6 research outputs found

    Using innovation platforms to scale out soil acidity-ameliorating technologies in Dedza district in central Malawi

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    Integrated Management for Striga Control in Malawi

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    In Malawi, Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze infestation presents a serious constraint to small-scale farmers who must grow cereals, in particular, maize, for food. The successful introduction of highly productive and acceptable flint maize hybrids is under threat from Striga. Little is known of the economic importance of Striga in other host crops. When the control of this weed is reviewed, it appears that information applied on the management of Striga asiatica is largely based on extensive work on Striga species infesting sorghum. It is, however, generally agreed that the best solution in the control of Striga is an integrated approach that includes a combination of methods that are within reach of the farmer and considered worthwhile by the farmer. This paper attempts to mould a topical inventory of work on S. asiatica in the region into a research perspective for the small-scale farmer in maize-based cropping systems in Malawi.Au Malawi, l'infestation des cereales par le Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze, en particulier sur le mais, produit alimentaire de base, constitue une contrainte importante pour les petits producteurs. La reussite des efforts destines e introduire des hybrides de mais acceptables et a haut rendements est ainsi compromise. Il n'existe pas beacoup d'information sur l'importance economique de Striga sur d'autres cultures htes. Lorsque l'on evalue les methodes de controle de cette herbe, on constate que l'information appliquee a sa gestion est largement basee sur le travail extensif mene sur les especes de Striga infestant le sorgho. Il est, toutefois, generalement accepte que la meilleure solution pour son controle s'est trouve dans une approche integree qui comprend une combinaison des methodes abordables par le petit paysan et considerees valorisantes par celui-ci. Ce document, tente de constituer en inventaire des themes de recherches qui peuvent etre menees sur le S. asiatica dans la region, pour les petits producteurs au Malawi, dans des systemes de cultures incorporant le mais

    Knowledge and Perceptions of Extension Officers on Striga spp. in Lilongwe and Machinga Agricultural Development Divisions in Malawi

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    A training session on Striga spp. biology, ecology and control practices was held for extension officers from sixty extension planning areas (EPAs) of Lilongwe and Machinga Agricultural Development Divisions in Malawi. Following the training session a questionnaire was then used to assess whether extension officers meet the requirements for explaining to farmers the complexity of the Striga spp. problem. Although the officers appeared conversant with potential oposition for control of Striga spp., their knowledge about the biology and ecology of the parasitic weed was weak. Front-line agricultural extension staff must be aware of the biology and ecology of Striga spp., and the long-term approach to be followed to manage Striga spp. effectively. In turn this knowledge must be made available to farmers through participatory approaches that are `farmer' or `situation' specific. The development of appropriate extension materials and practical training will be required if extension staff are to communicate potential innovations to combat Striga spp. UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology Vol. 4 (1) 2000: pp 93-9

    Model validation through long-term promising sustainable maize/pigeon pea residue management in Malawi

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    In the 2005/2006 season, the Model Validation Through Long-Term Promising Sustainable Maize/Pigeon Pea Residue Management experiment was in the 11th year at Chitedze and Chitala, and in the 8th year at Makoka and Zombwe. The experiment was a split-plot design with cropping system as the main plot and residue management as the subplot. All treatments were subjected to two fertilizer regimes. In the first regime, there was no addition of inorganic fertilizer and in the second, there was addition of inorganic fertilizer at area-specific fertilizer recommendation rate. The evaluation was done at Chitala, Chitedze, Makoka and Zombwe. Significant differences (P = 0.05) were observed in maize grain yield among sites and cropping systems. Highest grain yields were recorded at Chitedze (5,342 kg/ha). However, the response trend in grain yield to different cropping systems remained the same in all sites. Best yields were recorded in maize grown following pigeon pea in rotation system followed by maize intercropped with pigeon pea. The addition of inorganic fertilizer increased maize yield significantly. Removal or retention of crop residue in the field did not contribute any significant yield increase of maize across sites. For resource-poor smallholder farmers, growing maize/pigeon pea in rotation and maize intercropped with pigeon pea seems to be more profitable in terms of resource utilization and soil fertility improvement