36 research outputs found

    Two different point mutations in ABL gene ATP-binding domain conferring Primary Imatinib resistance in a Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) patient: A case report

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    Imatinib (Gleevec) is the effective therapy for BCR-ABL positive CML patients. Point mutations have been detected in ATP-binding domain of ABL gene which disturbs the binding of Gleevec to this target leading to resistance. Detection of mutations is helpful in clinical management of imatinib resistance. We established a very sensitive (ASO) PCR to detect mutations in an imatinib-resistant CML patient. Mutations C944T and T1052C were detected which cause complete partial imatinib resistance, respectively. This is the first report of multiple point mutations conferring primary imatinib resistance in same patient at the same time. Understanding the biological reasons of primary imatinib resistance is one of the emerging issues of pharmacogenomics and will be helpful in understanding primary resistance of molecularly-targeted cancer therapies. It will also be of great utilization in clinical management of imatinib resistance. Moreover, this ASO-PCR assay is very effective in detecting mutations related to imatinib resistance

    Effect of Cellular Quiescence on the Success of Targeted CML Therapy

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    Similar to tissue stem cells, primitive tumor cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia have been observed to undergo quiescence; that is, the cells can temporarily stop dividing. Using mathematical models, we investigate the effect of cellular quiescence on the outcome of therapy with targeted small molecule inhibitors.According to the models, the initiation of treatment can result in different patterns of tumor cell decline: a biphasic decline, a one-phase decline, and a reverse biphasic decline. A biphasic decline involves a fast initial phase (which roughly corresponds to the eradication of cycling cells by the drug), followed by a second and slower phase of exponential decline (corresponding to awakening and death of quiescent cells), which helps explain clinical data. We define the time when the switch to the second phase occurs, and identify parameters that determine whether therapy can drive the tumor extinct in a reasonable period of time or not. We further ask how cellular quiescence affects the evolution of drug resistance. We find that it has no effect on the probability that resistant mutants exist before therapy if treatment occurs with a single drug, but that quiescence increases the probability of having resistant mutants if patients are treated with a combination of two or more drugs with different targets. Interestingly, while quiescence prolongs the time until therapy reduces the number of cells to low levels or extinction, the therapy phase is irrelevant for the evolution of drug resistant mutants. If treatment fails as a result of resistance, the mutants will have evolved during the tumor growth phase, before the start of therapy. Thus, prevention of resistance is not promoted by reducing the quiescent cell population during therapy (e.g., by a combination of cell activation and drug-mediated killing).The mathematical models provide insights into the effect of quiescence on the basic kinetics of the response to targeted treatment of CML. They identify determinants of success in the absence of drug resistant mutants, and elucidate how quiescence influences the emergence of drug resistant mutants

    Distant agricultural landscapes

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11625-014-0278-0This paper examines the relationship between the development of the dominant industrial food system and its associated global economic drivers and the environmental sustainability of agricultural landscapes. It makes the case that the growth of the global industrial food system has encouraged increasingly complex forms of “distance” that separate food both geographically and mentally from the landscapes on which it was produced. This separation between food and its originating landscape poses challenges for the ability of more localized agricultural sustainability initiatives to address some of the broader problems in the global food system. In particular, distance enables certain powerful actors to externalize ecological and social costs, which in turn makes it difficult to link specific global actors to particular biophysical and social impacts felt on local agricultural landscapes. Feedback mechanisms that normally would provide pressure for improved agricultural sustainability are weak because there is a lack of clarity regarding responsibility for outcomes. The paper provides a brief illustration of these dynamics with a closer look at increased financialization in the food system. It shows that new forms of distancing are encouraged by the growing significance of financial markets in global agrifood value chains. This dynamic has a substantial impact on food system outcomes and ultimately complicates efforts to scale up small-scale local agricultural models that are more sustainable.The Trudeau Foundation || Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canad

    RNAi in the regulation of mammalian viral infections

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    Although RNA interference (RNAi) is known to play an important part in defense against viruses of invertebrates, its contribution to mammalian anti-viral defense has been a matter of dispute. This is surprising because all components of the RNAi machinery necessary for robust RNAi-mediated restriction of viruses are conserved in mammals, and the introduction of synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) into cells efficiently silences the replication of viruses that contain siRNA complementary sequences in those cells. Here, I discuss the reasons for the dispute, and review the evidence that RNAi is a part of the physiological defense of mammalian cells against viral infections

    eLand Governance in India: Transcending Digitization

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    Part 1: General E-Government and Open GovernmentInternational audienceLand governance is a complex issue to be addressed in many countries including India. All three branches of the government viz. judiciary, executive and legislature have tried to address the issue in various forms but have failed to achieve the outcomes of development. The failure, or limited success can be attributed to their narrow vision of or focus on the problem. The objectives of land governance have changed over time. With the advent of digitization, land administration has become more efficient and transparent, aiding the managerial process of land records and registration. However, the outcomes of economic, social, human, and cultural development, have been given paltry importance. In this paper we present the cases of Bhoomi and KAVERI, two initiatives to computerize land records and registration in the state of Karnataka, India. We present an ontological framework to envision the big picture in eLand governance. We argue that in achieving the desired outcome, we must see the problem in its entirety without losing focus on its key aspects. Regarding eland Governance, policy instruments, eGovernance, and land governance must work in tandem

    MicroRNAs 130a/b are regulated by BCR-ABL and downregulate expression of CCN3 in CML

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    Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by the expression of the oncoprotein, Bcr-Abl kinase. CCN3 normally functions as a negative growth regulator, but it is downregulated in CML, the mechanism of which is not known. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, which negatively regulate protein translation by binding to the complimentary sequences of the 3′ UTR of messenger RNAs. Deregulated miRNA expression has emerged as a hallmark of cancer. In CML, BCR-ABL upregulates oncogenic miRNAs and downregulates tumour suppressor miRNAs favouring leukaemic transformation. We report here that the downregulation of CCN3 in CML is mediated by BCR-ABL dependent miRNAs. Using the CML cell line K562, we profiled miRNAs, which are BCR-ABL dependent by transfecting K562 cells with anti-BCR-ABL siRNA. MiRNA expression levels were quantified using the Taqman Low Density miRNA array platform. From the miRNA target prediction databases we identified miRNAs that could potentially bind to CCN3 mRNA and reduce expression. Of these, miR-130a, miR-130b, miR-148a, miR-212 and miR-425-5p were significantly reduced on BCR-ABL knockdown, with both miR-130a and miR-130b decreasing the most within 24 h of siRNA treatment. Transfection of mature sequences of miR-130a and miR-130b individually into BCR-ABL negative HL60 cells resulted in a decrease of both CCN3 mRNA and protein. The reduction in CCN3 was greatest with overexpression of miR-130a whereas miR-130b overexpression resulted only in marginal repression of CCN3. This study shows that miRNAs modulate CCN3 expression. Deregulated miRNA expression initiated by BCR-ABL may be one mechanism of downregulating CCN3 whereby leukaemic cells evade negative growth regulation