149 research outputs found

    Scattering problems in elastodynamics

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    In electromagnetism, acoustics, and quantum mechanics, scattering problems can routinely be solved numerically by virtue of perfectly matched layers (PMLs) at simulation domain boundaries. Unfortunately, the same has not been possible for general elastodynamic wave problems in continuum mechanics. In this paper, we introduce a corresponding scattered-field formulation for the Navier equation. We derive PMLs based on complex-valued coordinate transformations leading to Cosserat elasticity-tensor distributions not obeying the minor symmetries. These layers are shown to work in two dimensions, for all polarizations, and all directions. By adaptative choice of the decay length, the deep subwavelength PMLs can be used all the way to the quasi-static regime. As demanding examples, we study the effectiveness of cylindrical elastodynamic cloaks of the Cosserat type and approximations thereof

    Experiments on transformation thermodynamics: Molding the flow of heat

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    It has recently been shown theoretically that the time-dependent heat conduction equation is form-invariant under curvilinear coordinate transformations. Thus, in analogy to transformation optics, fictitious transformed space can be mapped onto (meta-)materials with spatially inhomogeneous and anisotropic heat-conductivity tensors in the laboratory space. On this basis, we design, fabricate, and characterize a micro-structured thermal cloak that molds the flow of heat around an object in a metal plate. This allows for transient protection of the object from heating, while maintaining the same downstream heat flow as without object and cloak.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Invisible waveguides on metal plates for plasmonic analogues of electromagnetic wormholes

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    We introduce two types of toroidal metamaterials which are invisible to surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagating on a metal surface. The former is a toroidal handlebody bridging remote holes on the metal surface: It works as a kind of plasmonic counterpart of electromagnetic wormholes. The latter is a toroidal ring lying on the metal surface: This bridges two disconnected metal surfaces i.e. It connects a thin metal cylinder to a flat metal surface with a hole. Full-wave numerical simulations demonstrate that an electromagnetic field propagating inside these metamaterials does not disturb the propagation of SPPs at the metal surface. A multilayered design of these devices is proposed, based on effective medium theory for a set of reduced parameters: The former plasmonic analogue of electromagnetic wormhole requires homogeneous isotropic magnetic layers, while the latter merely requires dielectric layers.Comment: 17 figure

    Optically assisted trapping with high-permittivity dielectric rings: Towards optical aerosol filtration

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    Controlling the transport, trapping, and filtering of nanoparticles is important for many applications. By virtue of their weak response to gravity and their thermal motion, various physical mechanisms can be exploited for such operations on nanoparticles. However, the manipulation based on optical forces is potentially most appealing since it constitutes a highly deterministic approach. Plasmonic nanostructures have been suggested for this purpose, but they possess the disadvantages of locally generating heat and trapping the nanoparticles directly on surface. Here, we propose the use of dielectric rings made of high permittivity materials for trapping nanoparticles. Thanks to their ability to strongly localize the field in space, nanoparticles can be trapped without contact. We use a semi-analytical method to study the ability of these rings to trap nanoparticles. Results are supported by full-wave simulations. Application of the trapping concept to nanoparticle filtration is suggested.Comment: 5 figure

    Optical pulling and pushing forces in bilayer PT-symmetric structures

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    We investigate the optical force exerted on a parity-time-symmetric bilayer made of balanced gain and loss. We show that an asymmetric optical pulling or pushing force can be exerted on this system depending on the direction of impinging light. The optical pulling or pushing force has a direct physical link to the optical characteristics embedded in the non-Hermitian bilayer. Furthermore, we suggest taking advantage of the optically generated asymmetric force to launch vibrations of an arbitrary shape, which is useful for the contactless probing of mechanical deformations.R. A. would like to acknowledge financial support from the Max Planck Society. J. C. acknowledges the support from the European Research Council (ERC) through Starting Grant No. 714577 PHONOMETA and from Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) through a Ramón y Cajal grant (Grant No.RYC-2015-17156). This project was performed in cooperation with the Labex ACTION program (Contract No. ANR-11-LABX-0001-01), and this work was supported by the French “Investissements d’Avenir” program, project ISITE-BFC(Contract No.ANR-15-IDEX-03)

    Hall-effect sign-inversion in a realizable 3D metamaterial

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    In 2009, Briane and Milton proved mathematically the existence of three-dimensional isotropic metamaterials with a classical Hall coefficient which is negative with respect to that of all of the metamaterial constituents. Here, we significantly simplify their blueprint towards an architecture composed of only a single constituent material in vacuum/air, which can be seen as a special type of porosity. We show that the sign of the Hall voltage is determined by a separation parameter between adjacent tori. This qualitative behavior is robust even for only a small number of metamaterial unit cells. The combination of simplification and robustness brings experimental verifications of this striking sign-inversion into reach.Comment: 9 figures, 7 page

    Roton-like acoustical dispersion relations in 3D metamaterials

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    Roton dispersion relations have been restricted to correlated quantum systems at low temperatures, such as liquid Helium-4, thin films of Helium-3, and Bose–Einstein condensates. This unusual kind of dispersion relation provides broadband acoustical backward waves, connected to energy flow vortices due to a “return flow”, in the words of Feynman, and three different coexisting acoustical modes with the same polarization at one frequency. By building mechanisms into the unit cells of artificial materials, metamaterials allow for molding the flow of waves. So far, researchers have exploited mechanisms based on various types of local resonances, Bragg resonances, spatial and temporal symmetry breaking, topology, and nonlinearities. Here, we introduce beyond-nearest-neighbor interactions as a mechanism in elastic and airborne acoustical metamaterials. For a third-nearest-neighbor interaction that is sufficiently strong compared to the nearest-neighbor interaction, this mechanism allows us to engineer roton-like acoustical dispersion relations under ambient conditions
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