondents. Data analysis is done quantitaively by using statistical procedure with regression formula (Product Moment). Correlations Coefficients obtained from the result of testing hypothesis shows that: (1) hypothesis 1 is accepted, meaning that there are positive correlation between principal's leadership and teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients rxy = 0,64, categorized into significant correlation; (2) hypothesis 2 is accepted, meaning that there are positive correlation between principal's communication capability and teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients rxy = 0,78, categorized into significant correlation; and (3) hypothesis 3 is accepted, meaning that there are simultanously positive correlations among principal's leadership and principal's communication capability with teachers' performance, with correlations coefficients ry.12= 0,86, categorized into very significant correlation
Mathematical Word Problem Solving in Students Elementary School: Is Schema-Based Instruction (SBI) or Cognitive Strategy Instruction (CSI) Used?
The type of problem solving of mathematical words is a mathematical domain that is quite difficult for learners in primary school. This is due to learners are not only adept to the ability of numbers and counting, however, as well as related to the understanding of the text on the word problem. Schema based instruction and cognitive strategy instruction is an explicit instructional approach applied to solving word problems, especially for learners who have difficulty in the area. Both of these instructional approaches are discussed in this article along with examples of problem solving of mathematical words which are the results of previous research by experts.
Keywords: Mathematical word problem solving, schema based instruction, cognitive strategy instructio
Kajian Infeksi Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae Terhadap Beberapa Genotipe Padi : Hubungan Kandungan Hara dengan Intensitas Penyakit
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji tanggap beberapa materi genotipe/varietas padi di lapangan terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) serta kaitannya dengan kadar nutrisi yang dianalisis setelah proses infeksi terjadi. Daun yang terinfeksi HDB menunjukkan kadar hara N dan P yang relatif tidak jauh berbeda; tetapi kandungan K dan protein terutama pada genotipe IR BB5 (xa-5) dan IR BB7 (Xa-7) sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding varietas lainnya. Cisadane yang menunjukan keparahan HDB paling rendah mempunyai kandungan N, P, K dan protein terkecil. Kandungan gula tanaman padi yang diuji bervariasi dengan kisaran 0,29% sampai 1,33%; masing-masing dengan kadar gula reduksi (GR) tertinggi pada genotipe/varietas Cisadane dan terendah pada varietas IR 64. Kandungan gula dalam tanaman padi tampaknya mempengaruhi ketahanan terhadap infeksi HDB. Umumnya makin tinggi kadar gula tanaman padi semakin menunjukkan keparahan HDB yang rendah dan sebaliknya. Demikian pula semakin tinggi nisbah GR/N akan semakin mengurangi kejadian HDB maupun keparahan HDB pada padi. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring ras dominan Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae (XOO) yang ada di lokasi percobaan baik terhadap kejadian maupun keparahan penyakit HDB dapat disimpulkan bahwa ras yang menginfeksi padi di lokasi Ciranjang-Cianjur pada MH 2007 adalah kelompok ras IV karena tidak satupun dari varietas diferensial yang diuji bereaksi tahan terhadap patogen XOO; yang ditunjukkan dengan kisaran keparahan penyakit HDB dari 20,3% sampai 83,3%
Efek Interaksi Kinerja dan Sense Of Humor Penyuluh Sosial pada Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Kesejahteraan Sosial di Indonesia
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kinerja, sense of humor, dan interaksi antara kinerja dan sense of humor penyuluh sosial pada partisipasi masyarakat dalam program pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial di Indonesia. Penelilitian ini menggunakan metode survey kuantitatif dan melibatkan 124 penyuluh sosial sebagai responden yang tersebar di beberapa provinsi di Indonesia. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner kinerja penyuluh sosial, multidimensional sense of humor, dan partisipasi masyarakat. Analisis data menggunakan Moderating Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM). Hasil penelitian menemukan pengaruh positif interaksi kinerja dan sense of humor penyuluh sosial pada peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam program kesejahteraan sosial di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga menemukan pengaruh positif kinerja penyuluh sosial pada partisipasi masyarakat, pengaruh positif sikap terhadap humor pada penggunaan humor coping, pengaruh positif pengembangan kualitas penyuluhan pada partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan progra
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