82 research outputs found

    Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2{\Bbb C}^2 are not semianalytic

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    For any polynomial diffeomorphism ff of C2{\Bbb C}^2 with positive entropy, neither the Julia set of ff nor of its inverse fβˆ’1f^{-1} is semi-analytic

    Dynamics of Rational Surface Automorphisms: Rotation Domains

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    We consider rational surface automorphisms with positive entropy. A Fatou component is said to be a rotation domain if the automorphism induces a torus action on it. Here we construct a rational surface automorphism with positive entropy with the following property: it has a rotation domain which contains both a curve of fixed points and isolated fixed points. This Fatou component cannot be imbedded into complex euclidean space, so we introduce a global linear model space and show that it can be globally linearized in this model

    No smooth Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2\mathbb{C}^2 with positive entropy

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    For any polynomial diffeomorphism ff of C2\mathbb{C}^2 with positive entropy, neither the Julia set of ff nor of its inverse fβˆ’1f^{-1} is C1C^1 smooth as a manifold-with-boundary

    Exponential Martingales and Time integrals of Brownian Motion

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    We find a simple expression for the probability density of ∫exp⁑(Bsβˆ’s/2)ds\int \exp (B_s - s/2) ds in terms of its distribution function and the distribution function for the time integral of exp⁑(Bs+s/2)\exp (B_s + s/2). The relation is obtained with a change of measure argument where expectations over events determined by the time integral are replaced by expectations over the entire probability space. We develop precise information concerning the lower tail probabilities for these random variables as well as for time integrals of geometric Brownian motion with arbitrary constant drift. In particular, E[exp⁑(ΞΈ/∫exp⁑(Bs)ds)]E[ \exp\big(\theta / \int \exp (B_s)ds\big) ] is finite iff ΞΈ<2\theta < 2. We present a new formula for the price of an Asian call option

    One-Factor Term Structure without Forward Rates

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    We construct a no-arbitrage model of bond prices where the long bond is used as a numeraire. We develop bond prices and their dynamics without developing any model for the spot rate or forward rates. The model is arbitrage free and all nominal interest rates remain positive in the model. We give examples where our model does not have a spot rate; other examples include both spot and forward rates

    Linear Recurrences in the Degree Sequences of Monomial Mappings

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    Let AA be an integer matrix, and let fAf_A be the associated monomial map. We give a connection between the eigenvalues of AA and existence of a linear recurrence relation in the sequence of degrees

    Entropy of real rational surface automorphisms

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    We compare real and complex dynamics for automorphisms of rational surfaces that are obtained by lifting \chg{some} quadratic birational maps of the plane. In particular, we show how to exploit the existence of an invariant cubic curve to understand how the real part of an automorphism acts on homology. We apply this understanding to give examples where the entropy of the full (complex) automorphism is the same as its real restriction. Conversely and by different methods, we exhibit different examples where the entropy is strictly decreased by restricting to the real part of the surface. Finally, we give an example of a rational surface automorphism with positive entropy whose periodic cycles are all real

    Degree growth of matrix inversion: birational maps of symmetric, cyclic matrices

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    We consider two (densely defined) involutions on the space of qΓ—qq\times q matrices; I(xij)I(x_{ij}) is the matrix inverse of (xij)(x_{ij}), and J(xij)J(x_{ij}) is the matrix whose ijijth entry is the reciprocal xijβˆ’1x_{ij}^{-1}. Let K=I∘JK=I\circ J. The set SCq{\cal SC}_q of symmetric, cyclic matrices is invariant under KK. In this paper, we determine the degrees of the iterates Kn=K∘...∘KK^n=K\circ...\circ K restricted to SCq{\cal SC}_q

    Linear Fractional Recurrences: Periodicities and Integrability

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    We consider k-step recurrences of the form zn+k=A(z)/B(z)z_{n+k} = A(z)/B(z), where A and B are linear functions of zn,zn+1,...,zn+kβˆ’1z_n, z_{n+1}, ..., z_{n+k-1}, which we call k-step linear fractional recurrences. The first Theorem in this paper shows that for each k there are k-step linear fractional recurrences which are periodic of period 4k. Among this class of recurrences, there is also the so-called Lyness process, which has the form A(z)/B(z)=(a+zn+1+zn+2+...+zn+kβˆ’1)/znA(z)/B(z) = (a +z_{n+1} + z_{n+2} + ... + z_{n+k-1})/z_n. The second Theorem shows that the Lyness process has quadratic degree growth. The Lyness process is integrable, and we discuss its known integrals

    On the Degree Growth of Birational Mappings in Higher Dimension

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    Let ff be a birational map of Cd{\bf C}^d, and consider the degree complexity, or asymptotic degree growth rate Ξ΄(f)=lim⁑nβ†’βˆž(deg(fn))1/n\delta(f)=\lim_{n\to\infty}({\rm deg}(f^n))^{1/n}. We introduce a family of elementary maps, which have the form f=L∘Jf=L\circ J, where LL is (invertible) linear, and J(x1,...,xd)=(x1βˆ’1,...,xdβˆ’1)J(x_1,...,x_d)=(x_1^{-1},...,x_d^{-1}). We develop a method of regularization and show how it can be used to compute Ξ΄\delta for an elementary map
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