598 research outputs found


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    The non-linear coalescence instability of current carrying solar loops can explain many of the characteristics of the solar flares such as their impulsive nature, heating and high energy particle acceleration, amplitude oscillations of electromagnetic emission as well as the characteristics of 2-D microwave images obtained during a flare. The plasma compressibility leads to the explosive phase of loop coalescence and its overshoot results in amplitude oscillations in temperatures by adiabatic compression and decompression. We note that the presence of strong electric fields and super-Alfvenic flows during the course of the instabilty paly an important role in the production of non-thermal particles. A qualitative explanation on the physical processes taking place during the non-linear stages of the instability is given

    Eruptions of Magnetic Ropes in Two Homologous Solar Events on 2002 June 1 and 2: a Key to Understanding of an Enigmatic Flare

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    The goal of this paper is to understand the drivers, configurations, and scenarios of two similar eruptive events, which occurred in the same solar active region 9973 on 2002 June 1 and 2. The June 2 event was previously studied by Sui, Holman, and Dennis (2006, 2008), who concluded that it was challenging for popular flare models. Using multi-spectral data, we analyze a combination of the two events. Each of the events exhibited an evolving cusp-like feature. We have revealed that these apparent ``cusps'' were most likely mimicked by twisted magnetic flux ropes, but unlikely to be related to the inverted Y-like magnetic configuration in the standard flare model. The ropes originated inside a funnel-like magnetic domain whose base was bounded by an EUV ring structure, and the top was associated with a coronal null point. The ropes appear to be the major drivers for the events, but their rise was not triggered by reconnection in the coronal null point. We propose a scenario and a three-dimensional scheme for these events in which the filament eruptions and flares were caused by interaction of the ropes.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Classical generalized constant coupling model for geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets

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    A generalized constant coupling approximation for classical geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets is presented. Starting from a frustrated unit we introduce the interactions with the surrounding units in terms of an internal effective field which is fixed by a self consistency condition. Results for the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat are compared with Monte Carlo data for the classical Heisenberg model for the pyrochlore and kagome lattices. The predictions for the susceptibility are found to be essentially exact, and the corresponding predictions for the specific heat are found to be in very good agreement with the Monte Carlo results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 columns. Discussion about the zero T value of the pyrochlore specific heat correcte

    QCD Form Factors and Hadron Helicity Non-Conservation

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    Recent data for the ratio R(Q)=QF2(Q2)/F1(Q2)R(Q)= QF_{2}(Q^{2})/F_{1}(Q^{2}) shocked the community by disobeying expectations held for 50 years. We examine the status of perturbative QCD predictions for helicity-flip form factors. Contrary to common belief, we find there is no rule of hadron helicity conservation for form factors. Instead the analysis yields an inequality that the leading power of helicity-flip processes may equal or exceed the power of helicity conserving processes. Numerical calculations support the rule, and extend the result to the regime of laboratory momentum transfer Q2Q^{2}. Quark orbital angular momentum, an important feature of the helicity flip processes, may play a role in all form factors at large Q2Q^{2}, depending on the quark wave functions.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    From GHz to mHz: A Multiwavelength Study of the Acoustically Active 14 August 2004 M7.4 Solar Flare

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    We carried out an electromagnetic acoustic analysis of the solar flare of 14 August 2004 in active region AR10656 from the radio to the hard X-ray spectrum. The flare was a GOES soft X-ray class M7.4 and produced a detectable sun quake, confirming earlier inferences that relatively low-energy flares may be able to generate sun quakes. We introduce the hypothesis that the seismicity of the active region is closely related to the heights of coronal magnetic loops that conduct high-energy particles from the flare. In the case of relatively short magnetic loops, chromospheric evaporation populates the loop interior with ionized gas relatively rapidly, expediting the scattering of remaining trapped high-energy electrons into the magnetic loss cone and their rapid precipitation into the chromosphere. This increases both the intensity and suddenness of the chromospheric heating, satisfying the basic conditions for an acoustic emission that penetrates into the solar interior.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physic

    Radio Bursts Associated with Flare and Ejecta in the 13 July 2004 Event

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    We investigate coronal transients associated with a GOES M6.7 class flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME) on 13 July 2004. During the rising phase of the flare, a filament eruption, loop expansion, a Moreton wave, and an ejecta were observed. An EIT wave was detected later on. The main features in the radio dynamic spectrum were a frequency-drifting continuum and two type II bursts. Our analysis shows that if the first type II burst was formed in the low corona, the burst heights and speed are close to the projected distances and speed of the Moreton wave (a chromospheric shock wave signature). The frequency-drifting radio continuum, starting above 1 GHz, was formed almost two minutes prior to any shock features becoming visible, and a fast-expanding piston (visible as the continuum) could have launched another shock wave. A possible scenario is that a flare blast overtook the earlier transient, and ignited the first type II burst. The second type II burst may have been formed by the same shock, but only if the shock was propagating at a constant speed. This interpretation also requires that the shock-producing regions were located at different parts of the propagating structure, or that the shock was passing through regions with highly different atmospheric densities. This complex event, with a multitude of radio features and transients at other wavelengths, presents evidence for both blast-wave-related and CME-related radio emissions.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; Solar Physics Topical Issue, in pres

    Homologous Flares and Magnetic Field Topology in Active Region NOAA 10501 on 20 November 2003

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    We present and interpret observations of two morphologically homologous flares that occurred in active region (AR) NOAA 10501 on 20 November 2003. Both flares displayed four homologous H-alpha ribbons and were both accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The central flare ribbons were located at the site of an emerging bipole in the center of the active region. The negative polarity of this bipole fragmented in two main pieces, one rotating around the positive polarity by ~ 110 deg within 32 hours. We model the coronal magnetic field and compute its topology, using as boundary condition the magnetogram closest in time to each flare. In particular, we calculate the location of quasiseparatrix layers (QSLs) in order to understand the connectivity between the flare ribbons. Though several polarities were present in AR 10501, the global magnetic field topology corresponds to a quadrupolar magnetic field distribution without magnetic null points. For both flares, the photospheric traces of QSLs are similar and match well the locations of the four H-alpha ribbons. This globally unchanged topology and the continuous shearing by the rotating bipole are two key factors responsible for the flare homology. However, our analyses also indicate that different magnetic connectivity domains of the quadrupolar configuration become unstable during each flare, so that magnetic reconnection proceeds differently in both events.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, Solar Physics (accepted

    Multiwavelength Observations of Supersonic Plasma Blob Triggered by Reconnection Generated Velocity Pulse in AR10808

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    Using multi-wavelength observations of Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SoHO)/Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) 171 \AA, and Hα\alpha from Culgoora Solar Observatory at Narrabri, Australia, we present a unique observational signature of a propagating supersonic plasma blob before an M6.2 class solar flare in AR10808 on 9th September 2005. The blob was observed between 05:27 UT to 05:32 UT with almost a constant shape for the first 2-3 minutes, and thereafter it quickly vanished in the corona. The observed lower bound speed of the blob is estimated as \sim215 km s1^{-1} in its dynamical phase. The evidence of the blob with almost similar shape and velocity concurrent in Hα\alpha and TRACE 171 \AA\ supports its formation by multi-temperature plasma. The energy release by a recurrent 3-D reconnection process via the separator dome below the magnetic null point, between the emerging flux and pre-existing field lines in the lower solar atmosphere, is found to be the driver of a radial velocity pulse outwards that accelerates this plasma blob in the solar atmosphere. In support of identification of the possible driver of the observed eruption, we solve the two-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations numerically to simulate the observed supersonic plasma blob. The numerical modelling closely match the observed velocity, evolution of multi-temperature plasma, and quick vanishing of the blob found in the observations. Under typical coronal conditions, such blobs may also carry an energy flux of 7.0×106\times10^{6} ergs cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} to re-balance the coronal losses above active regions.Comment: Solar Physics; 22 Pages; 8 Figure

    Nuclear transparency from quasielastic A(e,e'p) reactions uo to Q^2=8.1 (GeV/c)^2

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    The quasielastic (e,e^\primep) reaction was studied on targets of deuterium, carbon, and iron up to a value of momentum transfer Q2Q^2 of 8.1 (GeV/c)2^2. A nuclear transparency was determined by comparing the data to calculations in the Plane-Wave Impulse Approximation. The dependence of the nuclear transparency on Q2Q^2 and the mass number AA was investigated in a search for the onset of the Color Transparency phenomenon. We find no evidence for the onset of Color Transparency within our range of Q2Q^2. A fit to the world's nuclear transparency data reflects the energy dependence of the free proton-nucleon cross section.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS

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    We present the results of a search for new, heavy particles that decay at a significant distance from their production point into a final state containing charged hadrons in association with a high-momentum muon. The search is conducted in a pp-collision data sample with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 33 pb^-1 collected in 2010 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. Production of such particles is expected in various scenarios of physics beyond the standard model. We observe no signal and place limits on the production cross-section of supersymmetric particles in an R-parity-violating scenario as a function of the neutralino lifetime. Limits are presented for different squark and neutralino masses, enabling extension of the limits to a variety of other models.Comment: 8 pages plus author list (20 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version to appear in Physics Letters