26 research outputs found

    Gate-tunable giant nonreciprocal charge transport in noncentrosymmetric oxide interfaces

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    A polar conductor, where inversion symmetry is broken, may exhibit directional propagation of itinerant electrons, i.e., the rightward and leftward currents differ from each other, when time-reversal symmetry is also broken. This potential rectification effect was shown to be very weak due to the fact that the kinetic energy is much higher than the energies associated with symmetry breaking, producing weak perturbations. Here we demonstrate the appearance of giant nonreciprocal charge transport in the conductive oxide interface, LaAlO3/SrTiO3, where the electrons are confined to two-dimensions with low Fermi energy. In addition, the Rashba spin???orbit interaction correlated with the sub-band hierarchy of this system enables a strongly tunable nonreciprocal response by applying a gate voltage. The observed behavior of directional response in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 is associated with comparable energy scales among kinetic energy, spin???orbit interaction, and magnetic field, which inspires a promising route to enhance nonreciprocal response and its functionalities in spin orbitronics

    Towards colloidal spintronics through Rashba spin-orbit interaction in lead sulphide nanosheets

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    Employing the spin degree of freedom of charge carriers offers the possibility to extend the functionality of conventional electronic devices, while colloidal chemistry can be used to synthesize inexpensive and tuneable nanomaterials. In order to benefit from both concepts, Rashba spin-orbit interaction has been investigated in colloidal lead sulphide nanosheets by electrical measurements on the circular photo-galvanic effect. Lead sulphide nanosheets possess rock salt crystal structure, which is centrosymmetric. The symmetry can be broken by quantum confinement, asymmetric vertical interfaces and a gate electric field leading to Rashba-type band splitting in momentum space at the M points, which results in an unconventional selection mechanism for the excitation of the carriers. The effect, which is supported by simulations of the band structure using density functional theory, can be tuned by the gate electric field and by the thickness of the sheets. Spin-related electrical transport phenomena in colloidal materials open a promising pathway towards future inexpensive spintronic devices.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Origin of ferroelectric polarization in spiral magnetic structure of MnWO(4)

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    Magnetism and the origin of ferroelectricity in the multiferroic MnWO(4) are studied using ab initio electronic-structure calculations, correctly reproducing the magnetic ground state. The calculated ferroelectric polarization is in good agreement with experiments. Our results reveal that spin-orbit interaction is necessary and sufficient to explain the observed ferroelectric polarization, establishing an entirely electronic origin of ferroelectricity in MnWO(4). The origin of spin-orbit interaction in this compound with a nominally d(5) L=0 orbitally quenched state is elucidated by analyzing results of x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    First-Principles Study of the Effect of Organic Ligands on the Crystal Structure of CdS Nanoparticles

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    We show with the aid of first-principles electronic structure calculations that suitable choice of the capping ligands may be an important control parameter for crystal structure engineering of nanoparticles. Our calculations on CdS nanocrystals reveal that the binding energy of model trioctylphosphine molecules on the (001) facets of zincblende nanocrystals is larger compared to that on wurtzite facets. Similarly, the binding energy of model cis-oleic acid is found to be dominant for the (10 (1) over bar0) facets of wurtzite structure. As a consequence, trioctylphosphine as a capping agent stabilizes the zincblende structure while cis-oleic acid stabilizes the wurtzite phase by influencing the surface energy, which has a sizable contribution to the energetics of a nanocrystal. Our detailed analysis suggests that the binding of molecules on the nanocrystalline facets depends on the surface topology of the facets, the coordination of the surface atoms where the capping molecule is likely to attach, and the conformation of the capping molecule

    2Flux growth and characterization of Ce-substituted Nd2Fe14B single crystals

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    Single crystals of (Nd1−xCex)2Fe14B, some reaching ∼6×8×8mm3 in volume, are grown out of Fe-(Nd, Ce) flux. This crystal growth method allows for large (Nd1−xCex)2Fe14B single crystals to be synthesized using a simple flux growth procedure. Chemical and structural analyses of the crystals indicate that (Nd1−xCex)2Fe14B forms a solid solution until at least x=0.38 with a Vegard-like variation of the lattice constants with x. Refinements of single crystal neutron diffraction data indicate that Ce has a slight site preference (7:3) for the 4g rare earth site over the 4f site. Magnetization measurements at 300 K show only small decreases with increasing Ce content in saturation magnetization (Ms) and anisotropy field (HA), and Curie temperature (TC). First principles calculations are carried out to understand the effect of Ce substitution on the electronic and magnetic properties. For a multitude of applications, it is expected that the advantage of incorporating lower-cost and more abundant Ce will outweigh the small adverse effects on magnetic properties. Ce-substituted Nd2Fe14B is therefore a potential high-performance permanent magnet material with substantially reduced Nd content