52 research outputs found
Pattern of Post-Juvenile Moult in Common Snipe (Gallinago Gallinago) and Its Implications for Ageing of the Species
External ageing of Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) still engenders considerable problems. To improve precision of age determination on the basis of plumage characteristics a scheme of post-juvenile moult was investigated in approximately 1200 first-year Common Snipes caught during autumn migration in central Poland. Post-juvenile moult was commenced from body feathers followed by moult of rectrices, lesser/median wing coverts and tertials. Moult sequence showed high inter-individual variability and was started in rectrices (36.9%), wing coverts (25.3%), tertials (8.4%) or simultaneously in several of these tracts of feathers (29.4%). Moult of rectrices was finished before completion of moult of wing coverts and tertials. Moult of tertials finished as the last from all age-indicative tracts of feathers. Consequently, tertials were suggested as the most useful for ageing of first-year Common Snipes in an advanced stage of moult. There was no case of moult of the outermost tertial in first-year birds. The second tertial from distal side of wing was moulted as the last one within this tract of feathers and thereby should be of special interest during plumage examination
Rola Poznania jako ośrodka metropolitalnego i jego powiązania w województwie wielkopolskim
W artykule przedstawiono istotę relacji Poznania jako ośrodka metropolitalnego z otoczeniem regionalnym w kontekście procesów absorpcji i dyfuzji. Przedmiotem badań jest pozycja społeczno-gospodarcza Poznania i jego obszaru metropolitalnego w województwie wielkopolskim. Analiza powiązań przestrzenno-funkcjonalnych dotyczy zasadniczo relacji Poznań–region i sprowadza się do powiązań transportowych, przepływów siły roboczej oraz zasięgu oddziaływania szkół wyższych. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że procesowi metropolizacji powinna towarzyszyć poprawa systemu transportowego oraz dyfuzja funkcji metropolitalnych do ośrodków subregionalnych. W tym celu wskazuje się na konieczne działania strategiczne samorządu regionalnego, zwiększające spójność i współpracę terytorialną w regionie
Genetyczne podstawy syntezy cukrowych antygenów grupowych krwi
Diversity of carbohydrate blood group antigens emerged as a result of point mutations in genes encoding glycosyltransferases. In the ABO and P1PK systems, which have the highest clinical relevance, polymorphism is caused by mutations in genes encoding ABO transferase and P1/Pk synthase. In the case of ABO blood group system, mutations in the gene encoding ABO transferase may influence the donor specificity of the enzyme, resulting in synthesis of A or B blood group antigens. In contrast, a point mutation in the gene encoding P1/Pk synthase may cause change of the acceptor specificity of the enzyme, resulting in synthesis of NOR antigen, which is responsible for inheritable NOR polyagglutination. On the other hand, point mutations in the noncoding fragment of that gene may be the cause of P1/P2 blood polymorphism, acting by upregulating the transcription of P1/Pk synthase. The increased transcription may result in expression of P1 antigen, which is absent from erythrocytes from P2 individuals. Thus, influence of point mutations on erythrocyte phenotype may be of quantitative (antigens A, B, NOR) or qualitative nature (antigen P1). This article attempts to provide an insight into the diversity of genes encoding glycosyltransferases and its influence on synthesis of oligosaccharide blood group antigens
Reinterpretacja pionierskich badań z wykorzystaniem pionowych sondowań elektrooporowych budowy geologicznej warstwy wodonośnej
Badania geofizyczne dostarczają przestrzennych informacji o zmienności ośrodka gruntowo-skalnego. Wyniki zastosowania tych metod, także archiwalne, warto wykorzystywać w prowadzonych hydrogeologicznych pracach dokumentacyjnych. Takim przykładem są zrealizowane badania rozpoznawcze w miejscowości Łobodno w północno-zachodniej części Wyżyny Śląsko-Krakowskiej zlokalizowanej w granicach GZWP nr 326 Częstochowa (E). Przeprowadzone tam pionowe sondowania elektrooporowe, korelowane z profilami wierceń umożliwiły m.in.: (i) zwiększenie głębokości rozpoznania z ok. 70 do 100–150 m p.p.t. obejmując czwartorzędowe grunty gliniasto-piaszczyste przykrywające górnojurajski kompleks wapieni zalegających na środkowojurajskich iłach i marglach, (ii) identyfikację głębokości zalegania różnych utworów gruntowo-skalnych wraz z określeniem reliefu ich stropu, (iii) wskazanie zmienności litologiczno-strukturalnej w obrębie tych samych wydzieleń, (iv) lokalizację większych dyslokacji, (v) dokładniejsze opisanie warunków przepływu wód podziemnych
On distributed data processing in data grid architecture for a virtual repository
The article describes the problem of integration of distributed, heterogeneous and fragmented collections of data with application of the virtual repository and the data grid concept. The technology involves: wrappers enveloping external resources, a virtual network (based on the peer-topeer technology) responsible for integration of data into one global schema and a distributed index for speeding-up data retrieval. Authors present a method for obtaining data from heterogeneously structured external databases and then a procedure of integration the data to one, commonly available, global schema. The core of the described solution is based on the Stack-Based Query Language (SBQL) and virtual updatable SBQL views. The system transport and indexing layer is based on the P2P architecture
Shall intraoperative OCT become standard equipment of modern operating room?
The role of intraoperative OCT (iOCT) in ophthalmic surgery is still a matter of active research and enhancements to integrative technologies. Further research is necessary to better define the specific applications of iOCT that impact surgical decision-making and as such help to achieve better patient outcomes, both in anterior and in posterior segment of the eye. In time to come advancements in integrative systems, OCT-friendly instrumentation, and software algorithms will most likely expand the horizon of iOCT even further
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography as a New Tool for Evaluation of the Subclinical Retinal Involvement in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus—A Review
Knowing the proven relationship between lupus retinopathy and systemic changes and disease activity, it is crucial to find the possibility of early diagnosis of retinal changes at a subclinical level in order to provide faster medical intervention and protect the patient from irreversible changes in the eye and other organs. The aim of this review is an analysis of studies investigating early pathological changes in retinal vascularization obtained by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and their relationship to the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A literature search was performed to identify all relevant articles, regarding detection of subclinical retinal changes using OCTA in systemic lupus erythematosus listed in PubMed database. Seven out of seven papers found showed a decrease in superficial capillary plexus in ocular asymptomatic patients diagnosed with SLE. A decrease in retinal vessel density measured by OCTA may be a good marker of SLE activity and poor prognosis. OCTA in a safe manner can give clinicians a new perspective on processes of vessel remodeling and answer the question of how SLE might impact the eye from a structural point of view. Adding OCTA to the standard diagnostic process of SLE patients, may detect systemic changes early and prevent further visual deterioration by stopping progression of lupus retinopathy
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